[{:func_name=>"gsl_fit_linear", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const double *", "x"], ["const size_t", "xstride"], ["const double *", "y"], ["const size_t", "ystride"], ["size_t", "n"], ["double *", "c0"], ["double *", "c1"], ["double *", "cov00"], ["double *", "cov01"], ["double *", "cov11"], ["double *", "sumsq"]], :desc=> "This function computes the best-fit linear regression coefficients\n" + "(c0,c1) of the model Y = c_0 + c_1 X for the dataset\n" + "(x, y), two vectors of length n with strides\n" + "xstride and ystride. The errors on y are assumed unknown so \n" + "the variance-covariance matrix for the\n" + "parameters (c0, c1) is estimated from the scatter of the\n" + "points around the best-fit line and returned via the parameters\n" + "(cov00, cov01, cov11). \n" + "The sum of squares of the residuals from the best-fit line is returned\n" + "in sumsq. Note: the correlation coefficient of the data can be computed using gsl_stats_correlation (Correlation), it does not depend on the fit."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_fit_wlinear", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const double *", "x"], ["const size_t", "xstride"], ["const double *", "w"], ["const size_t", "wstride"], ["const double *", "y"], ["const size_t", "ystride"], ["size_t", "n"], ["double *", "c0"], ["double *", "c1"], ["double *", "cov00"], ["double *", "cov01"], ["double *", "cov11"], ["double *", "chisq"]], :desc=> "This function computes the best-fit linear regression coefficients\n" + "(c0,c1) of the model Y = c_0 + c_1 X for the weighted\n" + "dataset (x, y), two vectors of length n with strides\n" + "xstride and ystride. The vector w, of length n\n" + "and stride wstride, specifies the weight of each datapoint. The\n" + "weight is the reciprocal of the variance for each datapoint in y.\n" + "\n" + "The covariance matrix for the parameters (c0, c1) is\n" + "computed using the weights and returned via the parameters\n" + "(cov00, cov01, cov11). The weighted sum of squares\n" + "of the residuals from the best-fit line, \\chi^2, is returned in\n" + "chisq."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_fit_linear_est", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["double", "x"], ["double", "c0"], ["double", "c1"], ["double", "cov00"], ["double", "cov01"], ["double", "cov11"], ["double *", "y"], ["double *", "y_err"]], :desc=> "This function uses the best-fit linear regression coefficients\n" + "c0, c1 and their covariance\n" + "cov00, cov01, cov11 to compute the fitted function\n" + "y and its standard deviation y_err for the model Y =\n" + "c_0 + c_1 X at the point x."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_fit_mul", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const double *", "x"], ["const size_t", "xstride"], ["const double *", "y"], ["const size_t", "ystride"], ["size_t", "n"], ["double *", "c1"], ["double *", "cov11"], ["double *", "sumsq"]], :desc=> "This function computes the best-fit linear regression coefficient\n" + "c1 of the model Y = c_1 X for the datasets (x,\n" + "y), two vectors of length n with strides xstride and\n" + "ystride. The errors on y are assumed unknown so the \n" + "variance of the parameter c1 is estimated from\n" + "the scatter of the points around the best-fit line and returned via the\n" + "parameter cov11. The sum of squares of the residuals from the\n" + "best-fit line is returned in sumsq."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_fit_wmul", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["const double *", "x"], ["const size_t", "xstride"], ["const double *", "w"], ["const size_t", "wstride"], ["const double *", "y"], ["const size_t", "ystride"], ["size_t", "n"], ["double *", "c1"], ["double *", "cov11"], ["double *", "sumsq"]], :desc=> "This function computes the best-fit linear regression coefficient\n" + "c1 of the model Y = c_1 X for the weighted datasets\n" + "(x, y), two vectors of length n with strides\n" + "xstride and ystride. The vector w, of length n\n" + "and stride wstride, specifies the weight of each datapoint. The\n" + "weight is the reciprocal of the variance for each datapoint in y.\n" + "\n" + "The variance of the parameter c1 is computed using the weights\n" + "and returned via the parameter cov11. The weighted sum of\n" + "squares of the residuals from the best-fit line, \\chi^2, is\n" + "returned in chisq."}, {:func_name=>"gsl_fit_mul_est", :func_type=>"int", :args=> [["double", "x"], ["double", "c1"], ["double", "cov11"], ["double *", "y"], ["double *", "y_err"]], :desc=> "This function uses the best-fit linear regression coefficient c1\n" + "and its covariance cov11 to compute the fitted function\n" + "y and its standard deviation y_err for the model Y =\n" + "c_1 X at the point x."}]