module Odania def self.table_name_prefix 'odania_' end module Controllers autoload :Helpers, 'odania/controllers/helpers' autoload :UrlHelpers, 'odania/controllers/url_helpers' end autoload :Configuration, 'odania/configuration' autoload :Admin, 'odania/admin' autoload :Protected, 'odania/protected' autoload :CoreTargetTypeUtil, 'odania/core_target_type_util' autoload :TextHelper, 'odania/text_helper' autoload :Taggable, 'odania/taggable' autoload :Filter, 'odania/filter' autoload :TargetType, 'odania/target_type' autoload :AdminConstraint, 'odania/admin_constraint' # Define a set of helpers that are called on setup. mattr_reader :helpers @@helpers = @@helpers << Odania::Controllers::Helpers # Configure the Odania Portal, example for an initializer: # # Odania.configure do |config| # config.user_signed_in_function = 'signed_in?' # end # # This examples shows only a part of the configuration possibilities def self.setup yield Odania::Configuration @@helpers.each { |h| h.define_helpers(self.config) } end # Retrieve configuration def self.config Odania::Configuration end # Include helpers in the given scope to AC and AV. def self.include_helpers(scope) ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do include scope::Helpers if defined?(scope::Helpers) include scope::UrlHelpers layout :set_layout end ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do include scope::UrlHelpers end ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do extend Odania::Taggable end end # Registered Templates mattr_reader :templates @@templates = def self.templates_for_select result = [] self.templates.each_value do |template| result << [template[:name], template[:template]] end result end # Trackable classes. Only these classes are accepted in deliver/click and will increase the counter mattr_accessor :trackable_classes @@trackable_classes = @@trackable_classes << 'Odania::Content' # Registered Widgets # Widgets are available for display in side bar mattr_accessor :widget_includes @@widget_includes = @@widget_includes << 'admin/odania/widgets/content' mattr_accessor :widgets @@widgets = @@widgets << { template: 'odania/widgets/plain_html', description: 'HTML content', is_array: false, parameters: [ {name: 'HTML Content', key: 'content', type: 'wysiwyg'} ] } @@widgets << { template: 'odania/widgets/newsletter', description: 'Perfect Reach Newsletter', is_array: false, parameters: [ {name: 'Header', key: 'header', type: 'text'}, {name: 'URL', key: 'url', type: 'text'} ] } @@widgets << { template: 'odania/components/display_sites', description: 'Display specified sites', is_array: true, parameters: [ {name: 'Sites', key: 'sites', type: 'array', fields: [ {name: 'Site', key: 'site', type: 'site'} ]} ] } @@widgets << { template: 'odania/components/display_links', description: 'Display specified links', is_array: true, parameters: [ {name: 'Links', key: 'links', type: 'array', fields: [ {name: 'Name', key: 'name', type: 'text'}, {name: 'Url', key: 'url', type: 'text'} ]} ] } def self.widgets_for_select result = [] self.widgets.each_value do |widget| result << [widget[:description], widget[:template]] end result end def self.admin Odania::Admin end def self.protected Odania::Protected end end