# frozen_string_literal: true
# Copyright (c) 2006-2023 Hal Brodigan (postmodern.mod3 at gmail.com)
# Ronin Support is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ronin Support is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Ronin Support. If not, see .
require 'ronin/support/crypto'
require 'digest'
class String
# @return [String]
# The MD5 checksum of the String.
# @example
# "hello".md5
# # => "5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592"
# @api public
def md5
# @return [String]
# The SHA1 checksum of the String.
# @example
# "hello".sha1
# # => "aaf4c61ddcc5e8a2dabede0f3b482cd9aea9434d"
# @api public
def sha1
alias sha128 sha1
# @return [String]
# The SHA2 checksum of the String.
# @example
# "hello".sha2
# # => "2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824"
# @api public
def sha256
alias sha2 sha256
# @return [String]
# The SHA512 checksum of the String.
# @example
# "hello".sha512
# # => "9b71d224bd62f3785d96d46ad3ea3d73319bfbc2890caadae2dff72519673ca72323c3d99ba5c11d7c7acc6e14b8c5da0c4663475c2e5c3adef46f73bcdec043"
# @api public
def sha512
# Calculates the RMD160 checksum for the String.
# @return [String]
# The RMD160 checksum of the String.
# @example
# "hello".rmd160
# # => "108f07b8382412612c048d07d13f814118445acd"
# @api public
# @since 0.6.0
# @note JRuby and TruffleRuby do not yet support RMD160.
def rmd160
# Calculates the HMAC of the String.
# @param [String] key
# The secret key for the HMAC.
# @param [Symbol] digest
# The digest algorithm for the HMAC.
# @return [String]
# The hex-encoded HMAC for the String.
# @see Ronin::Support::Crypto.hmac
# @since 0.6.0
# @api public
def hmac(key: , digest: :sha1)
hmac = Ronin::Support::Crypto.hmac(self, key: key, digest: digest)
return hmac.hexdigest
# Encrypts the String.
# @param [String] cipher
# The cipher to use.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {Ronin::Support::Crypto.cipher}.
# @option kwargs [Symbol] :hash (:sha1)
# The algorithm to hash the `:password`.
# @option kwargs [String] :key
# The secret key to use.
# @option kwargs [String] :password
# The password for the cipher.
# @option kwargs [String] :iv
# The optional Initial Vector (IV).
# @option kwargs [Integer] :padding
# Sets the padding for the cipher.
# @return [String]
# The encrypted String.
# @see http://rubydoc.info/stdlib/openssl/OpenSSL/Cipher
# @since 0.6.0
# @api public
def encrypt(cipher,**kwargs)
Ronin::Support::Crypto.encrypt(self, cipher: cipher,
direction: :encrypt,
# Decrypts the String.
# @param [String] cipher
# The cipher to use.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {Ronin::Support::Crypto.cipher}.
# @option kwargs [Symbol] :hash (:sha1)
# The algorithm to hash the `:password`.
# @option kwargs [String] :key
# The secret key to use.
# @option kwargs [String] :password
# The password for the cipher.
# @option kwargs [String] :iv
# The optional Initial Vector (IV).
# @option kwargs [Integer] :padding
# Sets the padding for the cipher.
# @return [String]
# The decrypted String.
# @see http://rubydoc.info/stdlib/openssl/OpenSSL/Cipher
# @since 0.6.0
# @api public
def decrypt(cipher,**kwargs)
Ronin::Support::Crypto.decrypt(self, cipher: cipher,
direction: :decrypt,
# Encrypts the String using AES.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {Ronin::Support::Crypto.aes_cipher}.
# @option kwargs [Integer] :key_size
# The desired key size in bits.
# @option kwargs [:cbc, :cfb, :ofb, :ctr, Symbol] mode (:cbc)
# The desired AES cipher mode.
# @option kwargs [Symbol] :hash (:sha256)
# The algorithm to hash the `:password`.
# @option kwargs [String] :key
# The secret key to use.
# @option kwargs [String] :password
# The password for the cipher.
# @option kwargs [String] :iv
# The optional Initial Vector (IV).
# @option kwargs [Integer] :padding
# Sets the padding for the cipher.
# @return [String]
# The encrypted data.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# Either the the `key:` or `password:` keyword argument must be given.
# @since 1.0.0
def aes_encrypt(**kwargs)
# Decrypts the String using AES.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {Ronin::Support::Crypto.aes_cipher}.
# @option kwargs [Integer] :key_size
# The desired key size in bits.
# @option kwargs [:cbc, :cfb, :ofb, :ctr, Symbol] mode (:cbc)
# The desired AES cipher mode.
# @option kwargs [Symbol] :hash (:sha256)
# The algorithm to hash the `:password`.
# @option kwargs [String] :key
# The secret key to use.
# @option kwargs [String] :password
# The password for the cipher.
# @option kwargs [String] :iv
# The optional Initial Vector (IV).
# @option kwargs [Integer] :padding
# Sets the padding for the cipher.
# @return [String]
# The encrypted data.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# Either the the `key:` or `password:` keyword argument must be given.
# @since 1.0.0
def aes_decrypt(**kwargs)
# Encrypts the String using AES-128.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {Ronin::Support::Crypto.aes128_cipher}.
