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height="4" rx="1" ry="1"></rect> <rect x="0" y="12" width="24" height="4" rx="1" ry="1"></rect> <rect x="0" y="20" width="24" height="4" rx="1" ry="1"></rect> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div id="content"><div id='filecontents'><p><a href="https://travis-ci.org/sitrox/schemacop"><img src="https://travis-ci.org/sitrox/schemacop.svg?branch=master" alt="Build Status"></a> <a href="https://badge.fury.io/rb/schemacop"><img src="https://badge.fury.io/rb/schemacop.svg" alt="Gem Version"></a></p> <h1>Schemacop</h1> <p>This is the README for Schemacop version 2, which <strong>breaks backwards compatibility</strong> with version 1.</p> <p>Schemacop validates ruby structures consisting of nested hashes and arrays against schema definitions described by a simple DSL.</p> <p>Examples:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_schema'>schema</span> <span class='op'>=</span> <span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='symbol'>:naming</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:hash</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_opt'>opt</span> <span class='symbol'>:first_name</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='symbol'>:last_name</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_opt!'>opt!</span> <span class='symbol'>:age</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:integer</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>min:</span> <span class='int'>18</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req?'>req?</span> <span class='symbol'>:password</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>check:</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_proc'>proc</span> <span class='lbrace'>{</span> <span class='op'>|</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_pw'>pw</span><span class='op'>|</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_pw'>pw</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_include?'>include?</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>*</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span><span class='rparen'>)</span> <span class='rbrace'>}</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:integer</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_schema'>schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_validate!'>validate!</span><span class='lparen'>(</span> <span class='label'>naming:</span> <span class='lbrace'>{</span> <span class='label'>first_name:</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>John</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>last_name:</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>Doe</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span> <span class='rbrace'>}</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>age:</span> <span class='int'>34</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>password:</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>my*pass</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span> <span class='rparen'>)</span> </code></pre> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_schema2'>schema2</span> <span class='op'>=</span> <span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='symbol'>:description</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>if:</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_proc'>proc</span> <span class='lbrace'>{</span> <span class='op'>|</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_str'>str</span><span class='op'>|</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_str'>str</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_start_with?'>start_with?</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>Abstract: </span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span><span class='rparen'>)</span> <span class='rbrace'>}</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>max:</span> <span class='int'>35</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>check:</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_proc'>proc</span> <span class='lbrace'>{</span> <span class='op'>|</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_str'>str</span><span class='op'>|</span> <span class='op'>!</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_str'>str</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_end_with?'>end_with?</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>.</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span><span class='rparen'>)</span> <span class='rbrace'>}</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='symbol'>:description</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>min:</span> <span class='int'>35</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_schema2'>schema2</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_validate!'>validate!</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='label'>description:</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>Abstract: a short description</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span><span class='rparen'>)</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_schema2'>schema2</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_validate!'>validate!</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='label'>description:</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>Since this is no abstract, we expect it to be longer.</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span><span class='rparen'>)</span> </code></pre> <h2>Installation</h2> <p>To install the <strong>Schemacop</strong> gem:</p> <pre class="code sh"><code class="sh">$ gem install schemacop </code></pre> <p>To install it using <code>bundler</code> (recommended for any application), add it to your <code>Gemfile</code>:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_gem'>gem</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>schemacop</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span> </code></pre> <h2>Basics</h2> <p>Since there is no explicit typing in Ruby, it can be hard to make sure that a method is recieving exactly the right kind of data it needs. The idea of this gem is to define a schema at boot time that will validate the data being passed around at runtime. Those two steps look as follows:</p> <p>At boot time:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_my_schema'>my_schema</span> <span class='op'>=</span> <span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='comment'># Your specification goes here </span><span class='kw'>end</span> </code></pre> <p>At runtime:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_my_shema'>my_shema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_validate!'