module Weeler module ActionView module Helpers module ImageFormHelper # Weeler action view helper method. # It creates file upload field with info and preview for image. # # e.g. # # <%= f.image_upload_field :image, size_info: "270x294" %> # # It creates: #
Size should be 270x294
# # If you use another image handler than Paperclip, you can also pass image_url_method for image preview. # # Also with remove_image action in controller and route for that, # it removes only image from object. def image_upload_field(name, options = {}) options = options.reverse_merge({size_info: "200x80", image_url_method: "#{name.to_s}.url(\"original\")"}) self.multipart = true buffer = @template.label(@object_name, name, :class => "col-lg-2 col-md-2 control-label") buffer += image_upload_field_file_block name, options[:size_info] buffer += image_upload_field_preview_block name, options[:image_url_method] if File.exist?(@object.instance_eval(options[:image_url_method])) buffer end private def image_upload_field_file_block name, size_info @template.content_tag :div, :class => "col-lg-5 col-md-5" do sub_buffer = @template.content_tag :div, :class => "row" do @template.content_tag :div, :class => "col-lg-12 col-md-12" do @template.file_field @object_name, name, :class => 'form-control' end end sub_buffer += @template.content_tag :div, :class => "row" do @template.content_tag :div, :class => "col-lg-12 col-md-12" do "Size should be #{size_info}" end end sub_buffer end end def image_upload_field_preview_block name, image_url_method @template.content_tag :div, :class => "col-lg-5 col-md-5" do if @object.instance_eval(name.to_s).present? sub_buffer = @template.content_tag :div, :class => "row" do @template.content_tag :div, :class => "col-lg-12 col-md-12" do @template.image_tag @object.instance_eval(image_url_method), :style => "height: 80px;" end end build_route = true begin @template.link_to("Remove", action: "remove_image") rescue Exception build_route = false end if build_route sub_buffer += @template.content_tag :div, :class => "row" do @template.content_tag :div, :class => "col-lg-12 col-md-12" do @template.link_to("Remove", :action => "remove_image") end end end sub_buffer end end end end end end end