require 'collins_client' require 'highline' require 'yaml' module CollinsShell module ThorHelper include Collins::Util COLLINS_OPTIONS = { :config => {:type => :string, :desc => 'YAML configuration file'}, :debug => {:type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Debug output'}, :host => {:type => :string, :desc => 'Collins host (e.g. http://host:port)'}, :password => {:type => :string, :desc => 'Collins password'}, :quiet => {:type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Be quiet when appropriate'}, :timeout => {:type => :numeric, :default => 30, :desc => 'Collins client timeout'}, :username => {:type => :string, :desc => 'Collins username'} } PAGE_OPTIONS = { :page => {:type => :numeric, :default => 0, :desc => 'Page of results set.'}, :size => {:type => :numeric, :default => 20, :desc => 'Number of results to return.'}, :sort => {:type => :string, :default => 'DESC', :desc => 'Sort direction. ASC or DESC'} } def self.included(base) base.extend(ThorHelper) end class << self attr_accessor :password end def use_collins_options COLLINS_OPTIONS.each do |name, options| method_option name, options end end def use_page_options default_size = 20 PAGE_OPTIONS.each do |name, options| options.update(:default => default_size) if name == :size method_option name, options end end def use_tag_option required = false method_option :tag, :type => :string, :required => required, :desc => 'Tag for asset' end def use_selector_option required = false method_option :selector, :type => :hash, :required => required, :desc => 'Selector to query collins. Takes the form of --selector=key1:val1 key2:val2 etc' method_option :remote, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Search all collins instances, including remote ones' method_option :size, :type => :numeric, :default => 50, :desc => 'Number of results to find. Defaults to 50' end def selector_or_tag if options.selector? then options.selector elsif options.tag? then {:tag => options.tag} else say_error "Either tag or selector must be specified", :exit => true end end def require_yes message, color = nil, should_exit = true def appropriate_answer?(a); na = a.to_s.downcase.strip; na == 'yes' || na == 'no'; end highline = colored_message = set_color(message, color) answer = nil while !appropriate_answer?(answer) do unless answer.nil? then say_status "error", "Please type 'yes' or 'no'.", :red end answer = ask(colored_message) end if answer.downcase.strip !~ /^yes$/ then if should_exit then exit(0) else false end else true end end def batch_selector_operation options = {}, &block confirmation_message = options[:confirmation_message] success_message = options[:success_message] error_message = options[:error_message] operation = options[:operation] require_non_empty(confirmation_message, "confirmation_message option not set") require_non_empty(success_message, "success_message not set") require_non_empty(error_message, "error_message not set") require_non_empty(operation, "operation not set") selector = get_selector selector_or_tag, [], options[:size], options[:remote] call_collins get_collins_client, operation do |client| assets = client.find selector if assets.length > 1 then require_yes, :red end assets.each do |asset| if, asset) then say_success else say_error end end end end def say_error message, options = {} if options[:exception] then say_status("error", "#{message} - #{options[:exception]}", :red) if options[:debug] && options[:debug] then pp options[:exception].backtrace end else say_status("error", message, :red) end if options[:exit].is_a?(TrueClass) then exit(1) elsif not options[:exit].nil? then exit(options[:exit]) end end def say_success message say_status("success", message, :green) end def get_collins_client opts = {} config = get_collins_config.merge(opts).merge(:strict => true) config = ensure_password opts require_valid_collins_config config config[:logger] = get_logger :trace => options.debug, :progname => 'collins-shell' config end def ensure_password opts = {} me = CollinsShell::ThorHelper if me.password.nil? then me.password = get_password(get_collins_config.merge(opts).merge(:strict => true)) end me.password end def get_password config if config[:password] and not config[:password].empty? and config[:password] != "password" then return config end highline = password = highline.ask("Enter your password: ") { |q| q.echo = "x" } config.update(:password => password) end # --username --password --host is highest priority # --config= second highest # ~/.collins.yaml is lowest def get_collins_config def try_config_merge filename, config file_config = collins_config_from_file filename if file_config[:collins] then file_config = file_config[:collins] end config.update(:host => file_config[:host]) unless config.update(:username => file_config[:username]) unless options.username? config.update(:password => file_config[:password]) unless options.password? if options.timeout == 30 and file_config[:timeout] then config.update(:timeout => file_config[:timeout].to_i) end end config = Hash[ :host =>, :username => options.username, :password => options.password, :timeout => options.timeout ] if ENV['COLLINS'] then try_config_merge ENV['COLLINS'], config end if options.config? then try_config_merge options.config, config end if File.exists?(File.expand_path("~/.collins.yaml")) then user_config = collins_config_from_file "~/.collins.yaml" if user_config[:collins] then user_config = user_config[:collins] end config.update(:host => user_config[:host]) if config[:host].nil? config.update(:username => user_config[:username]) if config[:username].nil? config.update(:password => user_config[:password]) if config[:password].nil? if config[:timeout] == 30 and user_config[:timeout] then config.update(:timeout => user_config[:timeout].to_i) end end config end def collins_config_from_file file symbolize_hash(YAML::load( end def require_valid_collins_config config begin require_non_empty(config[:host], " is required") require_non_empty(config[:username], "collins.username is required") require_non_empty(config[:password], "collins.password is required") rescue Exception => e raise end end end end