(function(){ "use strict"; try { new Image(); } catch(e){ window.Image = function(){ return document.createElement('img'); }; } setTimeout(function(){ var sel = 'picture, img[srcset]'; webshims.addReady(function(context, insertedElement){ if(context == document || !window.picturefill){return;} if(context.querySelector(sel) || insertedElement.filter(sel).length){ window.picturefill(); } }); }); })(); /*! Picturefill - v2.0.0-beta - 2014-05-02 * http://scottjehl.github.io/picturefill * Copyright (c) 2014 https://github.com/scottjehl/picturefill/blob/master/Authors.txt; Licensed MIT */ /*! matchMedia() polyfill - Test a CSS media type/query in JS. Authors & copyright (c) 2012: Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas, David Knight. Dual MIT/BSD license */ window.matchMedia || (window.matchMedia = function() { "use strict"; // For browsers that support matchMedium api such as IE 9 and webkit var styleMedia = (window.styleMedia || window.media); // For those that don't support matchMedium if (!styleMedia) { var style = document.createElement('style'), script = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0], info = null; style.type = 'text/css'; style.id = 'matchmediajs-test'; script.parentNode.insertBefore(style, script); // 'style.currentStyle' is used by IE <= 8 and 'window.getComputedStyle' for all other browsers info = ('getComputedStyle' in window) && window.getComputedStyle(style, null) || style.currentStyle; styleMedia = { matchMedium: function(media) { var text = '@media ' + media + '{ #matchmediajs-test { width: 1px; } }'; // 'style.styleSheet' is used by IE <= 8 and 'style.textContent' for all other browsers if (style.styleSheet) { style.styleSheet.cssText = text; } else { style.textContent = text; } // Test if media query is true or false return info.width === '1px'; } }; } return function(media) { return { matches: styleMedia.matchMedium(media || 'all'), media: media || 'all' }; }; }()); /*! Picturefill - Responsive Images that work today. * Author: Scott Jehl, Filament Group, 2012 ( new proposal implemented by Shawn Jansepar ) * License: MIT/GPLv2 * Spec: http://picture.responsiveimages.org/ */ (function( w, doc ) { // Enable strict mode "use strict"; // If picture is supported, well, that's awesome. Let's get outta here... if( w.HTMLPictureElement ){ return; } // HTML shim|v it for old IE (IE9 will still need the HTML video tag workaround) doc.createElement( "picture" ); // local object for method references and testing exposure var pf = {}; // namespace pf.ns = "picturefill"; // srcset support test pf.srcsetSupported = new w.Image().srcset !== undefined; // just a string trim workaround pf.trim = function( str ){ return str.trim ? str.trim() : str.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, "" ); }; // just a string endsWith workaround pf.endsWith = function( str, suffix ){ return str.endsWith ? str.endsWith( suffix ) : str.indexOf( suffix, str.length - suffix.length ) !== -1; }; /** * Shortcut method for matchMedia ( for easy overriding in tests ) */ pf.matchesMedia = function( media ) { return w.matchMedia && w.matchMedia( media ).matches; }; /** * Shortcut method for `devicePixelRatio` ( for easy overriding in tests ) */ pf.getDpr = function() { return ( w.devicePixelRatio || 1 ); }; /** * Get width in css pixel value from a "length" value * http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-values-3/#length-value */ pf.getWidthFromLength = function( length ) { // If no length was specified, or it is 0, default to `100vw` (per the spec). length = length && parseFloat( length ) > 0 ? length : "100vw"; /** * If length is specified in `vw` units, use `%` instead since the div we’re measuring * is injected at the top of the document. * * TODO: maybe we should put this behind a feature test for `vw`? */ length = length.replace( "vw", "%" ); // Create a cached element for getting length value widths if( !pf.lengthEl ){ pf.lengthEl = doc.createElement( "div" ); doc.documentElement.insertBefore( pf.lengthEl, doc.documentElement.firstChild ); } // Positioning styles help prevent padding/margin/width on `html` from throwing calculations off. pf.lengthEl.style.cssText = "position: absolute; left: 0; width: " + length + ";"; // Using offsetWidth to get width from CSS return pf.lengthEl.offsetWidth; }; // container of supported mime types that one might need to qualify before using pf.types = {}; // test svg support pf.types[ "image/svg+xml" ] = doc.implementation.hasFeature('http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Image', '1.1'); // test webp support, only when the markup calls for it pf.types[ "image/webp" ] = function(){ // based on Modernizr's lossless img-webp test // note: asynchronous var img = new w.Image(), type = "image/webp"; img.onerror = function(){ pf.types[ type ] = false; picturefill(); }; img.onload = function(){ pf.types[ type ] = img.width === 1; picturefill(); }; img.src = ''; }; /** * Takes a source element and checks if its type attribute is present and if so, supported * Note: for type tests that require a async logic, * you can define them as a function that'll run only if that type needs to be tested. Just make the test function call picturefill again when it is complete. * see the async webp test above for example */ pf.verifyTypeSupport = function( source ){ var type = source.getAttribute( "type" ); // if type attribute exists, return test result, otherwise return true if( type === null || type === "" ){ return true; } else { // if the type test is a function, run it and return "pending" status. The function will rerun picturefill on pending elements once finished. if( typeof( pf.types[ type ] ) === "function" ){ pf.types[ type ](); return "pending"; } else { return pf.types[ type ]; } } }; /** * Parses an individual `size` and returns the length, and optional media query */ pf.parseSize = function( sourceSizeStr ) { var match = /(\([^)]+\))?\s*(.+)/g.exec( sourceSizeStr ); return { media: match && match[1], length: match && match[2] }; }; /** * Takes a string of sizes and returns the width in pixels as a number */ pf.findWidthFromSourceSize = function( sourceSizeListStr ) { // Split up source size list, ie ( max-width: 30em ) 100%, ( max-width: 50em ) 50%, 33% // or (min-width:30em) calc(30% - 15px) var sourceSizeList = pf.trim( sourceSizeListStr ).split( /\s*,\s*/ ), winningLength; for ( var i=0, len=sourceSizeList.length; i < len; i++ ) { // Match ? length, ie ( min-width: 50em ) 100% var sourceSize = sourceSizeList[ i ], // Split "( min-width: 50em ) 100%" into separate strings parsedSize = pf.parseSize( sourceSize ), length = parsedSize.length, media = parsedSize.media; if ( !length ) { continue; } if ( !media || pf.matchesMedia( media ) ) { // if there is no media query or it matches, choose this as our winning length // and end algorithm winningLength = length; break; } } // pass the length to a method that can properly determine length // in pixels based on these formats: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-values-3/#length-value return pf.getWidthFromLength( winningLength ); }; /** * Takes a srcset in the form of url/ * ex. "images/pic-medium.png 1x, images/pic-medium-2x.png 2x" or * "images/pic-medium.png 400w, images/pic-medium-2x.png 800w" or * "images/pic-small.png" * Get an array of image candidates in the form of * {url: "/foo/bar.png", resolution: 1} * where resolution is http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-values-3/#resolution-value * If sizes is specified, resolution is calculated */ pf.getCandidatesFromSourceSet = function( srcset, sizes ) { var candidates = pf.trim( srcset ).split( /,\s+/ ), widthInCssPixels = sizes ? pf.findWidthFromSourceSize( sizes ) : "100%", formattedCandidates = []; for ( var i = 0, len = candidates.length; i < len; i++ ) { var candidate = candidates[ i ], candidateArr = candidate.split( /\s+/ ), sizeDescriptor = candidateArr[ 1 ], resolution; if ( sizeDescriptor && ( sizeDescriptor.slice( -1 ) === "w" || sizeDescriptor.slice( -1 ) === "x" ) ) { sizeDescriptor = sizeDescriptor.slice( 