class Teabag.fixture @cache: {} @el: null @$el: null # will only be defined if window.$ is defined. @json: [] # Public API @preload: (urls...) -> preload(url) for url in urls @load: (urls..., append = false) -> unless typeof(append) == "boolean" urls.push(append) append = false load(url, append || index > 0) for url, index in urls @set: (htmls..., append = false) -> unless typeof(append) == "boolean" htmls.push(append) append = false set(html, append || index > 0) for html, index in htmls @cleanup: -> cleanup() # behaves like load, and is only provided as a convenience constructor: -> Teabag.fixture.load.apply(window, arguments) # Private xhr = null preload = (url) => load(url, false, true) load = (url, append, preload = false) => return loadComplete(url, cached.type, cached.content, append, preload) if cached = Teabag.fixture.cache[url] value = null xhrRequest url, -> return unless xhr.readyState == 4 throw("Unable to load fixture \"#{url}\".") unless xhr.status == 200 value = loadComplete(url, xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type"), xhr.responseText, append, preload) return value loadComplete = (url, type, content, append, preload) => Teabag.fixture.cache[url] = {type: type, content: content} return @json[@json.push(JSON.parse(content)) - 1] if type.match(/application\/json;/) return content if preload if append then addContent(content) else putContent(content) return Teabag.fixture.el set = (content, append) -> if append then addContent(content) else putContent(content) putContent = (content) => cleanup() create() Teabag.fixture.el.innerHTML = content addContent = (content) => create() unless Teabag.fixture.el Teabag.fixture.el.innerHTML += content create = => Teabag.fixture.el = document.createElement("div") Teabag.fixture.$el = $(Teabag.fixture.el) if typeof(window.$) == 'function' = "teabag-fixtures" document.body?.appendChild(Teabag.fixture.el) cleanup = => Teabag.fixture.el ||= document.getElementById("teabag-fixtures") Teabag.fixture.el?.parentNode?.removeChild(Teabag.fixture.el) Teabag.fixture.el = null xhrRequest = (url, callback) -> if window.XMLHttpRequest # Mozilla, Safari, ... xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() else if window.ActiveXObject # IE try xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") catch e try xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") catch e throw("Unable to make Ajax Request") unless xhr xhr.onreadystatechange = callback"GET", "#{Teabag.root}/fixtures/#{url}", false) xhr.send()