require 'cgi' require 'uri' require "erector/xml_widget" module RTurk # see # @param options hash (optional) # ::xml:: raw xml (optional). If it starts with \<QuestionForm then it's used as the full QuestionForm value. Otherwise it is wrapped in a \<QuestionForm\> element. If it is nil then we use Erector to call its subclass' #question_form_content method. class QuestionForm < Erector::XMLWidget XMLNS = "" needs :xml => nil def to_params to_xml # create a new output string and call 'content' via Erector end # todo: fill out Application subelements # todo: fill out EmbeddedBinary subelements %w{ QuestionForm Overview Title List Binary MimeType Type SubType DataURL AltText Application EmbeddedBinary FormattedContent Question QuestionIdentifier DisplayName IsRequired QuestionContent AnswerSpecification FreeTextAnswer Constraints IsNumeric Length AnswerFormatRegex DefaultText NumberOfLinesSuggestion SelectionAnswer MinSelectionCount MaxSelectionCount StyleSuggestion Selections Selection SelectionIdentifier Text FormattedContent Binary OtherSelection FileUploadAnswer MaxFileSizeInBytes MinFileSizeInBytes }.uniq.each do |element_name| tag element_name tag element_name, :snake_case unless element_name == 'Text' end tag "Text", "text_element" # very sticky since 'text' is a core Erector method def content if @xml and @xml.strip =~ /^ XMLNS do question_form_content end end end def question_form_content rawtext @xml # by default, use the parameter end end end