module Merb module GlobalHelper;end module BootLoader class << self def initialize_merb require 'merb' @mtime = if Merb::Config[:reloader] == true # Register session types before merb_init.rb so that any additional # session stores will be added to the end of the list and become the # default. register_session_type('memory', Merb.framework_root / "merb" / "session" / "memory_session", "Using in-memory sessions; sessions will be lost whenever the server stops.") register_session_type('mem_cache', Merb.framework_root / "merb" / "session" / "mem_cache_session", "Using MemCache distributed memory sessions") register_session_type('cookie', # Last session type becomes the default Merb.framework_root / "merb" / "session" / "cookie_store", "Using 'share-nothing' cookie sessions (4kb limit per client)") require Merb.root / 'config/merb_init.rb' add_controller_mixins end def max_mtime( files = [] ){ |file| File.mtime(file) rescue @mtime }.max end def register_session_type(name, file, description = nil) @registered_session_types ||= @registered_session_types[name] = { :file => file, :description => (description || "Using #{name} sessions") } end def add_controller_mixins types = @registered_session_types Merb::Controller.class_eval do lib = File.join(Merb.framework_root, 'merb') session_store = Merb::Config[:session_store].to_s if ["", "false"].include?(session_store) puts "Not Using Sessions" elsif reg = types[session_store] if session_store == "cookie" unless Merb::Config[:session_secret_key] && (Merb::Config[:session_secret_key].length >= 16) puts("You must specify a session_secret_key in your merb.yml, and it must be at least 16 characters\nbailing out...") exit! end Merb::Controller.session_secret_key = Merb::Config[:session_secret_key] end require reg[:file] include ::Merb::SessionMixin puts reg[:description] else puts "Session store not found, '#{Merb::Config[:session_store]}'." puts "Defaulting to CookieStore Sessions" unless Merb::Config[:session_secret_key] && (Merb::Config[:session_secret_key].length >= 16) puts("You must specify a session_secret_key in your merb.yml, and it must be at least 16 characters\nbailing out...") exit! end Merb::Controller.session_secret_key = Merb::Config[:session_secret_key] require types['cookie'][:file] include ::Merb::SessionMixin puts "(plugin not installed?)" end if Merb::Config[:basic_auth] require lib + "/mixins/basic_authentication" include ::Merb::AuthenticationMixin puts "Basic Authentication mixed in" end end end def after_app_loads(&block) @after_app_blocks ||= [] @after_app_blocks << block end def app_loaded? @app_loaded end def load_action_arguments(klasses = Merb::Controller._subclasses) begin klasses.each do |controller| controller = Object.full_const_get(controller) controller.action_argument_list = {} controller.callable_actions.each do |action, bool| controller.action_argument_list[action.to_sym] = ParseTreeArray.translate(controller, action).get_args end end rescue klasses.each { |controller| Object.full_const_get(controller).action_argument_list = {} } end if defined?(ParseTreeArray) end def template_paths(type = "*[a-zA-Z]") # This gets all templates set in the controllers template roots template_paths = do |klass| Object.full_const_get(klass)._template_root do |path| Dir["#{path}/**/#{type}"] end # This gets the templates that might be created outside controllers # template roots. eg app/views/shared/* template_paths << Dir["#{Merb.root}/app/views/**/*[a-zA-Z]"] if type == "*" template_paths.flatten.compact.uniq || [] end def load_controller_template_path_cache Merb::AbstractController.reset_template_path_cache! template_paths.each do |template| Merb::AbstractController.add_path_to_template_cache(template) end end def load_inline_helpers partials = template_paths("_*.{erb,haml}") partials.each do |partial| case partial when /erb$/ template = template.def_method(Merb::GlobalHelper, partial.gsub(/[^\.a-zA-Z0-9]/, "__").gsub(/\./, "_"), partial) when /haml$/ if Object.const_defined?(:Haml) and Haml::Engine.instance_methods.include?