require 'rubygems' require 'json' require 'restclient' require 'ostruct' require 'ohai' require 'erb' ## IDEAS ## firewall until ready ## ruby 1.9 compatibility ## nested configs ## user configs class Kuzushi attr_accessor :config def self.version end def initialize(url) @url = url @base_url = File.dirname(url) if @url =~ /*\/([^\/]*)[.](\d+)[.]tar[.]gz/ @name = $1 @version = $2 end @configs = [] @packages = [] @tasks = [] end def init @init = true start end def boot shell "mkdir -p /tmp/kuzushi/" shell "cd /tmp/kuzushi/ ; curl --silent '#{@url}' | tar xzv" @config = JSON.parse("/tmp/kuzushi/#{@name}/config.json")) end def start # load_config_stack(@name) boot run end def run process_stack log "----" @tasks.each do |t| log "TASK: #{t[:description]}" t[:blk].call end log "----" end protected def system ohai = ohai.all_plugins ohai end def http_get(url) RestClient.get(url) end def process_stack script get("before") process :packages process :local_packages process :gems process :volumes process :files process :users process :crontab process :services script get("after") script get("init") if init? end ## magic goes here def process(type) ## if the file takes no args - just call it once if method("process_#{type}").arity == 0 send("process_#{type}") else ## else call it once per item get_array(type).each do |item| script item["before"] if item.is_a? Hash send("process_#{type}", else send("process_#{type}", item) end script item["after"] script item["init"] if init? end end end def service_file(service) file = [] file << "start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]" file << "stop on runlevel [!2345]" file << "respawn" unless service.respawn == false if service.user file << "exec su -c '#{service.command}' #{service.user}" ## TODO add shell escaping here else file << "exec #{service.command}" end file.join("\n") end def process_services(service) task "installing service #{}" do put_file(service_file(service), "/etc/init/#{}.conf") shell "service #{} start" end end def process_packages @packages = get_array("packages") task "install packages" do shell "apt-get install -y #{@packages.join(" ")}" unless @packages.empty? end end def process_local_packages(p) package(p) do |file| task "install local package #{p}" do shell "dpkg -i #{file}" end end end def process_gems(gem) task "install gem #{gem}" do shell "gem install #{gem} --no-rdoc --no-ri" end end def process_volumes(v) handle_ebs v if == "ebs" handle_raid v if == "raid" set_readahead v if v.readahead set_scheduler v if v.scheduler handle_format v if v.format handle_mount v if v.mount end def handle_ebs(v) task "wait for volume #{v.device}" do wait_for_volume v.device end end def handle_raid(r) task "create raid #{r.device}", :init => true do shell "mdadm --create #{r.device} -n #{r.drives.size} -l #{r.level} -c #{r.chunksize || 64} #{r.drives.join(" ")}" end task "assemble raid #{r.device}" do ## assemble fails a lot with device busy - is udev to blame :( if not dev_exists? r.device shell "service stop udev" shell "mdadm --assemble #{r.device} #{r.drives.join(" ")}" shell "service start udev" end end add_package "mdadm" end def mount_options(m) o = [] o << m.options if m.options o << "size=#{m.size}M" if m.size and == "tmpfs" o << "mode=#{m.mode}" if m.mode o << "noatime" if o.empty? o.join(",") end def handle_mount(m) task "mount #{m.mount}" do unless mounted?(m.mount) shell "mv #{m.mount} #{m.mout}.old" if File.exists?(m.mount) shell "mkdir -p #{m.mount} && mount -o #{mount_options(m)} -t #{m.format ||} #{m.device ||} #{m.mount}" shell "chown -R #{m.user}:#{} #{m.mount}" if m.user or end end end def system_arch system.kernel["machine"] end def mounted?(mount) ## cant use ohai here b/c it mashes drives together with none or tmpfs devices mount = mount.chop if mount =~ /\/$/ !!