require 'hpricot/htmlinfo' def Hpricot(input = nil, opts = {}, &blk) Hpricot.make(input, opts, &blk) end module Hpricot # Exception class used for any errors related to deficiencies in the system when # handling the character encodings of a document. class EncodingError < StandardError; end # Hpricot.parse parses input and return a document tree. # represented by Hpricot::Doc. def Hpricot.parse(input = nil, opts = {}, &blk) make(input, opts, &blk) end # Hpricot::XML parses input, disregarding all the HTML rules # and returning a document tree. def Hpricot.XML(input = nil, opts = {}, &blk) opts.merge! :xml => true make(input, opts, &blk) end # :stopdoc: def Hpricot.make(input = nil, opts = {}, &blk) if blk doc = doc.instance_variable_set("@options", opts) doc else Hpricot.scan(input, opts) end end # :startdoc: end