require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../spec_helper" class Klass include IMW::Utils::HasURI end def new_obj uri obj = obj.uri = uri obj end describe IMW::Utils::HasURI do it "local file path" do obj = new_obj("/home/foo.txt") obj.stub!(:path).and_return("/home/foo.txt") obj.scheme.should be_nil obj.dirname.should == '/home' obj.basename.should == 'foo.txt' obj.extname.should == '.txt' obj.extension.should == 'txt' == 'foo' end it "local file path with spaces in the name" do obj = new_obj("/home/foo bar.txt") obj.stub!(:path).and_return("/home/foo bar.txt") == 'foo bar' end it "local file path with an explicit file:// scheme" do obj = new_obj("file:///home/foo.txt") obj.scheme.should == 'file' end it "web URL with query and fragment" do obj = new_obj("") obj.stub!(:path).and_return("/some/page") obj.scheme.should == 'http' obj.dirname.should == '/some' obj.basename.should == 'page' obj.extname.should == '' obj.extension.should == '' == 'page' end it "should be able to strip URIs" do new_obj('/path/to/something').stripped_uri.to_s.should == '/path/to/something' new_obj('').stripped_uri.to_s.should == '' end it "should be able to return raw paths" do new_obj('s3://bucket/crazy url with # some dumb naming convention').raw_path.should == '/crazy url with # some dumb naming convention' new_obj('s3://bucket/crazy url with ?some dumb naming convention').raw_path.should == '/crazy url with ?some dumb naming convention' new_obj('s3://bucket/crazy url with ?some dumb naming #convention').raw_path.should == '/crazy url with ?some dumb naming #convention' new_obj('s3://bucket/crazy url with #some dumb naming ?convention').raw_path.should == '/crazy url with #some dumb naming ?convention' end end