('def_method') template =, :filename => partial) template.def_method(Merb::GlobalHelper, partial.gsub(/[^\.a-zA-Z0-9]/, "__").gsub(/\./, "_")) end end end end def load_application #Magic Class Loading => Not failing on missing parent due to alphabetical loading # Does a reverse alphaebetical search if classes failed in first pass # Will continue to reverse the list of failures until the size does change between # two passes orphaned_paths = [] $LOAD_PATH.unshift( File.join(Merb.root,'/app/models') ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( File.join(Merb.root,'/app/controllers') ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( File.join(Merb.root , '/lib') ) Merb.load_paths.each do |glob| Dir[Merb.root + glob].each do |m| begin require m rescue NameError orphaned_paths.unshift(m) end end end load_classes_with_requirements(orphaned_paths) load_action_arguments load_controller_template_path_cache load_inline_helpers @app_loaded = true load_libraries (@after_app_blocks || []).each { |b| } end def load_classes_with_requirements(orphaned_paths) #Make the list unique orphaned_paths.uniq! while orphaned_paths.size > 0 #Take the size for comparison later size_at_start = orphaned_paths.size fail_list = [] #List of failures # Try to load each path again, this time the order is reversed (orphaned_paths).each do |m| # Remove the path from the list orphaned_paths.delete(m) begin require m rescue NameError # Add it back on if it failed to load due to NameError fail_list.push(m) end end orphaned_paths.concat(fail_list) # Stop processing if everything loaded (size == 0) or if the size didn't change # (ie something couldn't be loaded) break if(orphaned_paths.size == size_at_start || orphaned_paths.size == 0) end return orphaned_paths end def load_libraries # Load the Sass plugin of /public/stylesheets/sass exists begin require "sass/plugin" if / "public" / "stylesheets" / "sass") rescue LoadError end # If you don't use the JSON gem, disable auto-parsing of json params too if Merb::Config[:disable_json_gem] Merb::Request::parse_json_params = false else begin require 'json/ext' rescue LoadError require 'json/pure' end end end def remove_constant(const) parts = const.to_s.split("::") base = parts.size == 1 ? Object : Object.full_const_get(parts[0..-2].join("::")) object = parts[-1].intern"Removing constant #{object} from #{base}") base.send(:remove_const, object) if object Merb::Controller._subclasses.delete(const) end def reload return if !Merb::Config[:reloader] # First we collect all files in the project (this will also grab newly added files) project_files = { |path| Dir[Merb.root + path] }.flatten.uniq partials = template_paths("_*.*").map { |path| Dir[path] }.flatten.uniq project_mtime = max_mtime(project_files + partials) # Latest changed time of all project files return if @mtime.nil? || @mtime >= project_mtime # Only continue if a file has changed project_files.each do |file| if File.mtime(file) >= @mtime # If the file has changed or been added since the last project reload time # remove any cannonical constants, based on what type of project file it is # and then reload the file begin constant = case file when %r[/app/(models|controllers|parts|mailers)/(.+)\.rb$] $2.to_const_string when %r[/app/(helpers)/(.+)\.rb$] "Merb::" + $2.to_const_string end remove_constant(constant) rescue NameError => e Merb.logger.warn "Couldn't remove constant #{constant}" end begin"Reloading file #{file}") old_subclasses = Merb::Controller._subclasses.dup load(file) loaded_classes = Merb::Controller._subclasses - old_subclasses load_action_arguments(loaded_classes) rescue Exception => e puts "Error reloading file #{file}: #{e}" Merb.logger.warn " Error: #{e}" end # constant = file =~ /\/(controllers|models|mailers|helpers|parts)\/(.*).rb/ ? $2.to_const_string : nil # remove_constant($2.to_const_string, ($1 == "helpers") ? Merb : nil) # load file and puts "loaded file: #{file}" end end # Rebuild the glob cache and erubis inline helpers load_controller_template_path_cache load_inline_helpers @mtime = project_mtime # As the last action, update the current @mtime end end # class << self end # BootLoader end # Merb