module Highcharts class Axis < Base attr_accessor :title, :categories, :tickInterval, :min, :max, :labels, :opposite def to_s "{" + [render_title, render_categories, render_tickInterval, render_options(:objects => 'min max opposite'), render_labels].flatten.compact.join(',') + "}" end def render_title title.present? ? "title: {text: '#{title}'}" : nil end def render_categories return nil unless categories.present? "categories: [#{categories.collect {|c| "'#{format_category(c)}'"}.join(', ')}]" # need to encapsulate each category in quotes and format it before joining them with a comma end def render_tickInterval return tickInterval if tickInterval.present? return nil unless categories.present? "tickInterval: #{(Math.sqrt(categories.length) < 5 ? 1 : Math.sqrt(categories.length)).floor}" end def format_category(category) case category when Date category.strftime("%b. %d") when Time category.strftime("%H:%M") when DateTime category.strftime("%b. %d, %H:%M") else category.to_s end end def render_labels return nil unless labels.present? "labels: {" + "formatter: function(){ return '#{labels[:prepend]}' + this.value + '#{labels[:append]}'; }" + "}" end end end