# Chef Sugar

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Chef Sugar is a Gem & Chef Recipe that includes series of helpful syntactic sugars on top of the Chef core and other resources to make a cleaner, more lean recipe DSL, enforce DRY principles, and make writing Chef recipes an awesome and fun experience!

## Requirements

### Platforms

- any platform

### Chef

- Chef 12.10+

### Cookbooks

- none

## Installation

If you want to develop/hack on chef-sugar, please see the CONTRIBUTING.md.

If you are using Berkshelf, add `chef-sugar` to your `Berksfile`:

cookbook 'chef-sugar'

Otherwise, you can use `knife` or download the tarball directly from the community site:

knife cookbook site install chef-sugar

## Usage

Simply depend on this cookbook in the metadata of your cookbook and the gem will be installed and required..

Requiring the Chef Sugar Gem will automatically extend the Recipe DSL, `Chef::Resource`, and `Chef::Provider` with helpful convenience methods.

### Module Method

If you are working outside of the Recipe DSL, you can use the module methods instead of the Recipe DSL. In general, the module methods have the same name as their Recipe-DSL counterparts, but require the node object as a parameter. For example:

In a Recipe:

# cookbook/recipes/default.rb
do_something if windows?

In a Library as a singleton:

# cookbook/libraries/default.rb
def only_on_windows(&block)
  yield if Chef::Sugar::PlatformFamily.windows?(@node)

In a Library as a Mixin:

# cookbook/libraries/default.rb
include Chef::Sugar::PlatformFamily

def only_on_windows(&block)
  yield if windows?(@node)

## API

**Note:** For the most extensive API documentation, please see the YARD documentation.

### Architecture

**Note:** Some of the architecture commands begin with an underscore (`_`) because Ruby does not permit methods to start with a numeric.

- `_64_bit?`
- `_32_bit?`
- `intel?`
- `sparc?`
- `ppc64?`
- `ppc64le?`
- `powerpc?`

#### Examples

execute 'build[my binary]' do
  command '...'
  not_if  { _64_bit? }

### Cloud

- `azure?`
- `cloud?`
- `digitalocean?`
- `ec2?`
- `eucalyptus?`
- `gce?`
- `linode?`
- `openstack?`
- `cloudstack?`
- `rackspace?`
- `softlayer?`

#### Examples

template '/tmp/config' do
    # See also: best_ip_for
    ipaddress: cloud? ? node['local_ipv4'] : node['public_ipv4']

### Core Extensions

**Note:** Core extensions are **not** included by default. You must require the `chef/sugar/core_extensions` module manually to gain access to these APIs:

require 'chef/sugar/core_extensions'

- `String#satisfies?`
- `String#satisfied_by?`
- `Array#satisfied_by?`
- `Object#blank?`

#### Examples

# Checking version constraints
'1.0.0'.satisfies?('~> 1.0') #=> true
'~> 1.0'.satisfied_by?('1.0') #=> true

# Check for an object's presence
''.blank? #=> true
['hello'].blank? #=> false

### Data Bag

- `encrypted_data_bag_item` - a handy DSL method for loading encrypted data bag items the same way you load a regular data bag item; this requires `Chef::Config[:encrypted_data_bag_secret]` is set!
- `encrypted_data_bag_item_for_environment` - find the encrypted data bag entry for the current node's Chef environment.
- `data_bag_item_for_environment` - find the data bag entry for the current node's Chef environment.

#### Examples

encrypted_data_bag_item('accounts', 'hipchat')

encrypted_data_bag_item_for_environment('accounts', 'github')

data_bag_item_for_environment('accounts', 'github')

### Docker

Chef Sugar looks for hints to see if the node being converged is a Docker container. When [Ohai supports checking other nodes](https://github.com/opscode/ohai/pull/428), Chef Sugar will automatically pick up the information.

- `docker?`

#### Examples

template '/runme' do
  only_if { docker?(node) }

### Attributes

Chef Sugar adds more Chef-like DSL to attribute definitions. Instead of using the Ruby hash syntax, you can define attributes using nested namespaces. This DSL may be more friendly to non-Ruby developers. It can safely be mixed-and-matched with the standard syntax.

# This is functionally the same as default['apache2']['config']['root'] = '/var/www'
namespace 'apache2' do
  namespace 'config' do
    root '/var/www'

# Specify multiple keys instead of nesting namespaces
namespace 'apache2', 'config' do
  root '/var/www'

# Specify different nested precedence levels
namespace 'apache2', precedence: normal do
  namespace 'config', precedence: override do
    root '/var/www' #=> override['apache2']['config']['root'] = '/var/www'

### Constraints

- `constraints` - create a new constraint (or requirement) that can be used to test version validations.
- `chef_version` - (DSL only) a wrapper for `version(Chef::VERSION)`
- `version` - create a new version that can be used to test constraint validation.

