require 'optparse' require 'webrick' require 'directory_watcher' module SemiStatic class CLI include WEBrick attr_accessor :source_dir, :output_dir attr_accessor :clean_first attr_accessor :start_server, :server_port attr_accessor :show_statistics attr_accessor :use_pygments attr_accessor :quick_mode attr_accessor :check_mtime attr_accessor :start_updater def initialize self.clean_first = false self.start_server = false self.show_statistics = false self.use_pygments = true self.quick_mode = false self.check_mtime = true self.start_updater = false end def cli = opts = do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: semi [] [[] ]' opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Options:' opts.on('-s', '--server [PORT]', Integer, 'Start a web server (on port PORT)') do |port| cli.start_server = true cli.server_port = port || 4000 end opts.on('-a', '--[no-]auto-update', 'Automatically update generated files') do |a| cli.start_updater = a end opts.on('-c', '--[no-]clean', 'Clean the output dir first') do |d| cli.clean_first = d end opts.on('-t', '--[no-]stats', 'Display conversion statistics') do |t| cli.show_statistics = t end opts.on('-p', '--[no-]pygments', 'Use Pygments for code highlighting') do |p| cli.use_pygments = p end opts.on('-q', '--[no-]quick-mode', 'Only convert a few posts (for testing)') do |q| cli.quick_mode = q end opts.on('-m', '--[no-]mtime', 'Skip files that appear to be up-to-date') do |m| cli.check_mtime = m end opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do puts opts exit end opts.on_tail('-V', '--version', 'Show version number') do path = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'VERSION.yml' version = { |io| YAML.load io } puts "#{version[:major]}.#{version[:minor]}.#{version[:patch]}" end end opts.parse! case ARGV.size when 0 cli.source_dir = '.' cli.output_dir = 'site' when 1 cli.source_dir = '.' cli.output_dir = ARGV[0] when 2 cli.source_dir = ARGV[0] cli.output_dir = ARGV[1] else puts 'Invalid options. Run `semi --help` for assistance.' exit 1 end end def run Pygmentize.enabled = use_pygments do |site| site.clean_first = clean_first site.show_statistics = show_statistics site.quick_mode = quick_mode site.check_mtime = check_mtime site.output output_dir if start_updater updater = updater.interval = 1 updater.glob = '{indices,layouts,pages,posts,snippets,stylesheets}/**/*' updater.add_observer do |*args| puts "[#{}] #{args.length} files changed." site.output output_dir end updater.start sleep 0 unless start_server end if start_server server = :DocumentRoot => output_dir, :Port => server_port thread = { server.start } trap('INT') { server.shutdown } thread.join end end end end end