# fog:DigitalOcean: class Chef module Provisioning module FogDriver module Providers class DigitalOcean < FogDriver::Driver Driver.register_provider_class('DigitalOcean', FogDriver::Providers::DigitalOcean) def creator '' end def converge_floating_ips(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options, server) # DigitalOcean does not have floating IPs end def bootstrap_options_for(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options) bootstrap_options = symbolize_keys(machine_options[:bootstrap_options] || {}) if bootstrap_options[:key_path] || bootstrap_options[:key_name] bootstrap_options[:key_name] ||= File.basename(bootstrap_options[:key_path]) # Verify that the provided key name and path are in line (or create the key pair if not!) driver = self Provisioning.inline_resource(action_handler) do fog_key_pair bootstrap_options[:key_name] do private_key_path bootstrap_options[:key_path] driver driver end end else bootstrap_options[:key_name] ||= overwrite_default_key_willy_nilly(action_handler, machine_spec) end bootstrap_options[:tags] = default_tags(machine_spec, bootstrap_options[:tags] || {}) if !bootstrap_options[:image_id] && !bootstrap_options[:image] if !bootstrap_options[:image_distribution] && !bootstrap_options[:image_name] bootstrap_options[:image_distribution] = 'CentOS' bootstrap_options[:image_name] = '6.5 x64' end distributions = compute.images.select { |image| image.distribution == bootstrap_options[:image_distribution] } if distributions.empty? raise "No images on DigitalOcean with distribution #{bootstrap_options[:image_distribution].inspect}" end images = distributions.select { |image| image.name == bootstrap_options[:image_name] } if bootstrap_options[:image_name] if images.empty? raise "No images on DigitalOcean with distribution #{bootstrap_options[:image_distribution].inspect} and name #{bootstrap_options[:image_name].inspect}" end bootstrap_options[:image] = images.first.id end if !bootstrap_options[:flavor_id] && !bootstrap_options[:size] bootstrap_options[:flavor_name] ||= '512MB' flavors = compute.flavors.select do |f| f.slug.downcase == bootstrap_options[:flavor_name].downcase end if flavors.empty? raise "Could not find flavor named '#{bootstrap_options[:flavor_name]}' on #{driver_url}" end bootstrap_options[:size] = flavors.first.slug end if !bootstrap_options[:region] bootstrap_options[:region_name] ||= 'San Francisco 1' regions = compute.regions.select { |region| region.name == bootstrap_options[:region_name] } if regions.empty? raise "Could not find region named '#{bootstrap_options[:region_name]}' on #{driver_url}" end bootstrap_options[:region] = regions.first.slug end keys = compute.ssh_keys.select { |k| k.name == bootstrap_options[:key_name] } if keys.empty? raise "Could not find key named '#{bootstrap_options[:key_name]}' on #{driver_url}" end found_key = keys.first bootstrap_options[:ssh_keys] ||= [ found_key.id ] # You don't get to specify name yourself bootstrap_options[:name] = machine_spec.name bootstrap_options[:version] ||= :v2 bootstrap_options end def destroy_machine(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options) server = server_for(machine_spec) if server && server.status != 'archive' action_handler.perform_action "destroy machine #{machine_spec.name} (#{machine_spec.location['server_id']} at #{driver_url})" do server.delete end end machine_spec.location = nil strategy = convergence_strategy_for(machine_spec, machine_options) strategy.cleanup_convergence(action_handler, machine_spec) end def self.compute_options_for(provider, id, config) new_compute_options = {} new_compute_options[:provider] = provider new_config = { :driver_options => { :compute_options => new_compute_options }} new_defaults = { :driver_options => { :compute_options => { version: :v2 } }, :machine_options => { :bootstrap_options => {}, :ssh_options => {} } } result = Cheffish::MergedConfig.new(new_config, config, new_defaults) new_compute_options[:digitalocean_token] = id if (id && id != '') [result, new_compute_options[:digitalocean_token]] end end end end end end