3.1.12 (Brainy Betty) 4bee05fae5a938fad9aa2398c08ee6e8c3ae8f68 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @linei: @options{:@has_childrenT:@template"À// makes a list inline. @mixin inline-list { list-style-type: none; &, & li { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; } } // makes an inline list delimited with the passed string. // Defaults to making a comma-separated list. // // Please make note of the browser support issues before using this mixin: // // use of `content` and `:after` is not fully supported in all browsers. // See quirksmode for the [support matrix](http://www.quirksmode.org/css/contents.html#t15) // // `:last-child` is not fully supported. // see quirksmode for the [support matrix](http://www.quirksmode.org/css/contents.html#t29). // // IE8 ignores rules that are included on the same line as :last-child // see http://www.richardscarrott.co.uk/posts/view/ie8-last-child-bug for details @mixin delimited-list($separator: ", ") { @include inline-list; li { &:after { content: $separator; } &:last-child { &:after { content: ""; } } &.last { &:after { content: ""; } } } } // See [delimited-list](#mixin-delimited-list) // @deprecated @mixin comma-delimited-list { @warn "comma-delimited-list is deprecated. Please use delimited-list instead."; @include delimited-list; } :@children[ o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value["/* makes a list inline. */;i: @loud0: @silenti;@; [o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;i: @args[: @name"inline-list;@;T; [o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ; o:Sass::Script::String; " none: @type:identifier;@: @tabsi;i :@prop_syntax:new;["list-style-type;@; [o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode ;i;i : @rule[" &, & li;@;T; [o; ; o;; "0px;;;@;i;i ;;;[" margin;@; [o; ; o;; "0px;;;@;i;i ;;;[" padding;@; [o; ; o;; " inline;;;@;i;i ;;;[" display;@; [:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence;i : @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence;i ;[o:Sass::Selector::Parent;i :@filename";!@4o;;[o;;i ;[o; ;i ;!@4;!@4o;;i ;[o:Sass::Selector::Element ;i :@namespace0;!@4;["li;!@4;!@4o; ; ["…/* makes an inline list delimited with the passed string. * Defaults to making a comma-separated list. * * Please make note of the browser support issues before using this mixin: * * use of `content` and `:after` is not fully supported in all browsers. * See quirksmode for the [support matrix](http://www.quirksmode.org/css/contents.html#t15) * * `:last-child` is not fully supported. * see quirksmode for the [support matrix](http://www.quirksmode.org/css/contents.html#t29). * * IE8 ignores rules that are included on the same line as :last-child * see http://www.richardscarrott.co.uk/posts/view/ie8-last-child-bug for details */;i; 0;i;@; [o; ;i;[[o:Sass::Script::Variable:@underscored_name"separator;"separator;@o; ; ", ;i;: string;@;"delimited-list;@;T; [o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;i ;[:@keywords{;"inline-list;@; [o; ;i;i!;["li;@;T; [o; ;i;i";[" &:after;@;T; [o; ; o;$ ;i";%"separator;"separator;@;i;i";;;[" content;@; [;o;;i";[o;;[o;;i";[o; ;i";!"o:Sass::Selector::Pseudo ;i";: class;!@h: @arg0;[" after;!@h;!@ho; ;i;i#;["&:last-child;@;T; [o; ;i;i$;[" &:after;@;T; [o; ; o;; """;;;@;i;i$;;;[" content;@; [;o;;i$;[o;;[o;;i$;[o; ;i$;!"o;) ;i$;;*;!@|;+0;[" after;!@|;!@|;o;;i#;[o;;[o;;i#;[o; ;i#;!"o;) ;i#;;*;!@‡;+0;["last-child;!@‡;!@‡o; ;i;i&;[" &.last;@;T; [o; ;i;i';[" &:after;@;T; [o; ; o;; """;;;@;i;i';;;[" content;@; [;o;;i';[o;;[o;;i';[o; ;i';!"o;) ;i';;*;!@ ;+0;[" after;!@ ;!@ ;o;;i&;[o;;[o;;i&;[o; ;i&;!"o:Sass::Selector::Class;i&;!@«;[" last;!@«;!@«;o;;i!;[o;;[o;;i!;[o;" ;i!;#0;!";["li;!@¶;!@¶o; ; ["E/* See [delimited-list](#mixin-delimited-list) * @deprecated */;i,; 0;i;@; [o; ;i.;[;"comma-delimited-list;@;T; [o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode ;i/: @expro; ; "Kcomma-delimited-list is deprecated. Please use delimited-list instead.;i/;;&;@;@; [o;' ;i0;[;({;"delimited-list;@; [