("/proc/mounts") =~ / #{mount} /) end def package_arch `dpkg --print-architecture`.chomp end def erb(data) @system = system, 0, '<>').result(binding) end def process_files(f) file(f) do |tmp| task "write #{f.file}" do cp_file(tmp, f.file) shell "chmod #{f.mode} #{f.file}" if f.mode shell "chown #{f.user} #{f.file}" if f.user shell "chgrp #{} #{f.file}" if end end end def process_crontab(cron) user = cron.user || "root" file(cron) do |tmp| task "process crontab for #{user}" do shell "crontab -u #{user} #{tmp}" end end end def process_users(user) shell "useradd -m #{user}" ## this will just fail for users like 'root' (user.authorized_keys || []).each do |key| task "add authorized_key for user #{}" do shell "su - #{} -c 'mkdir -p .ssh; echo \"#{key}\" >> .ssh/authorized_keys; chmod -R 0600 .ssh'" end end end def set_readahead(v) task "set readahead for #{v.device}" do shell "blockdev --setra #{v.readahead} #{v.device}" end end def set_scheduler(v) task "set scheduler for #{v.device}" do shell "echo #{v.scheduler} > /sys/block/#{File.basename(v.device)}/queue/scheduler" end end def handle_format(v) return if v.format == "tmpfs" task "formatting #{v.device}", :init => true do label = "-L " + v.label rescue "" shell "mkfs.#{v.format} -q #{label} #{v.device}" unless v.mount && mounted?(v.mount) end add_package "xfsprogs" if v.format == "xfs" end def add_package(p) @packages << p unless @packages.include? p end def package(p, &block) fetch("/packages/#{p}_#{package_arch}.deb") do |file| end end def script(scripts) to_array(scripts).each do |s| if s =~ /^#!/ inline_script(s) else external_script(s) end end end def inline_script(script) tmpfile(script) do |tmp| task "run inline script" do shell "#{tmp}" end end end def external_script(script) fetch("/scripts/#{script}") do |file| task "run script #{script}" do shell "chmod +x #{file} ; #{file}" end end end def tmpfile(content, file = "tmp_#{rand(1_000_000_000)}", &block) path = "/tmp/kuzushi/#{File.basename(file)}" put_file(content, path) if block path end def file(f, &blk) ## no magic here - move along if f.template fetch("/templates/#{f.template}", lambda { |data| erb data }, &blk) elsif f.git git_fetch(f) else fetch("/files/#{f.source || File.basename(f.file)}", &blk) unless f.template end end def git_fetch(f) task "install packages" do FileUtils.mkdir_p(f.file) shell "cd #{f.file} && git init" shell "cd #{f.file} && git remote add origin #{f.git}" shell "cd #{f.file} && git fetch origin" shell "cd #{f.file} && git checkout -b master --track origin/master" shell "chown -R #{f.user}:#{} #{f.file}" if f.user || ## is this needed? handled above in files? end end ### this needs to be brought up to date - way last version - no need to read and filter... def fetch(file, filter = lambda { |d| d }, &block) begin tmpfile("/tmp/kuzushi/#{@name}/#{file}")), file) do |tmp| end rescue Object => e error("error fetching file: #{file} : #{e.message}") end end def error(message) puts "ERROR :#{message}" end def get(key) config[key.to_s] end def get_array(key) to_array( get(key) ) end def to_array(value) [ value || [] ].flatten end def wait_for_volume(vol) ## Maybe use ohai here instead -- FIXME until dev_exists? vol do log "waiting for volume #{vol}" sleep 2 end end def shell(cmd) log "# #{cmd}" Kernel.system cmd ## FIXME - need to handle/report exceptions here end def init? @init ||= false end def task(description, options = {}, &blk) return if options[:init] and not init? @tasks << { :description => description, :blk => blk } end def dev_exists?(dev) File.exists?("/sys/block/#{File.basename(dev)}") end def cp_file(src, dest) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest)) FileUtils.cp(src, dest) end def put_file(data, dest) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(dest)),"w") do |f| f.write(data) f.chmod(0700) end end def log(message) puts message end end