require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') require 'rake/extensiontask' require 'rbconfig' describe Rake::ExtensionTask do describe '#new' do describe '(basic)' do it 'should raise an error if no name is provided' do lambda { }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Extension name must be provided/) end it 'should allow string as extension name assignation' do ext ='extension_one') == 'extension_one' end it 'should allow string as extension name using block assignation' do ext = do |ext| = 'extension_two' end == 'extension_two' end it 'should return itself for the block' do from_block = nil from_lasgn ='extension_three') do |ext| from_block = ext end from_block.should == from_lasgn end it 'should accept a gem specification as parameter' do spec = mock_gem_spec ext ='extension_three', spec) ext.gem_spec.should == spec end it 'should allow gem specification be defined using block assignation' do spec = mock_gem_spec ext ='extension_four') do |ext| ext.gem_spec = spec end ext.gem_spec.should == spec end it 'should allow forcing of platform' do ext ='weird_extension') do |ext| ext.platform = 'universal-foo-bar-10.5' end ext.platform.should == 'universal-foo-bar-10.5' end end end describe '(defaults)' do before :each do @ext ='extension_one') end it 'should look for extconf script' do @ext.config_script.should == 'extconf.rb' end it 'should dump intermediate files to tmp/' do @ext.tmp_dir.should == 'tmp' end it 'should look for extension inside ext/' do @ext.ext_dir.should == 'ext' end it 'should copy build extension into lib/' do @ext.lib_dir.should == 'lib' end it 'should look for C files pattern (.c)' do @ext.source_pattern.should == "*.c" end it 'should have no configuration options preset to delegate' do @ext.config_options.should be_empty end it 'should default to current platform' do @ext.platform.should == RUBY_PLATFORM end it 'should default to no cross compilation' do @ext.cross_compile.should be_false end it 'should have no configuration options for cross compilation' do @ext.cross_config_options.should be_empty end it "should have cross platform defined to 'i386-mingw32'" do @ext.cross_platform.should == 'i386-mingw32' end end describe '(tasks)' do before :each do Rake.application.clear CLEAN.clear CLOBBER.clear end describe '(one extension)' do before :each do Rake::FileList.stub!(:[]).and_return(["ext/extension_one/source.c"]) @ext ='extension_one') @ext_bin = ext_bin('extension_one') @platform = RUBY_PLATFORM end describe 'compile' do it 'should define as task' do Rake::Task.task_defined?('compile').should be_true end it "should depend on 'compile:{platform}'" do Rake::Task['compile'].prerequisites.should include("compile:#{@platform}") end end describe 'compile:extension_one' do it 'should define as task' do Rake::Task.task_defined?('compile:extension_one').should be_true end it "should depend on 'compile:extension_one:{platform}'" do Rake::Task['compile:extension_one'].prerequisites.should include("compile:extension_one:#{@platform}") end end describe 'lib/extension_one.{so,bundle}' do it 'should define as task' do Rake::Task.task_defined?("lib/#{@ext_bin}").should be_true end it "should depend on 'copy:extension_one:{platform}'" do Rake::Task["lib/#{@ext_bin}"].prerequisites.should include("copy:extension_one:#{@platform}") end end describe 'tmp/{platform}/extension_one/extension_one.{so,bundle}' do it 'should define as task' do Rake::Task.task_defined?("tmp/#{@platform}/extension_one/#{@ext_bin}").should be_true end it "should depend on 'tmp/{platform}/extension_one/Makefile'" do Rake::Task["tmp/#{@platform}/extension_one/#{@ext_bin}"].prerequisites.should include("tmp/#{@platform}/extension_one/Makefile") end it "should depend on 'ext/extension_one/source.c'" do Rake::Task["tmp/#{@platform}/extension_one/#{@ext_bin}"].prerequisites.should include("ext/extension_one/source.c") end it "should not depend on 'ext/extension_one/source.h'" do Rake::Task["tmp/#{@platform}/extension_one/#{@ext_bin}"].prerequisites.should_not include("ext/extension_one/source.h") end end describe 'tmp/{platform}/extension_one/Makefile' do it 'should define as task' do Rake::Task.task_defined?("tmp/#{@platform}/extension_one/Makefile").should be_true end it "should depend on 'tmp/{platform}/extension_one'" do Rake::Task["tmp/#{@platform}/extension_one/Makefile"].prerequisites.should include("tmp/#{@platform}/extension_one") end it "should depend on 'ext/extension_one/extconf.rb'" do Rake::Task["tmp/#{@platform}/extension_one/Makefile"].prerequisites.should include("ext/extension_one/extconf.rb") end end describe 'clean' do it "should include 'tmp/{platform}/extension_one' in the pattern" do CLEAN.should include("tmp/#{@platform}/extension_one") end end describe 'clobber' do it "should include 'lib/extension_one.