# Encoding: UTF-8 {"throw" => {scope: "source.php", name: "Throw Exception", content: "throw new $1Exception(${2:\"${3:Error Processing Request}\"}${4:, ${5:1}});\n$0"}, "if" => {scope: "source.php", name: "if …", content: "if (${1:condition}) {\n\t${0:# code...}\n}"}, "ifelse" => {scope: "text.html", name: "", content: "\n\t$2\n\n\t$0\n"}, "<<<" => {scope: "source.php", name: "Heredoc", content: "<<<${1:HTML}\n${2:content here}\n$1;\n"}, "fun" => {scope: "source.php", name: "function …", content: "${1:public }function ${2:FunctionName}(${3:\\$${4:value}${5:=''}})\n{\n\t${0:# code...}\n}"}, "incl" => {scope: "source.php", name: "include …", content: "include '${1:file}';$0"}, "$_" => {scope: "source.php", name: "SESSION['…']", content: "\\$_SESSION['${1:variable}']"}, "elseif" => {scope: "source.php", name: "elseif …", content: "elseif (${1:condition}) {\n\t${0:# code...}\n}"}, "do" => {scope: "source.php", name: "do … while …", content: "do {\n\t${0:# code...}\n} while (${1:$a <= 10});"}, "doc_f" => {scope: "source.php", name: "Function", content: "/**\n * ${4:undocumented function}\n *\n * @return ${5:void}\n * @author ${PHPDOC_AUTHOR:$TM_FULLNAME}$6\n **/\n$1function $2($3)\n{$0\n}"}, "foreach" => {scope: "text.html", name: "", content: " \\$${4:value}}): ?>\n\t${0}\n"}, "req" => {scope: "source.php", name: "require …", content: "require '${1:file}';$0"}, "con" => {scope: "source.php", name: "function __construct", content: "function __construct(${1:\\$${2:foo}${3: = ${4:null}}}) {\n\t${2/.+/$this->$0 = \\$$0;/}$0\n}"}, "case" => {scope: "source.php", name: "case …", content: "case '${1:variable}':\n\t${0:# code...}\n\tbreak;"}, "class" => {scope: "source.php", name: "class …", content: "/**\n* $1\n*/\nclass ${2:ClassName}${3: extends ${4:AnotherClass}}\n{\n\t$5\n\tfunction ${6:__construct}(${7:argument})\n\t{\n\t\t${0:# code...}\n\t}\n}\n"}, "ret1" => {scope: "source.php", name: "return true", content: "return true;$0"}, "array" => {scope: "source.php", name: "$… = array (…)", content: "\\$${1:arrayName} = array('$2' => $3${4:,} $0);"}, "def?" => {scope: "source.php", name: "defined(…)", content: "$1defined('$2')$0"}, "doc_h" => {scope: "source.php", name: "Header", content: "/**\n * $1\n *\n * @author ${PHPDOC_AUTHOR:$TM_FULLNAME}\n * @version \\$Id\\$\n * @copyright `echo $TM_ORGANIZATION_NAME`, `date +\"%e %B, %Y\" | sed 's/^ //'`\n * @package ${3:default}\n **/\n\n/**\n * Define DocBlock\n **/\n"}, "ret" => {scope: "source.php", name: "return", content: "return$1;$0"}, "doc_v" => {scope: "source.php", name: "Class Variable", content: "/**\n * ${3:undocumented class variable}\n *\n * @var ${4:string}\n **/\n${1:var} \\$$2;$0"}, "/**" => {scope: "source.php", name: "Start Docblock", content: "/**\n * $0\n */"}, "php" => {scope: "source.php", name: "?>…$0 {scope: "source.php", name: "$GLOBALS['…']", content: "\\$GLOBALS['${1:variable}']${2: = }${3:something}${4:;}$0"}, "req1" => {scope: "source.php", name: "require_once …", content: "require_once '${1:file}';$0"}, "for" => {scope: "source.php", name: "for …", content: "for (\\$${1:i}=${2:0}; \\$${1:i} < $3; \\$${1:i}++) { \n\t${0:# code...