#Kernel API ##Debugging (only enabled in DEBUG) * kernel logging All kernel logging goes to `kern_log_stdout`, an array of values. array * Based on `type` field: * `string` * `kern_log(str)` - Writes an entry to `kern_log_stdout` like `"string"` * `json` * `kern_log_json(json)` - Writes an entry to `kern_log_stdout` like `{"foo": "bar"}` which has been serialized and deserialized (to prevent reference) ##Telepointer (Mapped I/O) * `tels(n)` - Returns one number that represents the base index of the telepointer. See [Messaging](Messaging.md) for details on telepointers. * `tel_reg(f)` - Returns a number that represents the base pointer of a function callback. * `tel_del(n)` - Delete a telepointer at some index. Does nothing if not registered with something. * `tel_reg_ptr(f, tp)` - Register an explicit telepointer address at an index. Usually for spec assistance. Do not do as a normal user, use `tel_del` * `tel_deref(i)` - Convert a tel pointer into an object. Returns the object. * `tel_exists(tp)` - Returns true or false depending on whether there is a telepointer that matches instead. ##CRC32 * `crc32(seed, str)` - Will calculate a CRC32 based on a seed and a string ##Random string * `gen_id()` - Will return a random unique id (8 character string). ##Events * `reg_evt(ep, f)` - Register a function to be called when an event is processed by `int_event`. The function will receive `(ep, event_name, info)`. ep must be either a string or number. * `dereg_evt(ep)` - Do not do anything if ep is received as an `int_event` ##Networking * `get_req(owner_tp, url, params, callback)` - Request some RESTFUL get request. The callback receives `(info)` with a data payload. Will retry until successful, will never fail. The request will be abandoned if the owner object no longer exists. ##Controllers * `_embed(vc_name, sp, context, event_gw)` - Embed a view controller in a surface-pointer. Following the rules of the ui device, embedded to a sp of 0 is the master root view. Returns base pointer. `event_gw` is a pointer to a `vc`. If it is null, then any events coming in will not be sent to somewhere else if they do not match any 'on' for the current action. * `find_view(bp, spider_payload)` - Traverses the hierarchy within some controller (`bp`) and returns the named entries. See [find_view_specifics](./kernel_handbook/find_view.md) for how this works. ##Timers * See [./callout.md](Callout) for how to register a timer ##Time * `time()` - Returns the time in seconds since 1970 (unix epoch). Must have a compatible module, [`rtc`] ##Things that are compiled into the kernel from user given data `MODS` - A list of modules that was specified in `./app/drivers/$PLATFORM/config.yml` `PLATFORM` - The platform that this kernel was compiled with #Messaging `SEND(queue_index, message_name, *params)` - Queue a message to be sent out. This is a macro, you must not put any characters beyond quotes and variables in here. If you need to pass a hash literal, array literal, etc, please assign the variable *before* you put it in here like ```js var payload = {from: null, to: action}; SEND("main", "if_event", base, "action", payload); ```