{so,bundle}'" do CLOBBER.should include("lib/#{@ext_bin}") end it "should include 'tmp'" do CLOBBER.should include('tmp') end end end describe '(native tasks)' do before :each do Rake::FileList.stub!(:[]).and_return(["ext/extension_one/source.c"]) @spec = mock_gem_spec @ext_bin = ext_bin('extension_one') @platform = RUBY_PLATFORM end describe 'native' do before :each do @spec.stub!(:platform=).and_return('ruby') end it 'should define a task for building the supplied gem' do'extension_one', @spec) Rake::Task.task_defined?('native:my_gem').should be_true end it 'should define as task for pure ruby gems' do Rake::Task.task_defined?('native').should be_false'extension_one', @spec) Rake::Task.task_defined?('native').should be_true end it 'should not define a task for already native gems' do @spec.stub!(:platform).and_return('current')'extension_one', @spec) Rake::Task.task_defined?('native').should be_false end it 'should depend on platform specific native tasks' do'extension_one', @spec) Rake::Task["native"].prerequisites.should include("native:#{@platform}") end describe 'native:my_gem:{platform}' do it 'should depend on binary extension' do'extension_one', @spec) Rake::Task["native:my_gem:#{@platform}"].prerequisites.should include("tmp/#{@platform}/extension_one/#{@ext_bin}") end end end end describe '(cross platform tasks)' do before :each do File.stub!(:exist?).and_return(true) YAML.stub!(:load_file).and_return(mock_config_yml) Rake::FileList.stub!(:[]).and_return(["ext/extension_one/source.c"]) @spec = mock_gem_spec @config_file = File.expand_path("~/.rake-compiler/config.yml") @major_ver = RUBY_VERSION.match(/(\d+.\d+)/)[1] @config_path = mock_config_yml["rbconfig-#{@major_ver}"] end it 'should not generate an error if no rake-compiler configuration exist' do File.should_receive(:exist?).with(@config_file).and_return(false) lambda {'extension_one') do |ext| ext.cross_compile = true end }.should_not raise_error(RuntimeError) end it 'should parse the config file using YAML' do YAML.should_receive(:load_file).with(@config_file).and_return(mock_config_yml)'extension_one') do |ext| ext.cross_compile = true end end it 'should fail if no section of config file defines running version of ruby' do config = mock(Hash) config.should_receive(:[]).with("rbconfig-#{@major_ver}").and_return(nil) YAML.stub!(:load_file).and_return(config) lambda {'extension_one') do |ext| ext.cross_compile = true end }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /no configuration section for this version of Ruby/) end it 'should allow usage of RUBY_CC_VERSION to indicate a different version of ruby' do config = mock(Hash) config.should_receive(:[]).with("rbconfig-2.0").and_return('/path/to/ruby/2.0/rbconfig.rb') YAML.stub!(:load_file).and_return(config) begin ENV['RUBY_CC_VERSION'] = '2.0''extension_one') do |ext| ext.cross_compile = true end ensure ENV.delete('RUBY_CC_VERSION') end end describe "(cross for 'universal-unknown' platform)" do before :each do @ext ='extension_one', @spec) do |ext| ext.cross_compile = true ext.cross_platform = 'universal-unknown' end end describe 'rbconfig' do it 'should chain rbconfig tasks to Makefile generation' do Rake::Task['tmp/universal-unknown/extension_one/Makefile'].prerequisites.should include('tmp/universal-unknown/extension_one/rbconfig.rb') end it 'should take rbconfig from rake-compiler configuration' do Rake::Task['tmp/universal-unknown/extension_one/rbconfig.rb'].prerequisites.should include(@config_path) end end describe 'compile:universal-unknown' do it "should be defined" do Rake::Task.task_defined?('compile:universal-unknown').should be_true end it "should depend on 'compile:extension_one:universal-unknown'" do Rake::Task['compile:universal-unknown'].prerequisites.should include('compile:extension_one:universal-unknown') end end describe 'native:universal-unknown' do it "should be defined" do Rake::Task.task_defined?('native:universal-unknown').should be_true end it "should depend on 'native:my_gem:universal-unknown'" do Rake::Task['native:universal-unknown'].prerequisites.should include('native:my_gem:universal-unknown') end end end end end private def ext_bin(extension_name) "#{extension_name}.#{RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT']}" end def mock_gem_spec(stubs = {}) mock(Gem::Specification, { :name => 'my_gem', :platform => 'ruby' }.merge(stubs) ) end def mock_config_yml { 'rbconfig-1.8' => '/some/path/version/1.8/to/rbconfig.rb', 'rbconfig-1.9' => '/some/path/version/1.9/to/rbconfig.rb' } end end