}\n}"}, "doc_i" => {scope: "source.php", name: "Interface", content: "/**\n * ${2:undocumented class}\n *\n * @package ${3:default}\n * @author ${PHPDOC_AUTHOR:$TM_FULLNAME}\n **/\ninterface $1\n{$0\n} // END interface $1"}, "ethis" => {scope: "text.html - source", name: "… ?>", content: "$0 ?>"}, "doc_s" => {scope: "source.php", name: "Function Signature", content: "/**\n * ${4:undocumented function}\n *\n * @return ${5:void}\n * @author ${PHPDOC_AUTHOR:$TM_FULLNAME}$6\n **/\n$1function $2($3);$0"}, "incl1" => {scope: "source.php", name: "include_once …", content: "include_once '${1:file}';$0"}, "tmphp" => {scope: "source.php", name: "Include TextMate Support Script", content: "// === TextMate error handling ===\n`if [[ \"$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT\" == \"$HOME\"* ]]; then\n echo \"// NOTE: Your PHP bundle is checked out to your home directory.\"\n echo \"// If the webserver process does not have permission to access\"\n echo \"// the included file, you can replace\"\n echo \"// ‘${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT%Bundles*}’ with\"\n echo \"// ‘$(find_app TextMate.app)/Contents/SharedSupport/’.\"\nfi`\n@include_once '$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/textmate.php';\n"}, nil => {scope: "source.php comment.block", name: "Continue Block Comment", content: "${TM_CURRENT_LINE/(.*\\*\\/$)|.*?(\\/\\*(?!.*\\*\\/)).*|.*/(?1:\n:\n(?2: )* )/}"}, "ret0" => {scope: "source.php", name: "return false", content: "return false;$0"}, "switch" => {scope: "source.php", name: "switch …", content: "switch (${1:variable}) {\n\tcase '${2:value}':\n\t\t${3:# code...}\n\t\tbreak;\n\t$0\n\tdefault:\n\t\t${4:# code...}\n\t\tbreak;\n}"}, "echoh" => {scope: "text.html", name: "", content: "$0"}, "this" => {scope: "text.html - source", name: "… ?>", content: "$0 ?>"}, "try" => {scope: "source.php", name: "Wrap in try { … } catch (…) { … }", content: "${TM_SELECTED_TEXT/([\\t ]*).*/$1/m}try {\n\t${3:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT/(\\A.*)|(.+)|\\n\\z/(?1:$0:(?2:\\t$0))/g}}\n${TM_SELECTED_TEXT/([\\t ]*).*/$1/m}} catch (${1:Exception} ${2:\\$e}) {\n${TM_SELECTED_TEXT/([\\t ]*).*/$1/m}\t$0\n${TM_SELECTED_TEXT/([\\t ]*).*/$1/m}}"}, "while" => {scope: "source.php", name: "while …", content: "while (${1:$a <= 10}) {\n\t${0:# code...}\n}"}, "else" => {scope: "source.php", name: "else …", content: "else {\n\t${0:# code...}\n}"}, "echo" => {scope: "source.php", name: "echo \"…\"", content: "echo \"${1:string}\"${0};"}, "phperr" => {scope: "text.html", name: "PHP Error Catching JavaScript", content: "`cat \"$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/textmate_error_handler.html\" | grep -E -v '^[ \\t\\s]*\\/\\/' | sed 's/\\(.*\\)[ \\t]*--.*/\\1/' | tr -s ' \\n\\t' ' ' | sed 's/.\\{80\\}[{};]/&\\\n/g'`"}, "doc_c" => {scope: "source.php", name: "Class", content: "/**\n * ${3:undocumented class}\n *\n * @package ${4:default}\n * @author ${PHPDOC_AUTHOR:$TM_FULLNAME}\n **/\n$1class $2\n{$0\n} // END $1class $2"}, "if?" => {scope: "source.php", name: "$… = ( … ) ? … : …", content: "\\$${1:retVal} = (${2:condition}) ? ${3:a} : ${4:b} ;"}, "doc_d" => {scope: "source.php", name: "Constant Definition", content: "/**\n * ${3:undocumented constant}\n **/\ndefine($1, $2);$0"}, "def" => {scope: "source.php", name: "define(…, …)", content: "define('$1', ${2:'$3'});\n$0"}}