module Wordmove module Actions module Ftp # Downloads the remote DB over FTP protocol class DownloadRemoteDb extend ::LightService::Action include Wordmove::Actions::Helpers include Wordmove::Actions::Ftp::Helpers include WordpressDirectory::LocalHelperMethods include WordpressDirectory::RemoteHelperMethods expects :remote_options, :cli_options, :logger, :photocopier, :db_paths # @!method execute # @param remote_options [Hash] Remote host options fetched from # movefile (with symbolized keys) # @param cli_options [Hash] Command line options (with symbolized keys) # @param logger [Wordmove::Logger] # @param photocopier [Photocopier::FTP] # @param db_paths [BbPathsConfig] Configuration object for database # @!scope class # @return [LightService::Context] Action's context executed do |context| # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength context.logger.task 'Download remote DB' if simulate?(cli_options: context.cli_options) 'A dump of the remote DB would have been saved into ' \ "#{context.db_paths.local.path}, " \ 'but you\'re simulating' next context end result = Wordmove::Actions::PutFile.execute( photocopier: context.photocopier, logger: context.logger, cli_options: context.cli_options, command_args: [ context.db_paths.ftp.local.generated_dump_script_path, context.db_paths.ftp.remote.dump_script_path ] ) context.fail_and_return!(result.message) if result.failure? dump_url = [ context.db_paths.ftp.remote.dump_script_url, '?shared_key=', context.db_paths.ftp.token ].join begin download(url: dump_url, local_path: context.db_paths.local.path) rescue => _e # rubocop:disable Style/RescueStandardError context.fail_and_return!(e.message) end unless File.exist? context.db_paths.local.path context.fail_and_return!('Download of remote DB failed') end context.logger.success "Remote DB dump downloaded in #{context.db_paths.local.path}" end end end end end