0, -1 ); } if ( sizes ) { // get the dpr by taking the length / width in css pixels resolution = parseFloat( ( parseInt( sizeDescriptor, 10 ) / widthInCssPixels ) ); } else { // get the dpr by grabbing the value of Nx resolution = sizeDescriptor ? parseFloat( sizeDescriptor, 10 ) : 1; } var formattedCandidate = { url: candidateArr[ 0 ], resolution: resolution }; formattedCandidates.push( formattedCandidate ); } return formattedCandidates; }; /* * if it's an img element and it has a srcset property, * we need to remove the attribute so we can manipulate src * (the property's existence infers native srcset support, and a srcset-supporting browser will prioritize srcset's value over our winning picture candidate) * this moves srcset's value to memory for later use and removes the attr */ pf.dodgeSrcset = function( img ){ if( img.srcset ){ img[ pf.ns ].srcset = img.srcset; img.removeAttribute( "srcset" ); } }; /* * Accept a source or img element and process its srcset and sizes attrs */ pf.processSourceSet = function( el ) { var srcset = el.getAttribute( "srcset" ), sizes = el.getAttribute( "sizes" ), candidates = []; // if it's an img element, use the cached srcset property (defined or not) if( el.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "IMG" && el[ pf.ns ] && el[ pf.ns ].srcset ){ srcset = el[ pf.ns ].srcset; } if( srcset ) { candidates = pf.getCandidatesFromSourceSet( srcset, sizes ); } return candidates; }; pf.applyBestCandidate = function( candidates, picImg ) { var candidate, length, bestCandidate; candidates.sort( pf.ascendingSort ); length = candidates.length; bestCandidate = candidates[ length - 1 ]; for ( var l=0; l < length; l++ ) { candidate = candidates[ l ]; if ( candidate.resolution >= pf.getDpr() ) { bestCandidate = candidate; break; } } if ( !pf.endsWith( picImg.src, bestCandidate.url ) ) { picImg.src = bestCandidate.url; // currentSrc attribute and property to match // http://picture.responsiveimages.org/#the-img-element picImg.currentSrc = picImg.src; } }; pf.ascendingSort = function( a, b ) { return a.resolution - b.resolution; }; /* * In IE9, elements get removed if they aren"t children of * video elements. Thus, we conditionally wrap source elements * using * and must account for that here by moving those source elements * back into the picture element. */ pf.removeVideoShim = function( picture ){ var videos = picture.getElementsByTagName( "video" ); if ( videos.length ) { var video = videos[ 0 ], vsources = video.getElementsByTagName( "source" ); while ( vsources.length ) { picture.insertBefore( vsources[ 0 ], video ); } // Remove the video element once we're finished removing its children video.parentNode.removeChild( video ); } }; /* * Find all picture elements and, * in browsers that don't natively support srcset, find all img elements * with srcset attrs that don't have picture parents */ pf.getAllElements = function() { var pictures = doc.getElementsByTagName( "picture" ), elems = [], imgs = doc.getElementsByTagName( "img" ); for ( var h = 0, len = pictures.length + imgs.length; h < len; h++ ) { if ( h < pictures.length ){ elems[ h ] = pictures[ h ]; } else { var currImg = imgs[ h - pictures.length ]; if ( currImg.parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() !== "PICTURE" && ( ( pf.srcsetSupported && currImg.getAttribute( "sizes" ) ) || currImg.getAttribute( "srcset" ) !== null ) ) { elems.push( currImg ); } } } return elems; }; pf.getMatch = function( picture ) { var sources = picture.childNodes, match; // Go through each child, and if they have media queries, evaluate them for ( var j=0, slen = sources.length; j < slen; j++ ) { var source = sources[ j ]; // ignore non-element nodes if( source.nodeType !== 1 ){ continue; } // Hitting an `img` element stops the search for `sources`. // If no previous `source` matches, the `img` itself is evaluated later. if( source.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "IMG" ) { return match; } // ignore non-`source` nodes if( source.nodeName.toUpperCase() !