/*jslint vars: true, browser: true, white: true */ /*global jQuery, IQVOC */ IQVOC.onebox = (function($) { "use strict"; function OneBox(container) { this.container = container.jquery ? container : $(container); this.form = this.container.find('form'); this.input = $(".onebox-input", this.form); // TODO: document this.results = $('
    '); this.indicator = $(''). appendTo(this.container).hide(); this.form.on("submit", $.proxy(this, "onSubmit")); this.input.on("keyup", debounce($.proxy(this, "onInput"), 300)); } OneBox.prototype.reset = function() { this.container.children().not(this.form).not(this.indicator).remove(); }; OneBox.prototype.renderResults = function(html) { var doc = $("
    ").append(html); var items = $(".concept-items > li", doc); var pagination = $(".pagination", doc); this.reset(); this.results.empty().append(items).appendTo(this.container); pagination.appendTo(this.container); }; OneBox.prototype.onSubmit = function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); // handled by #onInput }; OneBox.prototype.onInput = function(ev) { var val = this.input.val(); this.reset(); if(val.length > 0 && val !== this.initialValue) { this.getConcepts(); } }; OneBox.prototype.getConcepts = function() { this.indicator.show(); $.ajax({ type: this.form.attr("method"), url: this.form.attr("action"), data: this.form.serialize(), success: $.proxy(this, "onResults") }); }; OneBox.prototype.onResults = function(html, status, xhr) { // TODO request resource with layout=0 // disable scripts (adapted from jQuery#load) var rscript = /)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi; html = html.replace(rscript, ""); this.indicator.hide(); this.renderResults(html); }; return function(selector) { return new OneBox(selector); // XXX: returning an instance of a private class seems weird }; function debounce(fn, delay) { // TODO: move elsewhere var timer; return function() { var self = this; var args = arguments; if(timer) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } timer = setTimeout(function() { fn.apply(self, args); timer = null; }, delay); }; } }(jQuery));