require 'spec_helper' describe TwilioTestToolkit::CallScope do before(:each) do @our_number = "2065551212" @their_number = "2065553434" end describe "basics" do before(:each) do @call = ttt_call(test_start_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) end it "should be a CallScope" do @call.should be_a(TwilioTestToolkit::CallScope) end it "should have the informational methods" do @call.should respond_to(:current_path) @call.should respond_to(:response_xml) end it "should have the right path" do @call.current_path.should == test_start_twilio_index_path end it "should have a response xml value" do @call.response_xml.should_not be_blank end it "should have the right root call" do @call.should respond_to(:root_call) @call.root_call.should == @call end end describe "redirect" do describe "success" do before(:each) do @call = ttt_call(test_redirect_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) end it "should have the redirect methods" do @call.should respond_to(:has_redirect?) @call.should respond_to(:has_redirect_to?) @call.should respond_to(:follow_redirect) @call.should respond_to(:follow_redirect!) end it "should have the right value for has_redirect?" do @call.should have_redirect end it "should have the right values for has_redirect_to?" do @call.has_redirect_to?("http://foo").should be_false @call.has_redirect_to?(test_start_twilio_index_path).should be_true @call.has_redirect_to?(test_start_twilio_index_path + ".xml").should be_true # Should force normalization end it "should follow the redirect (immutable version)" do # follow_redirect returns a new CallScope newcall = @call.follow_redirect # Make sure it followed newcall.current_path.should == test_start_twilio_index_path # And is not the same call newcall.response_xml.should_not == @call.response_xml # But it's linked newcall.root_call.should == @call # And we did not modify the original call @call.current_path.should == test_redirect_twilio_index_path end it "should follow the redirect (mutable version)" do # follow_redirect! modifies the CallScope @call.follow_redirect! # Make sure it followed @call.current_path.should == test_start_twilio_index_path end it "should submit default params on follow_redirect" do default_request_params = { :format => :xml, :From => "2065551212", :Digits => "", :To => "2065553434", :AnsweredBy => "human", :CallStatus => "in-progress" } Capybara.current_session.driver .should_receive(:post) .with("/twilio/test_start", hash_including(default_request_params)) .and_call_original @call.follow_redirect end it "should consider options for follow_redirect!" do Capybara.current_session.driver .should_receive(:post) .with("/twilio/test_start", hash_including(:CallStatus => "completed")) .and_call_original @call.follow_redirect!(call_status: "completed") end it "should consider options for follow_redirect" do Capybara.current_session.driver .should_receive(:post) .with("/twilio/test_start", hash_including(:CallStatus => "completed")) .and_call_original @call.follow_redirect(call_status: "completed") end end describe "failure" do before(:each) do # Initiate a call that's not on a redirect - various calls will fail @call = ttt_call(test_say_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) end it "should have the right value for has_redirect?" do @call.should_not have_redirect end it "should have the right values for has_redirect_to?" do @call.has_redirect_to?("http://foo").should be_false @call.has_redirect_to?(test_start_twilio_index_path).should be_false @call.has_redirect_to?(test_start_twilio_index_path + ".xml").should be_false end it "should raise an error on follow_redirect" do lambda {@call.follow_redirect}.should raise_error end it "should raise an error on follow_redirect!" do lambda {@call.follow_redirect!}.should raise_error end end end describe "say" do before(:each) do @call = ttt_call(test_say_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) end it "should have the expected say methods" do @call.should respond_to(:has_say?) end it "should have the right values for has_say?" do @call.has_say?("Blah blah").should be_false @call.has_say?("This is a say page.").should be_true @call.has_say?("This is").should be_true # Partial match end end describe "play" do before(:each) do @call = ttt_call(test_play_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) end it "should have the expected say play methods" do @call.should respond_to(:has_play?) end it "should have the right values for has_say?" do @call.has_play?("/path/to/a/different/audio/clip.mp3").should be_false @call.has_play?("/path/to/an/audio/clip.mp3").should be_true @call.has_play?("clip.mp3").should be_false end end describe "dial" do before(:each) do @call = ttt_call(test_dial_with_action_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) end it "should have the expected dial methods" do @call.should respond_to(:has_dial?) end it "should have the right values for has_dial?" do @call.has_dial?("911").should be_false @call.has_dial?("18001234567").should be_true @call.has_dial?("12345").should be_true # Partial match end it "should not match the dial action if there isn't one" do @call = ttt_call(test_dial_with_no_action_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) @call.has_action_on_dial?