require 'test_helper' class ResponseTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context 'Account response' do setup do @balance = 0.1 * rand(1e4) @response = { 'balance' => @balance.to_s } @response.extend TextMagic::API::Response::Account end should 'allow access to balance' do @response.balance.should be_close(@balance, 1e-10) end end context 'Send response' do setup do @message_id = { '141421' => '999314159265', '173205' => '999271828182' } @text = random_string @parts_count = rand(10) @response = { 'message_id' => @message_id, 'sent_text' => @text, 'parts_count' => @parts_count } @response.extend TextMagic::API::Response::Send end should 'allow access to inverted message_id hash' do @response.message_id_hash.should == @message_id.invert end should 'allow access to message_ids array' do @response.message_ids.should == ['141421', '173205'] end should 'allow access to message_id for a given phone number' do @response.message_id('999314159265').should == '141421' @response.message_id('999271828182').should == '173205' end should 'allow access to sent_text' do @response.sent_text.should == @text end should 'allow access to parts_count' do @response.parts_count.should == @parts_count end end context 'MessageStatus response' do setup do @text = random_string @reply_number = random_phone @created_time = ( - 30).to_i @completed_time = ( - 20).to_i @credits_cost = 0.01 * rand(300) @response = { '141421' => { 'text' => @text, 'status' => 'd', 'created_time' => @created_time, 'reply_number' => @reply_number, 'completed_time' => @completed_time, 'credits_cost' => @credits_cost }, '173205' => { 'text' => 'test', 'status' => 'r', 'created_time' => '1242979839', 'reply_number' => '447624800500', 'completed_time' => nil, 'credits_cost' => 0.5 } } @response.extend TextMagic::API::Response::MessageStatus end should 'allow access to text for all statuses' do @response['141421'].text.should == @text @response['173205'].text.should == 'test' end should 'allow access to status for a given message_id' do @response['141421'].status.should == 'd' @response['173205'].status.should == 'r' end should 'allow access to reply_number for a given message_id' do @response['141421'].reply_number.should == @reply_number @response['173205'].reply_number.should == '447624800500' end should 'allow access to created_time for a given message_id' do @response['141421'].created_time.should == @response['173205'].created_time.should == end should 'allow access to completed_time for a given message_id' do @response['141421'].completed_time.should == @response['173205'].completed_time.should == nil end should 'allow access to credits_cost for a given message_id' do @response['141421'].credits_cost.should be_close(@credits_cost, 1e-10) @response['173205'].credits_cost.should be_close(0.5, 1e-10) end end context 'Receive response' do setup do @timestamp = ( - 30).to_i @message1 = { 'timestamp' => @timestamp, 'from' => '999314159265', 'text' => 'Hi Fred', 'message_id' => '141421' } @message2 = { 'timestamp' => 1243244148, 'from' => '999271828182', 'text' => 'Hello buddy', 'message_id' => '173205' } @messages = [@message1, @message2] @unread = rand(1e4) @response = { 'unread' => @unread, 'messages' => @messages } @response.extend TextMagic::API::Response::Receive end should 'allow access to unread' do @response.unread.should == @unread end should 'allow access to messages array' do @response.messages.should == @messages end should 'allow access to message_id for all messages' do @response.messages.first.message_id.should == '141421' end should 'allow access to timestamp for all messages' do @response.messages.first.timestamp.should == end should 'allow access to from for all messages' do @response.messages.first.from.should == '999314159265' end should 'allow access to text for all messages' do @response.messages.first.text.should == 'Hi Fred' end end context 'DeleteReply response' do setup do @ids = ['141421', '1780826'] @response = { 'deleted' => @ids } @response.extend TextMagic::API::Response::DeleteReply end should 'allow access to deleted' do @response.deleted.should == @ids end end end