extenttemplate: book: "{{ volume }} {{ page }}" booklet: book proceedings: book journal: book standard: book techreport: book inbook: "{{ volume }} {{ page }}" misc: "{{ volume }} {{issue}} {{ page }}, {{ duration }}" nametemplate: one: "{% if nonpersonal[0] %}{{ nonpersonal[0] }}{% else %}{% if surname[0] %}{% else %}{% if completename[0] %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}" two: "{% if nonpersonal[0] %}{{ nonpersonal[0] }}{% else %}{% if surname[0] %}{% else %}{% if completename[0] %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %} {% if nonpersonal[1] %}{{ nonpersonal[1] }}{% else %}{% if surname[0] %}{% else %}{% if completename[1] %}{% endif %}{%endif%}{% endif %}" more: "{% if nonpersonal[0] %}{{ nonpersonal[0] }}{% else %}{% if surname[0] %}{% else %}{% if completename[0] %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{%endif%} {% if nonpersonal[1] %}{{ nonpersonal[1] }}{% else %}{%if surname[1] %}{% else %}{% if completename[1] %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %} {% if nonpersonal[2] or nonpersonalabbrev[2] %}{{ nonpersonal[2] }}{% else %}{% if surname[2] %}{% else %}{% if completename[2] %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}" # disabled the following: they should be provided in inheriting calls # etal: "{% if nonpersonal[0] %}{{ nonpersonal[0] }}{% else %}{{surname[0] | upcase}} ,_{%if given[0]%}{{given[0]}} {{middle[0]}}{%else%}{{initials[0] | join: ' '}}.{%endif%}{% endif %}, {% if nonpersonal[1] %}{{ nonpersonal[1] }}{% else %}{%if given[1]%}{{given[1]}} {{middle[1]}}{%else%}{{initials[1] | join: ' '}}.{%endif%} {{surname[1] | upcase}}{% endif %} et al." # etal_count: 5 seriestemplate: "{% if series_title and series_num %}{% else %}{% if series_formatted %}{{ series_formatted }}{% else %}{% if series_title %} {{series_title}} {{ series_run }} ,_{{ series_org }} ,_{{ series_place }} ,_{{ series_dates }} {% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}" journaltemplate: "{% if series_title and series_num %}{% else %}{% if series_formatted %}{{ series_formatted }}{% else %}{% if series_title %} {{series_title}} {{ series_run }} ,_{{ series_org }} ,_{{ series_place }} ,_{{ series_dates }} {% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}" template: # skip standardidentifier, it is inserted in front of formattedref within metanorma # date is cleaned up into RFC XML formatting afterwards # ref-included is cleaned up as referencegroup/reference in RFC XML afterwards standard: "{% if stream %}{{stream}}{% endif %} {{ title }} {{ creatornames }} {{date}} {% for k in keywords %}{{k}}{%endfor%} {{abstract}} {% for u in uris %}{% endfor %} {{ series }} {%for d in doi %}{% endfor %} {% if home_standard %}{% for j in authoritative_identifier %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {{authoritative_identifier | join: ', '}} {% endif %} {% for i in included %} {% if i.stream %}{{i.stream}}{% endif %} {% if i.title %}{{ i.title}}{%else%}[TITLE]{%endif%} {% if i.creatornames %}{{ i.creatornames }}{%else%}{%endif%} {{i.date}} {% for k in i.keywords %}{{k}}{%endfor%} {{i.abstract}} {% for u in i.uris %}{% endfor %} {{ series }} {%for d in i.doi %}{% endfor %} {% if home_standard %}{% for j in i.authoritative_identifier %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {{i.authoritative_identifier | join: ', '}} {% endif %}{% endfor %}" website: standard book: standard booklet: standard manual: standard techreport: standard proceedings: standard inbook: standard inproceedings: standard incollection: standard journal: standard article: standard software: standard electronic resource: standard dataset: standard webresource: standard unpublished: standard presentation: standard thesis: standard misc: standard # following are # unsupported types: map: misc audiovisual: misc film: misc video: misc broadcast: misc graphic_work: misc music: misc performance: misc patent: misc archival: misc social_media: misc alert: misc message: misc conversation: misc internal: misc