#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace facter::facts; using namespace rapidjson; using namespace YAML; SCENARIO("using a string fact value") { GIVEN("a value to copy") { string s = "hello world"; string_value value(s); THEN("the value is copied") { REQUIRE(s == "hello world"); REQUIRE(value.value() == "hello world"); } } GIVEN("a value to move") { string s = "hello world"; string_value value(std::move(s)); THEN("the value is moved") { REQUIRE(s.empty()); REQUIRE(value.value() == "hello world"); } } GIVEN("a simple string value") { string_value value("foobar"); WHEN("serialized to JSON") { THEN("it should have the same value") { json_value json; json_allocator allocator; value.to_json(allocator, json); REQUIRE(json.IsString()); REQUIRE(json.GetString() == string("foobar")); } } WHEN("serialized to YAML") { THEN("it should have the same value") { Emitter emitter; value.write(emitter); REQUIRE(string(emitter.c_str()) == "foobar"); } } WHEN("serialized to text with quotes") { THEN("it should be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream); REQUIRE(stream.str() == "\"foobar\""); } } WHEN("serialized to text without quotes") { THEN("it should not be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream, false); REQUIRE(stream.str() == "foobar"); } } } GIVEN("an ipv6 address string value ending with ':'") { string_value value("fe80::"); WHEN("serialized to JSON") { THEN("it should have the same value") { json_value json; json_allocator allocator; value.to_json(allocator, json); REQUIRE(json.IsString()); REQUIRE(json.GetString() == string("fe80::")); } } WHEN("serialized to YAML") { THEN("it should be quoted") { Emitter emitter; value.write(emitter); REQUIRE(string(emitter.c_str()) == "\"fe80::\""); } } WHEN("serialized to text with quotes") { THEN("it should be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream); REQUIRE(stream.str() == "\"fe80::\""); } } WHEN("serialized to text without quotes") { THEN("it should not be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream, false); REQUIRE(stream.str() == "fe80::"); } } } GIVEN("an ipv4 address string value") { string_value value(""); WHEN("serialized to JSON") { THEN("it should have the same value") { json_value json; json_allocator allocator; value.to_json(allocator, json); REQUIRE(json.IsString()); REQUIRE(json.GetString() == string("")); } } WHEN("serialized to YAML") { THEN("it should have the same value") { Emitter emitter; value.write(emitter); REQUIRE(string(emitter.c_str()) == ""); } } WHEN("serialized to text with quotes") { THEN("it should be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream); REQUIRE(stream.str() == "\"\""); } } WHEN("serialized to text without quotes") { THEN("it should not be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream, false); REQUIRE(stream.str() == ""); } } } GIVEN("a ':' prefixed string value") { string_value value("::1"); WHEN("serialized to JSON") { THEN("it should have the same value") { json_value json; json_allocator allocator; value.to_json(allocator, json); REQUIRE(json.IsString()); REQUIRE(json.GetString() == string("::1")); } } WHEN("serialized to YAML") { THEN("it should be quoted") { Emitter emitter; value.write(emitter); REQUIRE(string(emitter.c_str()) == "\"::1\""); } } WHEN("serialized to text with quotes") { THEN("it should be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream); REQUIRE(stream.str() == "\"::1\""); } } WHEN("serialized to text without quotes") { THEN("it should not be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream, false); REQUIRE(stream.str() == "::1"); } } } GIVEN("a valid mac address") { string_value value("00:50:56:55:42:45"); WHEN("serialized to JSON") { THEN("it should have the same value") { json_value json; json_allocator allocator; value.to_json(allocator, json); REQUIRE(json.IsString()); REQUIRE(json.GetString() == string("00:50:56:55:42:45")); } } WHEN("serialized to YAML") { THEN("it should be quoted") { Emitter emitter; value.write(emitter); REQUIRE(string(emitter.c_str()) == "\"00:50:56:55:42:45\""); } } WHEN("serialized to text with quotes") { THEN("it should be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream); REQUIRE(stream.str() == "\"00:50:56:55:42:45\""); } } WHEN("serialized to text without quotes") { THEN("it should not be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream, false); REQUIRE(stream.str() == "00:50:56:55:42:45"); } } } GIVEN("a list of numbers") { string_value value("1,2,3,4,5"); WHEN("serialized to JSON") { THEN("it should have the same value") { json_value json; json_allocator allocator; value.to_json(allocator, json); REQUIRE(json.IsString()); REQUIRE(json.GetString() == string("1,2,3,4,5")); } } WHEN("serialized to YAML") { THEN("it should be quoted") { Emitter emitter; value.write(emitter); REQUIRE(string(emitter.c_str()) == "\"1,2,3,4,5\""); } } WHEN("serialized to text with quotes") { THEN("it should be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream); REQUIRE(stream.str() == "\"1,2,3,4,5\""); } } WHEN("serialized to text without quotes") { THEN("it should not be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream, false); REQUIRE(stream.str() == "1,2,3,4,5"); } } } GIVEN("a boolean value") { for (auto literal : {string("true"), string("false"), string("yes"), string("no")}) { auto value = string_value(literal); WHEN("serialized to JSON") { THEN("it should have the same value") { json_value json; json_allocator allocator; value.to_json(allocator, json); REQUIRE(json.IsString()); REQUIRE(json.GetString() == literal); } } WHEN("serialized to YAML") { THEN("it should be quoted") { Emitter emitter; value.write(emitter); REQUIRE(string(emitter.c_str()) == "\""+literal+"\""); } } WHEN("serialized to text with quotes") { THEN("it should be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream); REQUIRE(stream.str() == "\""+literal+"\""); } } WHEN("serialized to text without quotes") { THEN("it should not be quoted") { ostringstream stream; value.write(stream, false); REQUIRE(stream.str() == literal); } } } } }