>validate!</span><span class='lparen'>(</span> <span class='comment'># Your data goes here </span><span class='rparen'>)</span> </code></pre> <p><code>validate!</code> will fail if the data given to it does not match what was specified in the schema.</p> <h3>Type lines vs. Field lines</h3> <p>Schemacop uses a DSL (domain-specific language) to let you describe your schemas. We distinguish between two kinds of identifiers:</p> <ul> <li><p>Field Lines: We call a key-value pair (like the contents of a hash) a <em>field</em>. A field line typically starts with the keyword <code>req</code> (for a required field) or <code>opt</code> (for an optional field).</p></li> <li><p>Type Lines: Those start with the keyword <code>type</code> and specify the data type to be accepted with a corresponding symbol (e.g. <code>:integer</code> or <code>:boolean</code>). You can have multiple Type Lines for a Field Line in order to indicate that the field's value can be of one of the specified types.</p></li> </ul> <p>If you don't use any short forms, a schema definition would be something like this:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_s'>s</span> <span class='op'>=</span> <span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:integer</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:hash</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>name</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:boolean</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> </code></pre> <p>The above schema would accept either an integer or a hash with exactly one field with key 'present' of type String and value of type Boolean (either TrueClass or FalseClass).</p> <p>We will see Type and Field lines in more detail below.</p> <h3><code>validate</code> vs <code>validate!</code> vs <code>valid?</code></h3> <p>The method <code>validate</code> will return a <code>Collector</code> object that contains all validation errors (if any), whereas <code>validate!</code> will accumulate all violations and finally throw an exception describing them.</p> <p>For simply querying the validity of some data, use the methods <code>valid?</code> or <code>invalid?</code>.</p> <h2>Schemacop's DSL</h2> <p>In this section, we will ignore <a href="#short-forms">short forms</a> and explicitly write out everything.</p> <p>Inside the block given at the schema instantiation (<code>Schema.new do ... end</code>), the following kinds of method calls are allowed (where the outermost must be a Type Line):</p> <h3>Type Line</h3> <p>A Type Line always starts with the identifier <code>type</code> and specifies a possible data type for a given field (if inside a Field Line) or the given data structure (if directly below the schema instantiation).</p> <p>Type Lines are generally of the form</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby">type :my_type, option_1: value_1, ..., option_n: value_n </code></pre> <p>where <code>:my_type</code> is a supported symbol (see section <a href="#types">Types</a> below for supported types).</p> <h4>General options</h4> <p>Some types support specific options that allow additional checks on the nature of the data (such as the <code>min</code> option for type <code>:number</code>). The following options are supported by all types:</p> <h5>Option <code>if</code></h5> <p>This option takes a proc (or a lambda) as value. The proc will be called when checking whether or not the data being analyzed fits a certain type. The data is given to the proc, which has to return either true or false. If it returns true, the type of the given data is considered correct and the data will be validated if further options are given.</p> <p>Note that the proc in <code>if</code> will only get called if the type (<code>:my_type</code> from above) fits the data already. You can use the option <code>if</code> in order to say: "Even if the data is of type <code>:my_type</code>, I consider it having the wrong type if my proc returns false."</p> <p>Consider a scenario in which you want to have the following rule set:</p> <ul> <li>Only integers may be given</li> <li>Odd integers must be no larger than 15</li> <li>No limitations for even integers</li> </ul> <p>The corresponding schema would look as follows:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='const'>Schma</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:integer</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>if:</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_proc'>proc</span> <span class='lbrace'>{</span> <span class='op'>|</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_data'>data</span><span class='op'>|</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_data'>data</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_odd?'>odd?</span> <span class='rbrace'>}</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>max:</span> <span class='int'>15</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:integer</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> </code></pre> <p>Here, the first type line will only accept odd numbers and the option <code>max: 15</code> provided by the <code>:integer</code> validator will discard numbers higher than 15.</p> <p>Since the first line only accepts odd numbers, it doesn't apply for even numbers (due to the proc given to <code>if</code> they are considered to be of the wrong type) and control falls through to the second type line accepting any integer.</p> <h5>Option <code>check</code></h5> <p>This option allows you to perform arbitrary custom checks for a given data type. Just like <code>if</code>, <code>check</code> takes a proc or lambda as a value, but it runs <em>after</em> the type checking, meaning that it only gets executed if the data has the right type and the proc in <code>if</code> (if any) has returned true.