("").should eq false end it "should match the action on dial if there is one" do @call.has_action_on_dial?("").should be_true end it "should not match the action on dial if it's different than the one specified" do @call.has_action_on_dial?("").should be_false end it "should dial a sip peer with the correct structure" do @call = ttt_call(test_dial_with_sip_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) @call.within_dial do |dial| dial.has_sip?.should be_true dial.within_sip do |sip| sip.has_uri?("").should be_true sip.has_username_on_uri?("foo").should be_true sip.has_password_on_uri?("bar").should be_true end end end end describe "hangup" do describe "success" do before(:each) do @call = ttt_call(test_hangup_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) end it "should have the expected hangup methods" do @call.should respond_to(:has_hangup?) end it "should have the right value for has_hangup?" do @call.should have_hangup end end describe "failure" do before(:each) do @call = ttt_call(test_start_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) end it "should have the right value for has_hangup?" do @call.should_not have_hangup end end end describe "gather" do describe "success" do before(:each) do @call = ttt_call(test_start_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) end it "should have the expected gather methods" do @call.should respond_to(:has_gather?) @call.should respond_to(:within_gather) @call.should respond_to(:gather?) @call.should respond_to(:gather_action) @call.should respond_to(:press) end it "should have the right value for has_gather?" do @call.has_gather?.should be_true end it "should have the right value for gather?" do # Although we have a gather, the current call scope is not itself a gather, so this returns false. @call.gather?.should be_false end it "should fail on gather-scoped methods outside of a gather scope" do lambda {@call.gather_action}.should raise_error lambda { "1234"}.should raise_error end it "should gather" do # We should not have a say that's contained within a gather. @call.should_not have_say("Please enter some digits.") # Now enter the gather block. @call.within_gather do |gather| # We should have a say here gather.should have_say("Please enter some digits.") # We should be in a gather gather.gather?.should be_true # And we should have an action gather.gather_action.should == test_action_twilio_index_path # And we should have the right root call gather.root_call.should == @call # Press some digits. "98765" end # This should update the path @call.current_path.should == test_action_twilio_index_path # This view says the digits we pressed - make sure @call.should have_say "You entered 98765." end it "should gather without a press" do @call.within_gather do |gather| # Do nothing end # We should still be on the same page @call.current_path.should == test_start_twilio_index_path end it "should respond to the default finish key of hash" do @call.within_gather do |gather| "98765#" end @call.should have_say "You entered 98765." end end describe "with finishOnKey specified" do before(:each) do @call = ttt_call(test_gather_finish_on_asterisk_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) end it "should strip the finish key from the digits" do @call.within_gather do |gather| "98765*" end @call.should have_say "You entered 98765." end it "should still accept the digits without a finish key (due to timeout)" do @call.within_gather do |gather| "98765" end @call.should have_say "You entered 98765." end end describe "failure" do before(:each) do @call = ttt_call(test_say_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) end it "should have the right value for has_gather?" do @call.has_gather?.should be_false end it "should have the right value for gather?" do @call.gather?.should be_false end it "should fail on within_gather if there is no gather" do lambda {@call.within_gather do |gather|; end}.should raise_error end it "should fail on gather-scoped methods outside of a gather scope" do lambda {@call.gather_action}.should raise_error lambda { "1234"}.should raise_error end end end describe "record" do before(:each) do @call = ttt_call(test_record_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) end it "should have the expected say record methods" do @call.should respond_to(:has_record?) end it "should have the right action for record" do @call.has_action_on_record?("").should be_true end it "should have the right maxLength for record" do @call.has_max_length_on_record?("20").should be_true end it "should have the right finishOnKey for record" do @call.has_finish_on_key_on_record?("*").should be_true end end describe "conditional handling on call_status" do it "should default to in progress" do @call = ttt_call(test_call_status_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number) @call.should have_say "Your call is in progress." end it "should respond differently to a ringing call" do @call = ttt_call(test_call_status_twilio_index_path, @our_number, @their_number, :call_status => 'ringing') @call.should have_say "Your call is ringing." end end end