# frozen_string_literal: true # NOTES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # frozen_string_literal # # frozen_string_literal implies that all string literals in the file # are implicitly frozen, as if #freeze had been called on each of them. # That is, if a string literal is defined in a file with this comment, and # you call a method on that string which modifies it, such as <<, you'll # get RuntimeError: can't modify frozen String. # Require RubyGems # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext' require 'json' require 'safe_yaml' require 'rest-client' require 'rack' require 'omniauth' require 'omniauth-oauth2' require 'sinatra' require 'warden' # Require local Rubies # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require_relative 'j1_app/sinatra/extras/cookies' require_relative 'j1_app/sinatra/extras/index' require_relative 'j1_app/omniauth/strategies/patreon' require_relative 'j1_app/omniauth/strategies/disqus' require_relative 'j1_app/omniauth/strategies/facebook' require_relative 'j1_app/omniauth/strategies/github' require_relative 'j1_app/omniauth/strategies/twitter' require_relative 'j1_app/j1_auth_manager/commands' require_relative 'j1_app/j1_auth_manager/config' require_relative 'j1_app/j1_auth_manager/helpers' require_relative 'j1_app/j1_auth_manager/helpers_disqus' require_relative 'j1_app/j1_auth_manager/helpers_facebook' require_relative 'j1_app/j1_auth_manager/helpers_github' require_relative 'j1_app/j1_auth_manager/helpers_patreon' require_relative 'j1_app/j1_auth_manager/helpers_twitter' require_relative 'j1_app/j1_auth_manager/warden_omniauth' require_relative 'j1_app/j1_auth_manager/auth_manager' require_relative 'j1_app/j1_site_manager/static_site' # Main # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # App in production mode # module J1App def self.site Rack::Builder.new do use Rack::ShowExceptions # Middleware. Generate web-based error pages (for Rack) use Rack::Deflater # Middleware. Enable gzip compression for ALL web servers out of Rack use J1App::AuthManager # Middleware. Support authentication methods using OmniAuth run J1App::SiteManager # Run J1App Manager to manage the (static) site as an (Rack-based) Web Application: end end end # App in production mode # module J1AppCompress def self.site Rack::Builder.new do use Rack::ShowExceptions # Middleware. Generate web-based error pages (for Rack) use Rack::Deflater # Middleware. Enable gzip compression for ALL web servers out of Rack use J1App::AuthManager # Middleware. Support authentication methods using OmniAuth run J1App::SiteManager # Run J1App Manager to manage the (static) site as an (Rack-based) Web Application: end end end # App in development mode # module J1AppTest def self.site Rack::Builder.new do use Rack::LiveReload # Middleware. Support Livereload use Rack::ShowExceptions # Middleware. Generate web-based error pages (for Rack) use J1App::AuthManager # Middleware. Support authentication methods using OmniAuth run J1App::SiteManager # Run J1App Manager to manage the (static) site as an (Rack-based) Web Application: end end end