== "SOURCE" ){ continue; } var media = source.getAttribute( "media" ); // if source does not have a srcset attribute, skip if ( !source.getAttribute( "srcset" ) ) { continue; } // if there"s no media specified, OR w.matchMedia is supported if( ( !media || pf.matchesMedia( media ) ) ){ var typeSupported = pf.verifyTypeSupport( source ); if( typeSupported === true ){ match = source; break; } else if( typeSupported === "pending" ){ return false; } } } return match; }; function picturefill( options ) { var elements, element, elemType, firstMatch, candidates, picImg; options = options || {}; elements = options.elements || pf.getAllElements(); // Loop through all elements for ( var i=0, plen = elements.length; i < plen; i++ ) { element = elements[ i ]; elemType = element.nodeName.toUpperCase(); firstMatch = undefined; candidates = undefined; picImg = undefined; // expando for caching data on the img if( !element[ pf.ns ] ){ element[ pf.ns ] = {}; } // if the element has already been evaluated, skip it // unless `options.force` is set to true ( this, for example, // is set to true when running `picturefill` on `resize` ). if ( !options.reevaluate && element[ pf.ns ].evaluated ) { continue; } // if element is a picture element if( elemType === "PICTURE" ){ // IE9 video workaround pf.removeVideoShim( element ); // return the first match which might undefined // returns false if there is a pending source // TODO the return type here is brutal, cleanup firstMatch = pf.getMatch( element ); // if any sources are pending in this picture due to async type test(s) // remove the evaluated attr and skip for now ( the pending test will // rerun picturefill on this element when complete) if( firstMatch === false ) { continue; } // Find any existing img element in the picture element picImg = element.getElementsByTagName( "img" )[ 0 ]; } else { // if it's an img element firstMatch = undefined; picImg = element; } if( picImg ) { // expando for caching data on the img if( !picImg[ pf.ns ] ){ picImg[ pf.ns ] = {}; } // Cache and remove `srcset` if present and we’re going to be doing `sizes`/`picture` polyfilling to it. if( picImg.srcset && ( elemType === "PICTURE" || picImg.getAttribute( "sizes" ) ) ){ pf.dodgeSrcset( picImg ); } if ( firstMatch ) { candidates = pf.processSourceSet( firstMatch ); pf.applyBestCandidate( candidates, picImg ); } else { // No sources matched, so we’re down to processing the inner `img` as a source. candidates = pf.processSourceSet( picImg ); if( picImg.srcset === undefined || picImg.getAttribute( "sizes" ) ) { // Either `srcset` is completely unsupported, or we need to polyfill `sizes` functionality. pf.applyBestCandidate( candidates, picImg ); } // Else, resolution-only `srcset` is supported natively. } // set evaluated to true to avoid unnecessary reparsing element[ pf.ns ].evaluated = true; } } } /** * Sets up picture polyfill by polling the document and running * the polyfill every 250ms until the document is ready. * Also attaches picturefill on resize */ function runPicturefill() { picturefill(); var intervalId = setInterval( function(){ // When the document has finished loading, stop checking for new images // https://github.com/ded/domready/blob/master/ready.js#L15 w.picturefill(); if ( /^loaded|^i|^c/.test( doc.readyState ) ) { clearInterval( intervalId ); return; } }, 250 ); if( w.addEventListener ){ var resizeThrottle; w.addEventListener( "resize", function() { w.clearTimeout( resizeThrottle ); resizeThrottle = w.setTimeout( function(){ picturefill({ reevaluate: true }); }, 60 ); }, false ); } } runPicturefill(); /* expose methods for testing */ picturefill._ = pf; /* expose picturefill */ if ( typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object" ){ // CommonJS, just export module.exports = picturefill; } else if( typeof define === "object" && define.amd ){ // AMD support define( function(){ return picturefill; } ); } else if( typeof w === "object" ){ // If no AMD and we are in the browser, attach to window w.picturefill = picturefill; } } )( this, this.document );