</p> <p>The proc passed to the <code>check</code> option is given the data being analyzed. It is to return true if the data passes the custom check. If it returns false, Schemacop considers the data to be invalid.</p> <p>The following example illustrates the use of the option <code>check</code>: Consider a scenario in which you want the following rule set:</p> <ul> <li>Data must be of type String</li> <li>The string must be longer than 5 characters</li> <li>The second character must be an 'r'</li> </ul> <p>The corresponding schema would look as follows:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>min:</span> <span class='int'>5</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>check:</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_proc'>proc</span> <span class='lbrace'>{</span> <span class='op'>|</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_data'>data</span><span class='op'>|</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_data'>data</span><span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='int'>1</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span> <span class='op'>==</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>r</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span><span class='rbrace'>}</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> </code></pre> <p>The above Type Line has type <code>:string</code> and two options (<code>min</code> and <code>check</code>). The option <code>min</code> is supported by the <code>:string</code> validator (covered later).</p> <h3>Field Line</h3> <p>Inside a Type Line of type <code>:hash</code>, you may specify an arbitrary number of field lines (one for each key-value pair you want to be in the hash).</p> <p>Field Lines start with one of the following six identifiers: <code>req</code>, <code>req?</code>, <code>req!</code>, <code>opt</code>, <code>opt?</code> or <code>opt!</code>:</p> <ul> <li><p>The suffix <code>-!</code> means that the field must not be nil.</p></li> <li><p>The suffix <code>-?</code> means that the field may be nil.</p></li> <li><p>The prefix <code>req-</code> denotes a required field (validation fails if the given data hash doesn't define it). <code>req</code> is a shorthand notation for <code>req!</code> (meaning that by default, a required field cannot be nil).</p></li> <li><p>The prefix <code>opt-</code> denotes an optional field. <code>opt</code> is a shorthand notation for <code>opt?</code> (meaning that by default, an optional field may be nil).</p></li> </ul> <p>To summarize:</p> <ul> <li><code>req</code> or <code>req!</code>: required and non-nil</li> <li><code>req?</code>: required but may be nil</li> <li><code>opt</code> or <code>opt?</code>: optional and may be nil</li> <li><code>opt!</code>: optional but non-nil</li> </ul> <p>You then pass a block with a single or multiple Type Lines to the field.</p> <p>Example: The following schema defines a hash that has a required non-nil field of type String under the key <code>:name</code> (of type Symbol) and an optional but non-nil field of type Integer or Date under the key <code>:age</code>.</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:hash</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='symbol'>:name</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_opt!'>opt!</span> <span class='symbol'>:age</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:integer</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:object</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>classes:</span> <span class='const'>Date</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> </code></pre> <p>You might find the notation cumbersome, and you'd be right to say so. Luckily there are plenty of short forms available which we will see below.</p> <h4>Handling hashes with indifferent access</h4> <p>Schemacop has special handling for objects of the class <code>ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess</code>: You may specify the keys as symbols or strings, and Schemacop will handle the conversion necessary for proper validation internally. Note that if you define the same key as string and symbol, it will throw a <code>ValidationError</code> <a href="#exceptions">exception</a> when asked to validate a hash with indifferent access.</p> <p>Thus, the following two schema definitions are equivalent when validating a hash with indifferent access:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:hash</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='symbol'>:name</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:hash</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>name</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> </code></pre> <h2>Types</h2> <p>Types are defined via their validators, which is a class under <code>validator/</code>. Each validator is sourced by <code>schemacop.rb</code>.</p> <p>The following types are supported by Schemacop by default:</p> <ul> <li><p><code>:boolean</code> accepts a Ruby TrueClass or FalseClass instance.</p></li> <li><p><code>:integer</code> accepts a Ruby Integer.</p> <ul> <li>supported options: <code>min</code>, <code>max</code> (lower / upper bound)</li> </ul></li> <li><p><code>:float</code> accepts a Ruby Float.</p> <ul> <li>supported options: <code>min</code>, <code>max</code> (lower / upper bound)</li> </ul></li> <li><p><code>:number</code> accepts a Ruby Integer or Float.</p> <ul> <li>supported options: <code>min</code>, <code>max</code> (lower / upper bound)</li> </ul></li> <li><p><code>:string</code> accepts a Ruby String.</p> <ul> <li>supported options: <code>min</code>, <code>max</code> (bounds for string length)</li> </ul></li> <li><p><code>:symbol</code> accepts a Ruby Symbol.</p></li> <li><p><code>:object</code> accepts an arbitrary Ruby object (any object if no option is given).</p> <ul> <li>supported option: <code>classes</code>: Ruby class (or an array of them) that will be the only recognized filters. Unlike other options, this one affects not the validation but the type recognition, meaning that you can have multiple Type Lines with different <code>classes</code> option for the same field, each having its own validation (e.g. through the option <code>check</code>).