# @option kwargs [:cbc, :cfb, :ofb, :ctr, Symbol] mode (:cbc)
# The desired AES cipher mode.
# @option kwargs [Symbol] :hash (:md5)
# The algorithm to hash the `:password`.
# @option kwargs [String] :key
# The secret key to use.
# @option kwargs [String] :password
# The password for the cipher.
# @option kwargs [String] :iv
# The optional Initial Vector (IV).
# @option kwargs [Integer] :padding
# Sets the padding for the cipher.
# @return [String]
# The encrypted data.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# Either the the `key:` or `password:` keyword argument must be given.
# @since 1.0.0
def aes128_encrypt(**kwargs)
# Decrypts the String using AES-128.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {Ronin::Support::Crypto.aes128_cipher}.
# @option kwargs [:cbc, :cfb, :ofb, :ctr, Symbol] mode (:cbc)
# The desired AES cipher mode.
# @option kwargs [Symbol] :hash (:md5)
# The algorithm to hash the `:password`.
# @option kwargs [String] :key
# The secret key to use.
# @option kwargs [String] :password
# The password for the cipher.
# @option kwargs [String] :iv
# The optional Initial Vector (IV).
# @option kwargs [Integer] :padding
# Sets the padding for the cipher.
# @return [String]
# The encrypted data.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# Either the the `key:` or `password:` keyword argument must be given.
# @since 1.0.0
def aes128_decrypt(**kwargs)
# Encrypts the String using AES-256.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {Ronin::Support::Crypto.aes256_cipher}.
# @option kwargs [:cbc, :cfb, :ofb, :ctr, Symbol] mode (:cbc)
# The desired AES cipher mode.
# @option kwargs [Symbol] :hash (:sha256)
# The algorithm to hash the `:password`.
# @option kwargs [String] :key
# The secret key to use.
# @option kwargs [String] :password
# The password for the cipher.
# @option kwargs [String] :iv
# The optional Initial Vector (IV).
# @option kwargs [Integer] :padding
# Sets the padding for the cipher.
# @return [String]
# The encrypted data.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# Either the the `key:` or `password:` keyword argument must be given.
# @since 1.0.0
def aes256_encrypt(**kwargs)
# Decrypts the String using AES-256.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {Ronin::Support::Crypto.aes256_cipher}.
# @option kwargs [:cbc, :cfb, :ofb, :ctr, Symbol] mode (:cbc)
# The desired AES cipher mode.
# @option kwargs [Symbol] :hash (:sha256)
# The algorithm to hash the `:password`.
# @option kwargs [String] :key
# The secret key to use.
# @option kwargs [String] :password
# The password for the cipher.
# @option kwargs [String] :iv
# The optional Initial Vector (IV).
# @option kwargs [Integer] :padding
# Sets the padding for the cipher.
# @return [String]
# The encrypted data.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# Either the the `key:` or `password:` keyword argument must be given.
# @since 1.0.0
def aes256_decrypt(**kwargs)
# Encrypts the String using the given RSA key.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {Ronin::Support::Crypto.rsa_encrypt}.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :key
# The PEM or DER encoded RSA key string.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :key_file
# The path to the PEM or DER encoded RSA key file.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :key_password
# The optional password to decrypt the encrypted RSA key.
# @option kwargs [:pkcs1_oaep, :pkcs1, :sslv23,
# nil, false] :padding (:pkcs1)
# Optional padding mode. `nil` and `false` will disable padding.
# @return [String]
# The encrypted data.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# Either the `key:` or `key_file:` keyword argument must be given.
# @since 1.0.0
def rsa_encrypt(**kwargs)
# Decrypts the String using the given RSA key.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments for {Ronin::Support::Crypto.rsa_decrypt}.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :key
# The PEM or DER encoded RSA key string.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :key_file
# The path to the PEM or DER encoded RSA key file.
# @option kwargs [String, nil] :key_password
# The optional password to decrypt the encrypted RSA key.
# @option kwargs [:pkcs1_oaep, :pkcs1, :sslv23,
# nil, false] :padding (:pkcs1)
# Optional padding mode. `nil` and `false` will disable padding.
# @return [String]
# The decrypted data.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# Either the `key:` or `key_file:` keyword argument must be given.
# @since 1.0.0
def rsa_decrypt(**kwargs)
# Rotates the characters in the string using the given alphabet.
# @param [Integer] n
# The number of characters to shift each character by.
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] kwargs
# Additional keyword arguments.
# @option kwargs [Array>] :alphabets
# The alphabet(s) to use.
# @return [String]
# The rotated string.
# @note
# This method was added as a joke and should not be used for secure
# cryptographic communications.
# @example ROT13 "encryption":
# "The quick brown fox jumps over 13 lazy dogs.".rot
# # => "Gur dhvpx oebja sbk whzcf bire 46 ynml qbtf."
# @example ROT13 "decryption":
# "Gur dhvpx oebja sbk whzcf bire 46 ynml qbtf.".rot(-13)
# # => "The quick brown fox jumps over 13 lazy dogs."
# @since 1.0.0
def rot(n=13,**kwargs)
# XOR encodes the String.
# @param [Enumerable, Integer] key
# The byte to XOR against each byte in the String.
# @return [String]
# The XOR encoded String.
# @example
# "hello".xor(0x41)
# # => ")$--."
# @example
# "hello again".xor([0x55, 0x41, 0xe1])
# # => "=$\x8d9.\xc14&\x80"
# @api public
def xor(key)
alias ^ xor