class Standard # @!group Central Air Source Heat Pump # Prototype CentralAirSourceHeatPump object using PlantComponentUserDefined # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param hot_water_loop [<OpenStudio::Model::PlantLoop>] a hot water loop served by the central air source heat pump # @param name [String] the name of the central air source heat pump, or nil in which case it will be defaulted # @param cop [Double] air source heat pump rated cop # @return [OpenStudio::Model::PlantComponentUserDefined] a plant component representing the air source heat pump # @todo update curve to better calculate based on the rated cop # @todo refactor to use the new EnergyPlus central air source heat pump object when it becomes available # set hot_water_loop to an optional keyword argument, and add input keyword arguments for other characteristics def create_central_air_source_heat_pump(model, hot_water_loop, name: nil, cop: 3.65) # create the PlantComponentUserDefined object as a proxy for the Central Air Source Heat Pump plant_comp = if name.nil? if hot_water_loop.nil? name = 'Central Air Source Heat Pump' else name = "#{} Central Air Source Heat Pump" end end # change equipment name for EMS validity plant_comp.setName(name.gsub(/[ +-.]/, '_')) # set plant component properties plant_comp.setPlantLoadingMode('MeetsLoadWithNominalCapacityHiOutLimit') plant_comp.setPlantLoopFlowRequestMode('NeedsFlowIfLoopIsOn') # plant design volume flow rate internal variable vdot_des_int_var =, 'Plant Design Volume Flow Rate') vdot_des_int_var.setName("#{}_Vdot_Des_Int_Var") vdot_des_int_var.setInternalDataIndexKeyName(hot_water_loop.handle.to_s) # inlet temperature internal variable tin_int_var =, 'Inlet Temperature for Plant Connection 1') tin_int_var.setName("#{}_Tin_Int_Var") tin_int_var.setInternalDataIndexKeyName(plant_comp.handle.to_s) # inlet mass flow rate internal variable mdot_int_var =, 'Inlet Mass Flow Rate for Plant Connection 1') mdot_int_var.setName("#{}_Mdot_Int_Var") mdot_int_var.setInternalDataIndexKeyName(plant_comp.handle.to_s) # inlet specific heat internal variable cp_int_var =, 'Inlet Specific Heat for Plant Connection 1') cp_int_var.setName("#{}_Cp_Int_Var") cp_int_var.setInternalDataIndexKeyName(plant_comp.handle.to_s) # inlet density internal variable rho_int_var =, 'Inlet Density for Plant Connection 1') rho_int_var.setName("#{}_rho_Int_Var") rho_int_var.setInternalDataIndexKeyName(plant_comp.handle.to_s) # load request internal variable load_int_var =, 'Load Request for Plant Connection 1') load_int_var.setName("#{}_Load_Int_Var") load_int_var.setInternalDataIndexKeyName(plant_comp.handle.to_s) # supply outlet node setpoint temperature sensor setpt_mgr_sch_sen =, 'Schedule Value') setpt_mgr_sch_sen.setName("#{}_Setpt_Mgr_Temp_Sen") hot_water_loop.supplyOutletNode.setpointManagers.each do |m| if m.to_SetpointManagerScheduled.is_initialized setpt_mgr_sch_sen.setKeyName( end end # outdoor air drybulb temperature sensor oa_dbt_sen =, 'Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature') oa_dbt_sen.setName("#{}_OA_DBT_Sen") oa_dbt_sen.setKeyName('Environment') # minimum mass flow rate actuator mdot_min_act = plant_comp.minimumMassFlowRateActuator.get mdot_min_act.setName("#{}_Mdot_Min_Act") # maximum mass flow rate actuator mdot_max_act = plant_comp.maximumMassFlowRateActuator.get mdot_max_act.setName("#{}_Mdot_Max_Act") # design flow rate actuator vdot_des_act = plant_comp.designVolumeFlowRateActuator.get vdot_des_act.setName("#{}_Vdot_Des_Act") # minimum loading capacity actuator cap_min_act = plant_comp.minimumLoadingCapacityActuator.get cap_min_act.setName("#{}_Cap_Min_Act") # maximum loading capacity actuator cap_max_act = plant_comp.maximumLoadingCapacityActuator.get cap_max_act.setName("#{}_Cap_Max_Act") # optimal loading capacity actuator cap_opt_act = plant_comp.optimalLoadingCapacityActuator.get