</li> </ul></li> <li><p><code>:array</code> accepts a Ruby Array.</p> <ul> <li>supported options: <code>min</code>, <code>max</code> (bounds for array size) and <code>nil</code>: TODO</li> <li>accepts a block with an arbitrary number of Type Lines.</li> <li>TODO no lookahead for different arrays, see validator_array_test#test_multiple_arrays</li> </ul></li> <li><p><code>:hash</code> accepts a Ruby Hash or an <code>ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess</code>.</p> <ul> <li>accepts a block with an arbitrary number of Field Lines.</li> </ul></li> <li><p><code>:nil</code>: accepts a Ruby NilClass instance. If you want to allow <code>nil</code> as a value in a field, see above for the usage of the suffixes <code>-!</code> and <code>-?</code> for Field Lines.</p></li> </ul> <p>All types support the options <code>if</code> and <code>check</code> (see the section about Type Lines above).</p> <h2>Short forms</h2> <p>For convenience, the following short forms may be used (and combined if possible).</p> <h3>Passing a type to a Field Line or schema</h3> <p>Instead of adding a Type Line in the block of a Field Line, you can omit <code>do type ... end</code> and directly write the type after the key of the field.</p> <p>Note that when using this short form, you may not give a block to the Field Line.</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='comment'># Long form </span><span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='symbol'>:name</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>min:</span> <span class='int'>2</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>max:</span> <span class='int'>5</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='comment'># Short form </span><span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='symbol'>:name</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>min:</span> <span class='int'>2</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>max:</span> <span class='int'>5</span> </code></pre> <p>This means that the value under the key <code>:name</code> of type Symbol must be a String containing 2 to 5 characters.</p> <p>The short form also works in the schema instantiation:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='comment'># Long form </span><span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>min:</span> <span class='int'>2</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>max:</span> <span class='int'>5</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='comment'># Short form </span><span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='symbol'>:string</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>min:</span> <span class='int'>2</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>max:</span> <span class='int'>5</span><span class='rparen'>)</span> </code></pre> <p>This means that the data given to the schema must be a String that is between 2 and 5 characters long.</p> <h3>Passing multiple types at once</h3> <p>You can specify several types at once by putting them in an array.</p> <p>Note that when using this short form, you may not give any options.</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='comment'># Long form </span><span class='id identifier rubyid_opt!'>opt!</span> <span class='symbol'>:age</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:string</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:integer</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:boolean</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='comment'># Short form </span><span class='id identifier rubyid_opt!'>opt!</span> <span class='symbol'>:age</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='symbol'>:string</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:integer</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:boolean</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> </code></pre> <p>Combined with previous short form:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_opt!'>opt!</span> <span class='symbol'>:age</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='symbol'>:string</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:integer</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:boolean</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span> </code></pre> <p>This also works in the schema instantiation:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='symbol'>:string</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:integer</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:boolean</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span><span class='rparen'>)</span> </code></pre> <p>This means that the schema will validate any data of type String, Integer, TrueClass or FalseClass.</p> <h3>Omitting the Type Line in a Field Line</h3> <p>If you don't specify the type of a field, it will default to <code>:object</code> with no options, meaning that the field will accept any kind of data:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='comment'># Long form </span><span class='id identifier rubyid_req?'>req?</span> <span class='symbol'>:child</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:object</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='comment'># Short form </span><span class='id identifier rubyid_req?'>req?</span> <span class='symbol'>:child</span> </code></pre> <h3>Omitting the Type Line in schema instantiation</h3> <p>If you don't give a Type Line to a schema, it will accept data of type Hash. Therefore, if you validate Hashes only, you can omit the Type Line and directly write Field Lines in the schema instantiation:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='comment'># Long form </span><span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:hash</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='symbol'>:name</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='comment'># ... </span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='comment'># Short form </span><span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='symbol'>:name</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='comment'># ... </span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> </code></pre> <h3>Shortform for subtypes</h3> <p>In case of nested arrays, you can group all Type Lines to a single one.