#### Examples

# Check if a version is satisfied by a constraint
version('1.2.3').satisfies?('~> 1.2.0')

# Check if a constraint is satisfied by a version
constraint('~> 1.2.0').satisfied_by?('1.2.3')

# Support multiple constraints
version('1.2.3').satisfies?('> 1.2', '< 2.0')
constraint('> 1.2', '< 2.0').satisfied_by?('1.2.3')

# Only perform an operation if Chef is at a certain version
package 'apache2' do
  not_if { chef_version.satisfies?('~> 11.0') } # Ignore Chef 11

### Kernel

- `require_chef_gem` - "safely" require a gem. Loading a gem with Chef is sometimes difficult and confusing. The errors that Chef produces are also sometimes not very intuitive. In the event you require a gem to exist on the system, you can use `require_chef_gem`, which will attempt to require the gem and then produce helpful output if the gem is not installed:

    Chef could not load the gem `#{name}'! You may need to install the gem
    manually with `gem install #{name}', or include a recipe before you can
    use this resource. Please consult the documentation for this cookbook
    for proper usage.

#### Examples

require_chef_gem 'pry'

class Chef
  class Provider
    class MyProvider > Provider
      require_chef_gem 'pry'

### Init

- `systemd?` - detect if init system is systemd
- `upstart?` - detect if init system is upstart
- `runit?` - detect if init system is runit

#### Examples

systemd_service 'my-service' do
  description 'My Service'
  install do
    wanted_by 'multi-user.target'
  service do
    exec_start '/usr/bin/myserviced'
  action [:create, :enable, :start]
  only_if { systemd? }

cookbook_file '/etc/init/my-service.conf' do
  source 'my-service.conf'
  only_if { upstart? }

### IP

- `best_ip_for` - determine the best IP address for the given "other" node, preferring local IP addresses over public ones.

#### Examples

redis = search('node', 'role:redis').first

template '/tmp/config' do
    ipaddress: best_ip_for(redis)

### Node

Additional methods for the `node` object

- `deep_fetch` - safely fetch a nested attribute.
- `deep_fetch!` - fetch a nested attribute, raising a more semantic error if the key does not exist.
- `in?` - determine if the node is in the given Chef environment.

#### Examples

credentials = if node.in?('production')

node.deep_fetch('apache2', 'config', 'root') => node['apache2']['config']['root']

### Platform

- `amazon_linux?`
- `centos?`
- `linux_mint?`
- `oracle_linux?`
- `redhat_enterprise_linux?`
- `scientific_linux?`
- `ubuntu?`
- `solaris2?`
- `aix?`
- `smartos?`
- `omnios?`
- `raspbian?`
- `nexus?`
- `ios_xr?`

There are also a series of dynamically defined matchers that map named operating system release versions and comparison operators in the form "#{platform}_#{operator}_#{name}?". For example:

- `debian_after_squeeze?`
- `linuxmint_after_or_at_olivia?`
- `mac_os_x_lion?`
- `centos_final?`
- `ubuntu_before_lucid?`
- `ubuntu_before_or_at_maverick?`
- `solaris_10?`
- `solaris_11?`

To get a full list, run the following in IRB:

require 'chef/sugar'
puts Chef::Sugar::Platform.instance_methods

#### Examples

if ubuntu?
  execute 'apt-get update'

### Platform Family

- `arch_linux?`
- `debian?`
- `fedora?`
- `freebsd?`
- `gentoo?`
- `linux?`
- `mac_os_x?`
- `openbsd?`
- `rhel?`
- `slackware?`
- `suse?`
- `windows?`
- `wrlinux?`

#### Examples

node['attribute'] = if windows?

### Ruby

**Note:** The applies to the Ruby found at `node['languages']['ruby']`.

- `ruby_20?`
- `ruby_19?`

#### Examples

log 'This has been known to fail on Ruby 2.0' if ruby_20?

### Run Context

- `includes_recipe?` - determines if the current run context includes the recipe

if includes_recipe?('apache2::default')
  apache_module 'my_module' do
    # ...

### Shell

- `which`
- `dev_null`
- `installed?`
- `installed_at_version?`
- `version_for`

#### Examples

log "Using `mongo` at `#{which('mongo')}`"

if installed?('apt')
  execute 'apt-get update'

execute 'install[thing]' do
  command "... 2>&1 #{dev_null}"
  not_if  { installed_at_version?('thing', node['thing']['version']) }

log "Skipping git install, version is at #{version_for('mongo', '-v')}"

### Vagrant

- `vagrant?`

#### Examples

http_request 'http://...' do
  not_if { vagrant? }

### Virtualization

- `kvm?`
- `lxc?`
- `parallels?`
- `virtualbox?`
- `vmware?`
- `openvz?`

#### Examples

service 'ntpd' do
  action [:enable, :start]
  not_if { lxc? }

### Filters

- `at_compile_time` - accepts a block of resources to run at compile time
- `before` - insert resource in the collection before the given resource
- `after` - insert resource in the collection after the given resource

#### Examples

at_compile_time do
  package 'apache2'

# This is equivalent to
package 'apache2' do
  action :nothing

before 'service[apache2]' do
  log 'I am before the apache 2 service fires!'

after 'service[apache2]' do
  log 'I am after the apache 2 service fires!'

## License & Authors

- Author: Seth Vargo (sethvargo@gmail.com)

Copyright 2013-2015 Seth Vargo

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

[gem]: https://rubygems.org/gems/chef-sugar
[travis]: http://travis-ci.org/sethvargo/chef-sugar