module ScopedSearch class QueryConditionsBuilder # Builds the query string by calling the build method on a new instances of QueryConditionsBuilder. def self.build_query(search_conditions, query_fields), query_fields) end # Initializes the default class variables. def initialize @query_fields = nil @query_params = {} @sql_like = 'LIKE' if ActiveRecord::Base.connected? and ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase == 'postgresql' @sql_like = 'ILIKE' end end # Build the query based on the search conditions and the fields to query. # # Hash query_options : A hash of fields and field types. # # Example: # # search_conditions = [["Wes", :like], ["Hays", :not], ["Hello World", :like], ["Goodnight Moon", :not], # ["Bob OR Wes", :or], ["Happy cow OR Sad Frog", :or], ["Man made OR Dogs", :or], # ["Cows OR Frog Toys", :or], ['9/28/1980, :datetime]] # query_fields = {:first_name => :string, :created_at => :datetime} # # Exceptons : # 1) If search_conditions is not an array # 2) If query_fields is not a Hash def build(search_conditions, query_fields) raise 'search_conditions must be a hash' unless search_conditions.class.to_s == 'Array' raise 'query_fields must be a hash' unless query_fields.class.to_s == 'Hash' @query_fields = query_fields conditions = [] search_conditions.each_with_index do |search_condition, index| keyword_name = "keyword_#{index}".to_sym conditions << case search_condition.last # :like also handles integers when :like then like_condition(keyword_name, search_condition.first) when :not then not_like_condition(keyword_name, search_condition.first) when :or then or_condition(keyword_name, search_condition.first) when :less_than_date then less_than_date(keyword_name, search_condition.first) when :less_than_or_equal_to_date then less_than_or_equal_to_date(keyword_name, search_condition.first) when :as_of_date then as_of_date(keyword_name, search_condition.first) when :greater_than_date then greater_than_date(keyword_name, search_condition.first) when :greater_than_or_equal_to_date then greater_than_or_equal_to_date(keyword_name, search_condition.first) when :between_dates then between_dates(keyword_name, search_condition.first) end end [conditions.compact.join(' AND '), @query_params] end private def like_condition(keyword_name, value) retVal = [] @query_fields.each do |field, field_type| #|key,value| if field_type == :string or field_type == :text @query_params[keyword_name] = "%#{value}%" retVal << "#{field} #{@sql_like} :#{keyword_name.to_s}" end if value.strip =~ /^[0-9]+$/ and (field_type == :int or field_type == :integer) qkey = "#{keyword_name}_#{value.strip}" @query_params[qkey.to_sym] = value.strip.to_i retVal << "#{field} = :#{qkey}" end end "(#{retVal.join(' OR ')})" end def not_like_condition(keyword_name, value) @query_params[keyword_name] = "%#{value}%" retVal = [] @query_fields.each do |field, field_type| #|key,value| if field_type == :string or field_type == :text retVal << "(#{field} NOT #{@sql_like} :#{keyword_name.to_s} OR #{field} IS NULL)" end end "(#{retVal.join(' AND ')})" end def or_condition(keyword_name, value) retVal = [] word1, word2 = value.split(' OR ') keyword_name_a = "#{keyword_name.to_s}a".to_sym keyword_name_b = "#{keyword_name.to_s}b".to_sym @query_params[keyword_name_a] = "%#{word1}%" @query_params[keyword_name_b] = "%#{word2}%" @query_fields.each do |field, field_type| #|key,value| if field_type == :string or field_type == :text retVal << "(#{field} #{@sql_like} :#{keyword_name_a.to_s} OR #{field} #{@sql_like} :#{keyword_name_b.to_s})" end if (word1.strip =~ /^[0-9]+$/ and word2.strip =~ /^[0-9]+$/) and (field_type == :int or field_type == :integer) qkeya = "#{keyword_name}_a_#{word1.strip}" qkeyb = "#{keyword_name}_b_#{word2.strip}" @query_params[qkeya] = word1.strip.to_i @query_params[qkeyb] = word2.strip.to_i retVal << "(#{field} = :#{qkeya} OR #{field} = :#{qkeyb})" elsif (word1.strip =~ /^[0-9]+$/ or word2.strip =~ /^[0-9]+$/) and (field_type == :int or field_type == :integer) num_word = word1.strip =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ? word1.strip.to_i : word2.strip.to_i qkey = "#{keyword_name}_#{num_word}" @query_params[qkey.to_sym] = num_word retVal << "(#{field} = :#{qkey})" end end "(#{retVal.join(' OR ')})" end def less_than_date(keyword_name, value) helper_date_operation('<', keyword_name, value) end def less_than_or_equal_to_date(keyword_name, value) helper_date_operation('<=', keyword_name, value) end def as_of_date(keyword_name, value) retVal = [] begin dt = Date.parse(value) # This will throw an exception if it is not valid @query_params[keyword_name] = dt.to_s @query_fields.each do |field, field_type| #|key,value| if field_type == :date or field_type == :datetime or field_type == :timestamp retVal << "#{field} = :#{keyword_name.to_s}" end end rescue # do not search on any date columns since the date is invalid retVal = [] # Reset just in case end # Search the text fields for the date as well as it could be in text. # Also still search on the text columns for an invalid date as it could # have a different meaning. found_text_fields_to_search = false keyword_name_b = "#{keyword_name}b".to_sym @query_fields.each do |field, field_type| #|key,value| if field_type == :string or field_type == :text found_text_fields_to_search = true retVal << "#{field} #{@sql_like} :#{keyword_name_b.to_s}" end end if found_text_fields_to_search @query_params[keyword_name_b] = "%#{value}%" end retVal.empty? ? '' : "(#{retVal.join(' OR ')})" end def greater_than_date(keyword_name, value) helper_date_operation('>', keyword_name, value) end def greater_than_or_equal_to_date(keyword_name, value) helper_date_operation('>=', keyword_name, value) end def between_dates(keyword_name, value) date1, date2 = value.split(' TO ') dt1 = Date.parse(date1) # This will throw an exception if it is not valid dt2 = Date.parse(date2) # This will throw an exception if it is not valid keyword_name_a = "#{keyword_name.to_s}a".to_sym keyword_name_b = "#{keyword_name.to_s}b".to_sym @query_params[keyword_name_a] = dt1.to_s @query_params[keyword_name_b] = dt2.to_s retVal = [] @query_fields.each do |field, field_type| #|key,value| if field_type == :date or field_type == :datetime or field_type == :timestamp retVal << "(#{field} BETWEEN :#{keyword_name_a.to_s} AND :#{keyword_name_b.to_s})" end end "(#{retVal.join(' OR ')})" rescue # The date is not valid so just ignore it return nil end def helper_date_operation(operator, keyword_name, value) dt = Date.parse(value) # This will throw an exception if it is not valid @query_params[keyword_name] = dt.to_s retVal = [] @query_fields.each do |field, field_type| #|key,value| if field_type == :date or field_type == :datetime or field_type == :timestamp retVal << "#{field} #{operator} :#{keyword_name.to_s}" end end "(#{retVal.join(' OR ')})" rescue # The date is not valid so just ignore it return nil end end end