</p> <p>Note that any options or block passed to the grouped Type Line will be given to the innermost (last) type.</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='comment'># Long form </span><span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:array</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:integer</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>min:</span> <span class='int'>3</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='comment'># Short form </span><span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:array</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:integer</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>min:</span> <span class='int'>3</span> </code></pre> <p>A more complex example:</p> <p>Long form:</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:hash</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>nutrition</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:array</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:array</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:hash</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>check:</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_proc'>proc</span> <span class='lbrace'>{</span> <span class='op'>|</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_h'>h</span><span class='op'>|</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_h'>h</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_member?'>member?</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='symbol'>:food</span><span class='rparen'>)</span> <span class='op'>||</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_h'>h</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_member?'>member?</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='symbol'>:drink</span><span class='rparen'>)</span> <span class='rbrace'>}</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_opt!'>opt!</span> <span class='symbol'>:food</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:object</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_opt!'>opt!</span> <span class='symbol'>:drink</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_type'>type</span> <span class='symbol'>:object</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> </code></pre> <p>Short form (with this short form others from above):</p> <pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='const'>Schema</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_new'>new</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_req'>req</span> <span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>'</span><span class='tstring_content'>nutrition</span><span class='tstring_end'>'</span></span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:array</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:array</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='symbol'>:hash</span><span class='comma'>,</span> <span class='label'>check:</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_proc'>proc</span> <span class='lbrace'>{</span> <span class='op'>|</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_h'>h</span><span class='op'>|</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_h'>h</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_member?'>member?</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='symbol'>:food</span><span class='rparen'>)</span> <span class='op'>||</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_h'>h</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_member?'>member?</span><span class='lparen'>(</span><span class='symbol'>:drink</span><span class='rparen'>)</span> <span class='rbrace'>}</span> <span class='kw'>do</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_opt!'>opt!</span> <span class='symbol'>:food</span> <span class='id identifier rubyid_opt!'>opt!</span> <span class='symbol'>:drink</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> <span class='kw'>end</span> </code></pre> <p>This example accepts a hash with exactly one String key 'nutrition' with value of type Array with children of type Array with children of type Hash in which at least one of the Symbol keys <code>:food</code> and <code>:drink</code> (with any non-nil value type) is present.</p> <h2>Exceptions</h2> <p>Schemacop will throw one of the following checked exceptions:</p> <ul> <li><span class='object_link'><a href="Schemacop/Exceptions/InvalidSchemaError.html" title="Schemacop::Exceptions::InvalidSchemaError (class)">Schemacop::Exceptions::InvalidSchemaError</a></span></li> </ul> <p>This exception is thrown when the given schema definition format is invalid.</p> <ul> <li><span class='object_link'><a href="Schemacop/Exceptions/ValidationError.html" title="Schemacop::Exceptions::ValidationError (class)">Schemacop::Exceptions::ValidationError</a></span></li> </ul> <p>This exception is thrown when the given data does not comply with the given schema definition.</p> <h2>Known limitations</h2> <ul> <li><p>Schemacop does not yet allow cyclic structures with infinite depth.</p></li> <li><p>Schemacop aborts when it encounters an error. It is not able to collect a full list of multiple errors.</p></li> <li><p>Schemacop is not made for validating complex causalities (i.e. field <code>a</code> needs to be given only if field <code>b</code> is present).</p></li> <li><p>Schemacop does not yet support string regex matching.</p></li> </ul> <h2>Contributors</h2> <p>Thanks to <a href="https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop">Rubocop</a> for great inspiration concerning their name and the structure of their README file. And special thanks to <a href="http://www.subgit.com/">SubGit</a> for their great open source licensing.</p> <h2>Copyright</h2> <p>Copyright (c) 2017 Sitrox. See <code>LICENSE</code> for further details.</p> </div></div> <div id="footer"> Generated on Wed May 17 10:53:58 2017 by <a href="http://yardoc.org" title="Yay! A Ruby Documentation Tool" target="_parent">yard</a> 0.9.9 (ruby-2.3.1). </div> </div> </body> </html>