require "dripper/engine" require "dripper/drippable" require "dripper/dripper_job" module Dripper # this file is called dripper_mail because the gem needs to be named the same as the default file @registry = [] mattr_accessor :job_queue def self.registry @registry end def self.config(opts={}, &block) # avoid connecting to the database during precompilation # if !defined?(::Rake::SprocketsTask), &block) @registry.each do |r| r.register end end end def self.execute @registry.each do |d| d.execute end end end class DripperProxy attr_accessor :model attr_accessor :mailer attr_accessor :action attr_accessor :scope attr_accessor :parent attr_accessor :children attr_accessor :wait attr_accessor :wait_until def initialize(opts={}, &block) @scopes = [] # if there's a parent, initialize all values to the parent values first # then override with children [:model, :mailer, :action, :wait, :wait_until].each do |method| parent = opts[:parent] if parent instance_variable_set "@#{method}", parent.send(method) end end #overwrite any defined options opts.each { |k,v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) } if opts[:scope] @scopes << opts[:scope] end @children = [] instance_eval(&block) if block # only include complete ones in the registry if self.action && self.mailer && self.model Dripper.registry << self end end def dripper(opts={}, &block) proxy = opts.merge(parent: self), &block @children << proxy end def register # don't register until migrations have completed if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.data_source_exists? 'dripper_actions' Dripper::Action.where(action: self.action.to_s, mailer: self.mailer.to_s).first_or_create end end def scoped_recs(item = nil) dripper_action = Dripper::Action.find_by(action: self.action.to_s, mailer: self.mailer.to_s) all_recs = self.model.to_s.classify.constantize.send(:all) # only send if we haven't already already_sent = Dripper::Message .where(drippable_type: self.model.to_s.classify.to_s, dripper_action_id: .select(:drippable_id) final_scope = all_recs .where.not(id: already_sent) .where("#{self.model.to_s.classify.constantize.table_name}.created_at >= ?", dripper_action.created_at.change(usec: 0)) # merge all the scopes @scopes.each do |s| final_scope = final_scope.merge s end if item final_scope = final_scope.where(id: end return final_scope end def execute(item = nil) dripper_action = Dripper::Action.find_by(action: self.action.to_s, mailer: self.mailer.to_s) puts self.action.to_s puts scoped_recs(item).to_sql scoped_recs(item).each do |obj| # instantiate the mailer and run the code mailer_obj = self.mailer.to_s.classify.constantize mail_obj = mailer_obj.send self.action, obj if mail_obj if self.wait if self.wait.respond_to? :call wait_date = else wait_date = self.wait end mail_obj.deliver_later(wait: wait_date) elsif self.wait_until if self.wait_until.respond_to? :call wait_date = else wait_date = self.wait_until end mail_obj.deliver_later(wait_until: wait_date) else mail_obj.deliver_now end # insert a row Dripper::Message.create!(dripper_action_id:, drippable: obj) end end end end