cap_opt_act.setName("#{}_Cap_Opt_Act") # outlet temperature actuator tout_act = plant_comp.outletTemperatureActuator.get tout_act.setName("#{}_Tout_Act") # mass flow rate actuator mdot_req_act = plant_comp.massFlowRateActuator.get mdot_req_act.setName("#{}_Mdot_Req_Act") # heat pump COP curve constant_coeff = 1.932 + (cop - 3.65) hp_cop_curve = hp_cop_curve.setCoefficient1Constant(constant_coeff) hp_cop_curve.setCoefficient2x(0.227674286) hp_cop_curve.setCoefficient3xPOW2(-0.007313143) hp_cop_curve.setMinimumValueofx(1.67) hp_cop_curve.setMaximumValueofx(12.78) hp_cop_curve.setInputUnitTypeforX('Temperature') hp_cop_curve.setOutputUnitType('Dimensionless') # heat pump COP curve index variable hp_cop_curve_idx_var =, hp_cop_curve) # high outlet temperature limit actuator tout_max_act =, 'Plant Connection 1', 'High Outlet Temperature Limit') tout_max_act.setName("#{}_Tout_Max_Act") # init program init_pgrm = plant_comp.plantInitializationProgram.get init_pgrm.setName("#{}_Init_Pgrm") init_pgrm_body = <<-EMS SET Loop_Exit_Temp = #{hot_water_loop.sizingPlant.designLoopExitTemperature} SET Loop_Delta_Temp = #{hot_water_loop.sizingPlant.loopDesignTemperatureDifference} SET Cp = @CPHW Loop_Exit_Temp SET rho = @RhoH2O Loop_Exit_Temp SET #{vdot_des_act.handle} = #{vdot_des_int_var.handle} SET #{mdot_min_act.handle} = 0 SET Mdot_Max = #{vdot_des_int_var.handle} * rho SET #{mdot_max_act.handle} = Mdot_Max SET Cap = Mdot_Max * Cp * Loop_Delta_Temp SET #{cap_min_act.handle} = 0 SET #{cap_max_act.handle} = Cap SET #{cap_opt_act.handle} = 1 * Cap EMS init_pgrm.setBody(init_pgrm_body) # sim program sim_pgrm = plant_comp.plantSimulationProgram.get sim_pgrm.setName("#{}_Sim_Pgrm") sim_pgrm_body = <<-EMS SET tmp = #{load_int_var.handle} SET tmp = #{tin_int_var.handle} SET tmp = #{mdot_int_var.handle} SET #{tout_max_act.handle} = 75.0 IF #{load_int_var.handle} == 0 SET #{tout_act.handle} = #{tin_int_var.handle} SET #{mdot_req_act.handle} = 0 SET Elec = 0 RETURN ENDIF IF #{load_int_var.handle} >= #{cap_max_act.handle} SET Qdot = #{cap_max_act.handle} SET Mdot = #{mdot_max_act.handle} SET #{mdot_req_act.handle} = Mdot SET #{tout_act.handle} = (Qdot / (Mdot * #{cp_int_var.handle})) + #{tin_int_var.handle} IF #{tout_act.handle} > #{tout_max_act.handle} SET #{tout_act.handle} = #{tout_max_act.handle} SET Qdot = Mdot * #{cp_int_var.handle} * (#{tout_act.handle} - #{tin_int_var.handle}) ENDIF ELSE SET Qdot = #{load_int_var.handle} SET #{tout_act.handle} = #{setpt_mgr_sch_sen.handle} SET Mdot = Qdot / (#{cp_int_var.handle} * (#{tout_act.handle} - #{tin_int_var.handle})) SET #{mdot_req_act.handle} = Mdot ENDIF SET Tdb = #{oa_dbt_sen.handle} SET COP = @CurveValue #{hp_cop_curve_idx_var.handle} Tdb SET EIR = 1 / COP SET Pwr = Qdot * EIR SET Elec = Pwr * SystemTimestep * 3600 EMS sim_pgrm.setBody(sim_pgrm_body) # init program calling manager init_mgr = plant_comp.plantInitializationProgramCallingManager.get init_mgr.setName("#{}_Init_Pgrm_Mgr") # sim program calling manager sim_mgr = plant_comp.plantSimulationProgramCallingManager.get sim_mgr.setName("#{}_Sim_Pgrm_Mgr") # metered output variable elec_mtr_out_var =, "#{} Electricity Consumption") elec_mtr_out_var.setName("#{} Electricity Consumption") elec_mtr_out_var.setEMSVariableName('Elec') elec_mtr_out_var.setUpdateFrequency('SystemTimestep') elec_mtr_out_var.setString(4, sim_pgrm.handle.to_s) elec_mtr_out_var.setResourceType('Electricity') elec_mtr_out_var.setGroupType('HVAC') elec_mtr_out_var.setEndUseCategory('Heating') elec_mtr_out_var.setEndUseSubcategory('') elec_mtr_out_var.setUnits('J') # add to supply side of hot water loop if specified hot_water_loop.addSupplyBranchForComponent(plant_comp) unless hot_water_loop.nil? # add operation scheme htg_op_scheme = htg_op_scheme.addEquipment(1000000000, plant_comp) hot_water_loop.setPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad(htg_op_scheme) return plant_comp end end