module Hiccup module Enumerable class ScheduleEnumerator def self.enum_for(schedule) case schedule.kind when :weekly then WeeklyEnumerator when :annually then AnnuallyEnumerator when :monthly then MonthlyEnumerator.for(schedule) else NeverEnumerator end end def initialize(schedule, seed_date) @schedule = schedule @ends = schedule.ends? @seed_date = seed_date @seed_date = seed_date.to_date if seed_date.respond_to?(:to_date) @seed_date = start_date if (seed_date < start_date) @seed_date = end_date if (ends? && seed_date > end_date) @cursor = nil end attr_reader :schedule, :seed_date, :cursor def next @cursor = started? ? advance! : first_occurrence_on_or_after(seed_date) return nil if ends? && @cursor > end_date @cursor end def prev @cursor = started? ? rewind! : first_occurrence_on_or_before(seed_date) return nil if @cursor < start_date @cursor end def started? !@cursor.nil? end def ends? @ends end protected delegate :start_date, :weekly_pattern, :monthly_pattern, :end_date, :skip, :to => :schedule def leap_year?(year) return false unless (year % 4).zero? return (year % 400).zero? if (year % 100).zero? true end # These two methods DO assume that # date is predicted by the given schedule # Subclasses can probably supply more # performant implementations of these. def advance! puts "calling ScheduleEnumerator#advance! slow!" first_occurrence_on_or_after(cursor + 1) end def rewind! puts "calling ScheduleEnumerator#rewind! slow!" first_occurrence_on_or_before(cursor - 1) end # These two methods DO NOT assume that # date is predicted by the given schedule # Subclasses _must_ provide implementations # of these methods. def first_occurrence_on_or_after(date) raise NotImplementedError end def first_occurrence_on_or_before(date) raise NotImplementedError end end end end