var LocaleObject; module("object.SC.Locale()", { setup: function() { LocaleObject = SC.Locale.create({ init: function(){ sc_super(); //hash of new languages var newLocales = { deflang: 'dl'}; //Added the new languages to the existing list of locales SC.Locale.addStrings(newLocales); } }); } }); test("Locale.init() : Should return a flag if the language has been set during the locale initialization", function() { // As the locale is added during initialization the value of hasString is true equals(LocaleObject.hasStrings, true) ; //check the string values. equals(LocaleObject.strings.deflang, 'dl') ; }); test("Locale.locWithDefault() : localized version of the string or the string if no match was found", function() { //Based on the input passed it should return the default locale equals(LocaleObject.locWithDefault("en"), "en") ; equals(LocaleObject.locWithDefault("jp", "Japanese"), "Japanese") ; equals(LocaleObject.locWithDefault('deflang'), "dl") ; }); test("Locale.addStrings() : Should be able to add the passed hash of strings to the locale's strings table", function() { //Check for the new languages. This should be false as these are not added to the list of locales equals(false, SC.Locale.options().strings.chinese === 'zh' && SC.Locale.options().strings.dutch === 'nl') ; //hash of new languages var newLocales = { chinese: 'zh', czech: 'cs', dutch: 'nl'}; //Added the new languages to the existing list of locales SC.Locale.addStrings(newLocales); //Result should be true as the new lacales added to the list of default locales equals(true, SC.Locale.options().strings.chinese === 'zh' && SC.Locale.options().strings.dutch === 'nl') ; }); test("Locale.options() : Should provide the registered locales that have not been instantiated", function() { //hash of new languages var newLocales = { jamican: 'ji', korean: 'ko'}; //Added the new languages to the existing list of locales SC.Locale.addStrings(newLocales); //Options should return the list of registered locales, so checking if the retruned object has strings. equals(SC.Locale.options().hasStrings, true) ; //Checking the strings with default locales. equals(true, SC.Locale.options().strings.jamican === 'ji' && SC.Locale.options().strings.korean === 'ko') ; }); test("Locale.normalizeLanguage() : Should provide the two character language code for the passed locale", function() { //If nothing is passed this will retrun the default code as 'en' equals(SC.Locale.normalizeLanguage(), 'en') ; //If the language is passed as 'English' this will return the code as 'en' equals(SC.Locale.normalizeLanguage('English'), 'en') ; //For any other code passed which is not in the default code it should return as it was passed equals(SC.Locale.normalizeLanguage('ab'), 'ab') ; }); test("Locale.toString() : Should retrun the current language set with the guid value", function() { // Creating the new locale by extending an existing Locale object SC.Locale.locales['mx'] = SC.Locale.extend({ _deprecatedLanguageCodes: ['mexican'] }) ; //Result should retrun the chinese object equals(, true) ; }); test("Locale.createCurrentLocale() : Should create the Lacale Object for the language selected", function() { //This will match the browser language with the SC lanuage and create the object accordingly // This test will pass only for the default languages i.e en, fr, de, ja, es, it. equals(true, SC.Locale.createCurrentLocale().language === SC.browser.language) ; //Resetting the default browser language SC.browser.language='kn'; //This is false as currentLocale will be created as 'en' equals(false, SC.Locale.createCurrentLocale().language===SC.browser.language) ; }); test("Locale.localeClassFor() : Should find the locale class for the names language code or creates on based on its most likely parent", function() { // Local Class for any language other than default languages will be 'en'. Therefore this condition is false equals(false, SC.Locale.localeClassFor('nl').create().language === "nl") ; // This adds the new language with the parent language to the default list SC.Locale.locales['nl'] = SC.Locale.extend({ _deprecatedLanguageCodes: ['Dutch'] }) ; //This condition is true as the local class now exists for 'nl' equals(true, SC.Locale.localeClassFor('nl').create().language==="nl") ; }); test("Locale.define() : Should be able to define a particular type of locale", function() { SC.Locale.define('xy', { longNames: 'Charles John Romonoski Gregory William'.split(' '), shortNames: ['C','A','Y','N'] }); //Result should retrun the new locale object equals(SC.Locale.locales.xy.isClass, true) ; }); test("Locale.extend() : Should make sure important properties of Locale object are copied to a new class", function() { SC.Locale.locales['mn'] = SC.Locale.extend({ _deprecatedLanguageCodes: ['newlang'] }) ; //hash of new languages var testLocales = { test: 'te', newtest: 'nt'}; //Added the new languages to the existing list of locales through the new locale object; //Result should be true as the new lacales added to the list of default locales equals(,'te') ; });