# [Components](https://github.com/slooob/amp-html/tree/master/lib/amp-html/components/docs) / Animated Images BETA ## Information The AMP-HTML Animated Images Component allows to use runtime-managed animated images, typically GIF's, in AMP documents. --- ### Quick info #### Latest component release: 0.6.1 (Pre-release) - 2017-03-19 [**Changelog for version 0.6.1**](https://github.com/slooob/amp-html/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#061-pre-release---2017-03-19) #### Requirements The Animated Images Component does not depend on any other components. #### Dependents No other components depend on the Animated Images Component. #### [DeepIntegration](https://github.com/slooob/amp-html/tree/master/lib/amp-html/components/docs#deepintegration-components): Disabled #### [Availability](https://github.com/slooob/amp-html/tree/master/lib/amp-html/components/docs#availability-of-components): Installable --- ## Installation Run in the command line: amp-html install anim Now you are ready to use the Animated Images Component. To learn more about this component, without opening the documentation, run: amp-html component anim ## Usage In your views you can implement an animated image as follows: <%= amp_anim(source) %> <%= amp_anim("my-gif.gif", width: 400, height: 300, placeholder: "my-gif-screencap.jpg") %> It also takes a block. For example, you could use the built-in `amp_placeholder` helper to achieve the same: <%= amp_anim("my-gif.gif", width: 400, height: 300) do %> <%= amp_placeholder("amp-anim", width: 400, height: 300, src: "my-gif-screencap.jpg") %> <% end %> Learn more about the `amp_anim` helper in the dedicated reference linked below. **References:** [`amp_placeholder`](https://github.com/slooob/amp-html/blob/master/lib/amp-html/helpers/docs/amp_placeholder.md) ### Helpers The following helpers are usable with the Animated Images Component of AMP-HTML * [`amp_anim`](https://github.com/slooob/amp-html/blob/master/lib/amp-html/helpers/docs/amp_anim.md)