# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'uri' require 'yajl' require 'fluent/test/http_output_test' require 'fluent/plugin/out_http_ext' TEST_LISTEN_PORT = 5126 class HTTPOutputTestBase < Test::Unit::TestCase # setup / teardown for servers def setup Fluent::Test.setup @posts = [] @puts = [] @prohibited = 0 @requests = 0 @auth = false @status = 200 @dummy_server_thread = Thread.new do srv = if ENV['VERBOSE'] WEBrick::HTTPServer.new({:BindAddress => '', :Port => TEST_LISTEN_PORT}) else logger = WEBrick::Log.new('/dev/null', WEBrick::BasicLog::DEBUG) WEBrick::HTTPServer.new({:BindAddress => '', :Port => TEST_LISTEN_PORT, :Logger => logger, :AccessLog => []}) end begin allowed_methods = %w(POST PUT) srv.mount_proc('/api/') { |req,res| @requests += 1 unless allowed_methods.include? req.request_method res.status = 405 res.body = 'request method mismatch' next end if @auth and req.header['authorization'][0] == 'Basic YWxpY2U6c2VjcmV0IQ==' # pattern of user='alice' passwd='secret!' # ok, authorized elsif @auth res.status = 403 @prohibited += 1 next else # ok, authorization not required end record = {:auth => nil} if req.content_type == 'application/json' record[:json] = Yajl.load(req.body) else record[:form] = Hash[*(req.body.split('&').map{|kv|kv.split('=')}.flatten)] end instance_variable_get("@#{req.request_method.downcase}s").push(record) res.status = @status } srv.mount_proc('/') { |req,res| res.status = 200 res.body = 'running' } srv.start ensure srv.shutdown end end # to wait completion of dummy server.start() require 'thread' cv = ConditionVariable.new watcher = Thread.new { connected = false while not connected begin get_content('localhost', TEST_LISTEN_PORT, '/') connected = true rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED sleep 0.1 rescue StandardError => e p e sleep 0.1 end end cv.signal } mutex = Mutex.new mutex.synchronize { cv.wait(mutex) } end def test_dummy_server host = '' port = TEST_LISTEN_PORT client = Net::HTTP.start(host, port) assert_equal '200', client.request_get('/').code assert_equal '200', client.request_post('/api/service/metrics/hoge', 'number=1&mode=gauge').code assert_equal 1, @posts.size assert_equal '1', @posts[0][:form]['number'] assert_equal 'gauge', @posts[0][:form]['mode'] assert_nil @posts[0][:auth] @auth = true assert_equal '403', client.request_post('/api/service/metrics/pos', 'number=30&mode=gauge').code req_with_auth = lambda do |number, mode, user, pass| url = URI.parse("http://#{host}:#{port}/api/service/metrics/pos") req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url.path) req.basic_auth user, pass req.set_form_data({'number'=>number, 'mode'=>mode}) req end assert_equal '403', client.request(req_with_auth.call(500, 'count', 'alice', 'wrong password!')).code assert_equal '403', client.request(req_with_auth.call(500, 'count', 'alice', 'wrong password!')).code assert_equal 1, @posts.size assert_equal '200', client.request(req_with_auth.call(500, 'count', 'alice', 'secret!')).code assert_equal 2, @posts.size end def teardown @dummy_server_thread.kill @dummy_server_thread.join end end class HTTPOutputTest < HTTPOutputTestBase CONFIG = %[ endpoint_url{TEST_LISTEN_PORT}/api/ ] CONFIG_JSON = %[ endpoint_url{TEST_LISTEN_PORT}/api/ serializer json ] CONFIG_PUT = %[ endpoint_url{TEST_LISTEN_PORT}/api/ http_method put ] CONFIG_HTTP_ERROR = %[ endpoint_url{TEST_LISTEN_PORT + 1}/api/ ] CONFIG_HTTP_ERROR_SUPPRESSED = %[ endpoint_url{TEST_LISTEN_PORT + 1}/api/ raise_on_error false ] CONFIG_RAISE_ON_HTTP_FAILURE = %[ endpoint_url{TEST_LISTEN_PORT}/api/ raise_on_http_failure true ] RATE_LIMIT_MSEC = 1200 CONFIG_RATE_LIMIT = %[ endpoint_url{TEST_LISTEN_PORT}/api/ rate_limit_msec #{RATE_LIMIT_MSEC} ] def create_driver(conf=CONFIG, tag='test.metrics') Fluent::Test::OutputTestDriver.new(Fluent::HTTPOutput, tag).configure(conf) end def test_configure d = create_driver assert_equal "{TEST_LISTEN_PORT}/api/", d.instance.endpoint_url assert_equal :form, d.instance.serializer d = create_driver CONFIG_JSON assert_equal "{TEST_LISTEN_PORT}/api/", d.instance.endpoint_url assert_equal :json, d.instance.serializer end def test_emit_form d = create_driver d.emit({ 'field1' => 50, 'field2' => 20, 'field3' => 10, 'otherfield' => 1, 'binary' => "\xe3\x81\x82".force_encoding("ascii-8bit") }) d.run assert_equal 1, @posts.size record = @posts[0] assert_equal '50', record[:form]['field1'] assert_equal '20', record[:form]['field2'] assert_equal '10', record[:form]['field3'] assert_equal '1', record[:form]['otherfield'] assert_nil record[:auth] d.emit({ 'field1' => 50, 'field2' => 20, 'field3' => 10, 'otherfield' => 1 }) d.run assert_equal 2, @posts.size end def test_emit_form_put d = create_driver CONFIG_PUT d.emit({ 'field1' => 50 }) d.run assert_equal 0, @posts.size assert_equal 1, @puts.size record = @puts[0] assert_equal '50', record[:form]['field1'] assert_nil record[:auth] d.emit({ 'field1' => 50 }) d.run assert_equal 0, @posts.size assert_equal 2, @puts.size end def test_emit_json binary_string = "\xe3\x81\x82".force_encoding("ascii-8bit") d = create_driver CONFIG_JSON d.emit({ 'field1' => 50, 'field2' => 20, 'field3' => 10, 'otherfield' => 1, 'binary' => binary_string }) d.run assert_equal 1, @posts.size record = @posts[0] assert_equal 50, record[:json]['field1'] assert_equal 20, record[:json]['field2'] assert_equal 10, record[:json]['field3'] assert_equal 1, record[:json]['otherfield'] assert_equal binary_string, record[:json]['binary'] assert_nil record[:auth] end def test_http_error_is_raised d = create_driver CONFIG_HTTP_ERROR assert_raise Errno::ECONNREFUSED do d.emit({ 'field1' => 50 }) end end def test_http_error_is_suppressed_with_raise_on_error_false d = create_driver CONFIG_HTTP_ERROR_SUPPRESSED d.emit({ 'field1' => 50 }) d.run # drive asserts the next output chain is called; # so no exception means our plugin handled the error assert_equal 0, @requests end def test_http_failure_is_not_raised_on_http_failure_true_and_status_201 @status = 201 d = create_driver CONFIG_RAISE_ON_HTTP_FAILURE assert_nothing_raised do d.emit({ 'field1' => 50 }) end @status = 200 end def test_http_failure_is_raised_on_http_failure_true @status = 500 d = create_driver CONFIG_RAISE_ON_HTTP_FAILURE assert_raise RuntimeError do d.emit({ 'field1' => 50 }) end @status = 200 end def test_rate_limiting d = create_driver CONFIG_RATE_LIMIT record = { :k => 1 } last_emit = _current_msec d.emit(record) d.run assert_equal 1, @posts.size d.emit({}) d.run assert last_emit + RATE_LIMIT_MSEC > _current_msec, "Still under rate limiting interval" assert_equal 1, @posts.size wait_msec = 500 sleep (last_emit + RATE_LIMIT_MSEC - _current_msec + wait_msec) * 0.001 assert last_emit + RATE_LIMIT_MSEC < _current_msec, "No longer under rate limiting interval" d.emit(record) d.run assert_equal 2, @posts.size end def _current_msec Time.now.to_f * 1000 end def test_auth @auth = true # enable authentication of dummy server d = create_driver(CONFIG, 'test.metrics') d.emit({ 'field1' => 50, 'field2' => 20, 'field3' => 10, 'otherfield' => 1 }) d.run # failed in background, and output warn log assert_equal 0, @posts.size assert_equal 1, @prohibited d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[ authentication basic username alice password wrong_password ], 'test.metrics') d.emit({ 'field1' => 50, 'field2' => 20, 'field3' => 10, 'otherfield' => 1 }) d.run # failed in background, and output warn log assert_equal 0, @posts.size assert_equal 2, @prohibited d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[ authentication basic username alice password secret! ], 'test.metrics') d.emit({ 'field1' => 50, 'field2' => 20, 'field3' => 10, 'otherfield' => 1 }) d.run # failed in background, and output warn log assert_equal 1, @posts.size assert_equal 2, @prohibited end end