module Optimacms class Admin::TemplatesController < Admin::AdminBaseController before_action :set_item, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy] before_action :init_common before_action :init_data_form, only: [:new, :edit, :update, :create, :newfolder, :editfolder, :newattach] #before_action :set_layout_modal def init_common @modal = (params[:modal] || 0).to_i set_layout_modal(@modal) end def set_layout_modal(modal) if modal.to_i==1 #self.class.layout false end end def index #@filter.clear_data # @parent_id = @filter.v('parent_id').to_i @parent = Template.find(@parent_id) rescue nil if @parent.nil? && @parent_id>0 redirect_to templates_path(:parent_id=>0) and return end # @items = model.by_filter(@filter) #@items = model.where(@filter.where).order(@filter.order_string).page( end #include SimpleFilter::Controller search_filter :index, {save_session: true, search_method: :post_and_redirect, url: :templates_url, search_url: :search_templates_url, search_action: :search} do # define filter default_order "title", 'asc' # fields field :title, :string, :text, {label: '', default_value: '', condition: :like_full} #field :parent_id, :int, :hidden, {label: '', default_value: 0, ignore_value: 0, condition: :empty} field :parent_id, :int, :hidden, {label: '', default_value: 0, ignore_value: -1, condition: :custom, condition_scope: :of_parent} #field :category_id, :int, :select, {collection: [['UGX- Uganda Shillings',1],['USD- US Dollars',2]], label_method: :first, value_method: :last} #field :type_id, :int, :select, {label: 'Type', default_value: 0, collection: TemplateType.all, label_method: :title, value_method: :id} #field :type, :string, :autocomplete, {label: 'Type', default_value: '', :source_query => :autocomplete_templates_url} end def autocomplete q = params[:q] type_id = (params[:t] || TemplateType::TYPE_PAGE).to_i rows = Template.where("type_id=#{type_id} AND (basepath LIKE ? OR title like ?)", "%#{q}%", "%#{q}%").order('basepath asc').limit(20) data ={|r| [, "#{r.title} (#{r.basepath})"]} render :json => data end def show end def new @item ={:tpl_format=>Optimacms::Template::EXTENSION_DEFAULT, :type_id=>TemplateType::TYPE_PAGE}) item_init_parent @item.set_basedirpath_from_parent @url_back = url_list end def create @item = @res = respond_to do |format| if @res format.html { redirect_to edit_template_path(@item), success: 'Successfully created' } #format.json { render json: @item, status: :created, location: user_clients_url(:action => 'index') } format.js {} else format.html { render :new } #format.json { render json: @item.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } format.js {} end end end def edit @item.build_translations @item.reload end def update # fix line breaks #content = data[:content] #content.gsub! /\r\n/, "\n" @item.attributes = item_params @res = #@res = @item.update(item_params) #@res = false if @res u = params[:continue]=="1" ? edit_template_path(@item) : url_list redirect_to u, success: 'Successfully updated' else render :edit end end def destroy @res = @item.destroy if @res redirect_to url_list, success: 'Successfully deleted' else redirect_to url_list, error: 'Cannot delete' end end ### layout def newlayout @item ={:tpl_format=>Optimacms::Template::EXTENSION_DEFAULT, :type_id=>TemplateType::TYPE_LAYOUT}) item_init_parent @item.set_basedirpath_from_parent @url_back = url_list end def createlayout @item = @res = respond_to do |format| if @res format.html { redirect_to edit_template_path(@item), success: 'Successfully created' } #format.json { render json: @item, status: :created, location: user_clients_url(:action => 'index') } format.js {} else format.html { render :newlayout } #format.json { render json: @item.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } format.js {} end end end ### block def newblock @item ={:tpl_format=>Optimacms::Template::EXTENSION_DEFAULT, :type_id=>TemplateType::TYPE_BLOCKVIEW}) item_init_parent @item.set_basedirpath_from_parent @url_back = url_list end def createblock @item = @res = respond_to do |format| if @res format.html { redirect_to edit_template_path(@item), success: 'Successfully created' } #format.json { render json: @item, status: :created, location: user_clients_url(:action => 'index') } format.js {} else format.html { render :newblock } #format.json { render json: @item.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } format.js {} end end end ### attach def newattach @item ={:tpl_format=>Optimacms::Template::EXTENSION_DEFAULT}) item_init_parent @item.set_basedirpath_from_parent @url_back = url_list end def attach item_params = params.require(model_name).permit! #(:title, :basepath, :parent_id, :tpl_format) item_params[:type_id] = TemplateType::TYPE_PAGE @item = @res = @item.attach respond_to do |format| if @res format.html { redirect_to edit_template_path(@item), success: 'Successfully attached' } #format.json { render json: @item, status: :created, location: user_clients_url(:action => 'index') } format.js {} else format.html { render :newattach } #format.json { render json: @item.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } format.js {} end end end #### folders def newfolder @item =>true) item_init_parent @item.basedirpath = @item.parent.basepath+'/' unless @item.parent_id.nil? end def createfolder item_params = params.require(model_name).permit(:title, :basename, :parent_id, :is_folder) @item = @res = if @res redirect_to url_list, success: 'Successfully created' else render :newfolder end end def editfolder @item = Template.folders.find(params[:id]) return url_list if @item.nil? end def updatefolder @item = Template.folders.find(params[:id]) item_params = params.require(model_name).permit(:title, :basename, :parent_id, :is_folder) @res = @item.update_attributes(item_params) if @res redirect_to url_list, success: 'Successfully updated' else render :editfolder end end ### blocks def panel_blocks # input @path = params[:path] # @items = Template.blocks_or_partials.where("basepath LIKE ? ", "#{@path}%",).order('title asc').limit(100) render :layout=>false end private def init_data_form @url_back = url_list @languages = Language.list_with_default end def model Template end def model_name :template end def url_list templates_url end # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions. def set_item @item = model.find(params[:id]) @url_back = url_list end def item_init_parent parent_id = params[:parent_id] parent_id = parent_id.to_i unless parent_id.nil? parent_id = nil if parent_id==0 @item.parent_id = parent_id end def item_params #params.require(model_name).permit(:title) params.require(model_name).permit! end # filter def filter_prefix 'admin_templates_index_' end def init_tabledata init_filter end def init_filter # input @pg = params[:pg].to_i || 1 # @filter =, filter_prefix) # set filter fields @filter.add_fields_from_array( [ {name: 'title', type: 'text', dbtype: Filters::FormFilter::DBTYPE_STRING, title: 'Title', def: '', opt: {width: 120}}, {name: 'parent_id', type: 'int', dbtype: Filters::FormFilter::FIELD_TYPE_HIDDEN, title: '', def: 0}, ] ) # if params.has_key? :parent_id @filter.set 'parent_id', params[:parent_id] end #@filter.set 'owner_id', current_user.owner_id # @cmd = params[:cmd] || '' # post if && params[:filter] if params[:cmd]=='clear' @filter.clear_data redirect_to url_list and return else @filter.set_data_from_form(params[:filter] || []) redirect_to url_list and return end end # order @filter.set_order_default('created_at' ,'desc') #@filter.set_order('created_at' ,'desc') if @cmd=='order' @filter.set_order params[:orderby], params[:orderdir] redirect_to url_list and return end end def table_columns @table_columns = [ {name: "id", title: "##"}, {name: "title", title: "title"}, ] end end end