require "asciidoctor" require "tempfile" require "sterile" require "htmlentities" require "nokogiri" require "csv" module Metanorma module Utils class << self # , " => ," : CSV definition does not deal with space followed by quote # at start of field def csv_split(text, delim = ";") text.nil? || text.empty? and return [] CSV.parse_line(text.gsub(/#{delim} "(?!")/, "#{delim}\""), liberal_parsing: true, col_sep: delim)&.compact&.map(&:strip) end def asciidoc_sub(text, flavour = :standoc) return nil if text.nil? return "" if text.empty? d = text.lines.entries, { header_footer: false, backend: flavour }, ) b = d.parse.blocks.first b.apply_subs(b.source) end def localdir(node) docfile = node.attr("docfile") docfile.nil? ? "./" : "#{}/" end # TODO needs internationalisation def smartformat(text) text.gsub(/ --? /, " — ") .gsub("--", "—"), ) .smart_format, :basic ) end def endash_date(elem) elem.traverse do |n| next unless n.text? n.replace(n.text.gsub(/\s+--?\s+/, "–").gsub("--", "–")) end end # Set hash value using keys path # mod from def set_nested_value(hash, keys, new_val) key = keys[0] if keys.length == 1 hash[key] = if hash[key].is_a?(::Array) then (hash[key] << new_val) else hash[key].nil? ? new_val : [hash[key], new_val] end elsif hash[key].is_a?(::Array) hash[key][-1] = {} if !hash[key].empty? && hash[key][-1].nil? hash[key] << {} if hash[key].empty? || !hash[key][-1].is_a?(::Hash) set_nested_value(hash[key][-1], keys[1..-1], new_val) elsif hash[key].nil? || hash[key].empty? hash[key] = {} set_nested_value(hash[key], keys[1..-1], new_val) elsif hash[key].is_a?(::Hash) && !hash[key][keys[1]] set_nested_value(hash[key], keys[1..-1], new_val) elsif !hash[key][keys[1]] hash[key] = [hash[key], {}] set_nested_value(hash[key][-1], keys[1..-1], new_val) else set_nested_value(hash[key], keys[1..-1], new_val) end hash end def strict_capitalize_phrase(str) str.split(/ /).map do |w| letters = w.chars letters.first.upcase! letters.join end.join(" ") end def strict_capitalize_first(str) str.split(/ /) do |w, i| letters = w.chars letters.first.upcase! if letters.join end.join(" ") end def external_path(path) win = !!((RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)(32|64)$/) || (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/)) if win path.gsub!(%{/}, "\\") path[/\s/] ? "\"#{path}\"" : path else path end end def default_script(lang) case lang when "ar", "fa" then "Arab" when "ur" then "Aran" when "ru", "bg" then "Cyrl" when "hi" then "Deva" when "el" then "Grek" when "zh" then "Hans" when "ko" then "Kore" when "he" then "Hebr" when "ja" then "Jpan" else "Latn" end end def rtl_script?(script) %w(Arab Aran Hebr).include? script end LONGSTR_THRESHOLD = 10 LONGSTR_NOPUNCT = 2 # break on punct every LONGSTRING_THRESHOLD chars, with zero width space # if punct fails, try break on camel case, with soft hyphen # break regardless every LONGSTRING_THRESHOLD * LONGSTR_NOPUNCT, # with soft hyphen def break_up_long_str(text, threshold = LONGSTR_THRESHOLD, nopunct = LONGSTR_NOPUNCT) /^\s*$/.match?(text) and return text text.split(/(?=(?:\s|-))/).map do |w| if /^\s*$/.match(text) || (w.size < threshold) then w else w.scan(/.{,#{threshold}}/o).map.with_index do |w1, i| w1.size < threshold ? w1 : break_up_long_str1(w1, i + 1, nopunct) end.join end end.join end STR_BREAKUP_RE = %r{ (?<=[=_—–\u2009→?+;]) | # break after any of these (?<=[,.:])(?!\d) | # break on punct only if not preceding digit (?<=[>])(?![>]) | # > not >-> (?<=[\]])(?![\]]) | # ] not ]-] (?<=//) | # // (?<=[/])(?![/]) | # / not /-/ (?