module BerkeleyLibrary module TIND module Mapping # TODO: ADD CSV VALIDATION, WHEN NEED ADD A NEW MAPPING CSV FILE # 1. not empty row # 2. a subfield name can appear in either normal mapping or combine mapping, not both # 3. single map has the same amount of from names and to names # 4. Combine mappping should have tree columns, validate more? # 5. Combine from_subfield, to_subfield should have values, no empty # 6. Tag from row[:map_if_no_this_tag_subfield_existed]), row[:map_if_no_this_tag_existed] # This tag should be the same as destination tag # 7. In single map csv, one row cannot have both "map_if_no_this_tag_existed" (245) and ":map_if_no_this_tag_subfield_existed" # (245__b) because tag in these two column are identical # 8. csv file validation - a row should have coulumns: tag origin and destintation ? single rule # 9. Validating these column names # 10. csv file validation - a row should have coulumns: tag origin and destintation ? single rule # 11. validating headers # 12. Formats for some of the columns class SingleRule include Util attr_reader :tag_origin attr_reader :tag_destination attr_reader :indicator attr_reader :pre_existed_tag attr_reader :pre_existed_tag_subfield attr_reader :single_rule_hash attr_reader :single_rule_subfield_excluded_hash attr_reader :combined_rules def initialize(row) @tag_origin = row[:tag_origin] @tag_destination = row[:tag_destination] @indicator = Util.indicator(row[:new_indecator]) @pre_existed_tag = row[:map_if_no_this_tag_existed] @pre_existed_tag_subfield = existed_tag_subfield(row[:map_if_no_this_tag_subfield_existed]) # This tag should be the same as destination tag @single_rule_hash = single_map_dic(row[:subfield_single_from], row[:subfield_single_to]) @single_rule_subfield_excluded_hash = single_map_subfield_excluded_dic @combined_rules = rules_with_same_subfield_name(row) end # 1. Return an array of combined rules, an item in the array # is an array of rules which have the same 'to subfield name' # 2. An example: [[["a,b,c,d", "b", "--"],["o,p,q", "b", ""]],[["x,y,z", "a", "--"]]] def rules_with_same_subfield_name(row) rules = all_combined_rules(row) identical_to_subfield_names = unique_tosubfield_names(rules) identical_to_subfield_names.each_with_object([]) do |name, result| result << rules_with_sametosubfield(name, rules) end end private # return an array of tag and subfield name, example '255__a' => ['255','a'] def existed_tag_subfield(str) str.nil? ? nil : str.split('__') end # list identical 'to subfield name's from combined mapping rules # (an example rule ['a,b,c', 'b', ' -- ']) def unique_tosubfield_names(rules) names = { |rule| rule[1] } names.uniq end # numbers of combined rules def combined_rule_counts(row) headers = row.headers { |h| h.to_s.include? 'subfield_combined_from_' }.count end # Three coulumns 'subfield_combined_from_*','subfield_combined_to_*','symbol_*' # define a combined mapping rule def combined_rule(row, i) from_subfield = row["subfield_combined_from_#{i}".to_sym] to_subfield = row["subfield_combined_to_#{i}".to_sym] s = row["symbol_#{i}".to_sym] from_subfield.nil? || to_subfield.nil? ? nil : [from_subfield, to_subfield, s] # add validation rule , such as not empty later end def all_combined_rules(row) rules = [] n = combined_rule_counts(row) (1..n).each do |i| rule = combined_rule(row, i) rules << rule if rule end rules end # list all combined rules with the same 'to subfield name' def rules_with_sametosubfield(name, rules) rules.each_with_object([]) do |rule, result| result << rule if rule[1] == name end end # Define a hash for single map rules, key is 'from subfield name', # value is 'to subfield name' def single_map_dic(str_from, str_to) dic = {} if should_single_map?(str_from, str_to) arr_from = str_from.strip.split(',') arr_to = str_to.strip.split(',') arr_from.each_with_index { |from_name, i| dic[from_name.to_s] = arr_to[i].to_s } end dic end # Hash removed the excluding subfield def single_map_subfield_excluded_dic dic = @single_rule_hash return dic unless excluding_subfield? excluding_subfield_name = @pre_existed_tag_subfield[1].to_s dic.delete(excluding_subfield_name) if dic.key? excluding_subfield_name dic end # Check excluding subfield def excluding_subfield? return false unless @pre_existed_tag_subfield return false unless @pre_existed_tag_subfield[1] true end # add this to validation def should_single_map?(str_from, str_to) return false unless str_from && str_to arr_from = str_from.split(',') arr_to = str_to.split(',') return false unless arr_from.count == arr_to.count true end end end end end