define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Filter", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "../_Plugin", "./Dialog", "./filter/FilterLayer", "./filter/FilterBar", "./filter/FilterDefDialog", "./filter/FilterStatusTip", "./filter/ClearFilterConfirm", "../../EnhancedGrid", "dojo/i18n!../nls/Filter" ], function(declare, lang, _Plugin, Dialog, layers, FilterBar, FilterDefDialog, FilterStatusTip, ClearFilterConfirm, EnhancedGrid, nls){ var Filter = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.Filter", _Plugin, { // summary: // Provide filter functionality for grid. // // Acceptable plugin parameters: // // 1. itemsName: string: // the name shown on the filter bar. // 2. statusTipTimeout: number: // when does the status tip show. // 3. ruleCount: number: // default to 3, should not change to more. The Claro theme limits it. // 4. disabledConditions: object: // If you don't need all of the conditions provided for a data type, // you can explicitly declare them here: // e.g.: disabledConditions: {string: ["contains", "is"], number: ["equalto"], ...} // 5. isServerSide: boolean: // Whether to use server side filtering. Default to false. // 6. isStateful: boolean: // If isServerSide is true, set the server side filter to be stateful or not. default to false. // 7. url: string: // If using stateful, this is the url to send commands. default to store.url. // 8. ruleCountToConfirmClearFilter: Integer | null |Infinity: // If the filter rule count is larger than or equal to this value, then a confirm dialog will show when clearing filter. // If set to less than 1 or null, then always show the confirm dialog. // If set to Infinity, then never show the confirm dialog. // Default value is 2. // // Acceptable cell parameters defined in layout: // // 1. filterable: boolean: // The column is not filterable only when this is set to false explicitly. // 2. datatype: string: // The data type of this column. Can be "string", "number", "date", "time", "boolean". // Default to "string". // 3. autoComplete: boolean: // If need auto-complete in the ComboBox for String type, set this to true. // 4. dataTypeArgs: object: // Some arguments helping convert store data to something the filter UI understands. // Different data type arguments can be provided to different data types. // For date/time, this is a, so the DataTimeBox can understand the store data. // For boolean, this object contains: // // - trueLabel: string: // A label to display in the filter definition dialog for true value. Default to "True". // - falseLabel: string: // A label to display in the filter definition dialog for false value. Default to "False". // // 5. disabledConditions: object: // If you don't need all of the conditions provided by the filter UI on this column, you can explicitly say it out here. // e.g.: disabledConditions: ["contains", "is"] // This will disable the "contains" condition for this column, if this column is of string type. // For full set of conditions, please refer to dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.filter.FilterDefDialog._setupData. // example: // |
// | or provide some parameters: // | // | Customize columns for filter: // | var layout = [ // | ... // | //define a column to be un-filterable in layout/structure // | {field: "Genre", filterable: false, ...} // | //define a column of type string and supports autoComplete when you type in filter conditions. // | {field: "Writer", datatype: "string", autoCommplete: true, ...} // | //define a column of type date and the data in store has format: "yyyy/M/d" // | {field: "Publish Date", datatype: "date", dataTypeArgs: {datePattern: "yyyy/M/d"}, ...} // | //disable some conditions for a column // | {field: "Track", disabledConditions: ["equalto","notequalto"], ...} // | ... // | ]; // name: String // plugin name name: "filter", constructor: function(grid, args){ // summary: // See constructor of dojox.grid.enhanced._Plugin. this.grid = grid; this.nls = nls; args = this.args = lang.isObject(args) ? args : {}; if(typeof args.ruleCount != 'number' || args.ruleCount < 0){ args.ruleCount = 3; } var rc = this.ruleCountToConfirmClearFilter = args.ruleCountToConfirmClearFilter; if(rc === undefined){ this.ruleCountToConfirmClearFilter = 2; } //Install filter layer this._wrapStore(); //Install UI components var obj = { "plugin": this }; this.clearFilterDialog = new Dialog({ refNode: this.grid.domNode, title: this.nls["clearFilterDialogTitle"], content: new ClearFilterConfirm(obj) }); this.filterDefDialog = new FilterDefDialog(obj); this.filterBar = new FilterBar(obj); this.filterStatusTip = new FilterStatusTip(obj); //Expose the layer event to grid. grid.onFilterDefined = function(){}; this.connect(grid.layer("filter"), "onFilterDefined", function(filter){ grid.onFilterDefined(grid.getFilter(), grid.getFilterRelation()); }); }, destroy: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); try{ this.grid.unwrap("filter"); this.filterBar.destroyRecursive(); this.filterBar = null; this.clearFilterDialog.destroyRecursive(); this.clearFilterDialog = null; this.filterStatusTip.destroy(); this.filterStatusTip = null; this.filterDefDialog.destroy(); this.filterDefDialog = null; this.grid = null; this.args = null; }catch(e){ console.warn("Filter.destroy() error:",e); } }, _wrapStore: function(){ var g = this.grid; var args = this.args; var filterLayer = args.isServerSide ? new layers.ServerSideFilterLayer(args) : new layers.ClientSideFilterLayer({ cacheSize: args.filterCacheSize, fetchAll: args.fetchAllOnFirstFilter, getter: this._clientFilterGetter }); layers.wrap(g, "_storeLayerFetch", filterLayer); this.connect(g, "_onDelete", lang.hitch(filterLayer, "invalidate")); }, onSetStore: function(store){ this.filterDefDialog.clearFilter(true); }, _clientFilterGetter: function(/* data item */ datarow,/* cell */cell, /* int */rowIndex){ // summary: // Define the grid-specific way to get data from a row. // Argument "cell" is provided by FilterDefDialog when defining filter expressions. // Argument "rowIndex" is provided by FilterLayer when checking a row. // FilterLayer also provides a forth argument: "store", which is, // but we don't need it here. return cell.get(rowIndex, datarow); } }); EnhancedGrid.registerPlugin(Filter/*name:'filter'*/); return Filter; });