$:.unshift "." require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') require 'rdfa_helper' # Time to add your specs! # http://rspec.info/ describe "RDFa parser" do before(:each) do @parser = RdfaParser.new end it "should parse simple doc" do sampledoc = <<-EOF; Test 0001

This photo was taken by Mark Birbeck.

EOF @parser.parse(sampledoc, "http://rdfa.digitalbazaar.com/test-suite/test-cases/xhtml1/0001.xhtml", :strict => true) @parser.graph.size.should == 1 @parser.graph.to_rdfxml.should be_valid_xml end it "should parse simple doc without a base URI" do sampledoc = <<-EOF;

This photo was taken by Mark Birbeck.

EOF @parser.parse(sampledoc, nil, :strict => true) @parser.graph.size.should == 1 @parser.graph.to_rdfxml.should be_valid_xml end it "should parse XML Literal and generate valid XML" do sampledoc = <<-EOF Test 0011
Author: Albert Einstein

E = mc2: The Most Urgent Problem of Our Time

EOF @parser.parse(sampledoc, "http://rdfa.digitalbazaar.com/test-suite/test-cases/xhtml1/0011.xhtml", :strict => true) @parser.graph.size.should == 2 xml = @parser.graph.to_rdfxml # Ensure that enclosed literal is also valid xml.should include("E = mc") end it "should parse BNodes" do sampledoc = <<-EOF Test 0017

Manu Sporny knows Ralph Swick.

EOF @parser.parse(sampledoc, "http://rdfa.digitalbazaar.com/test-suite/test-cases/xhtml1/0011.xhtml", :strict => true) @parser.graph.size.should == 3 xml = @parser.graph.to_rdfxml xml.should be_valid_xml xml.should include("Ralph Swick") xml.should include("Manu Sporny") end describe :profiles do before(:all) do @prof = %( Test mappings



) @doc = %(

A particular agent

) end before(:each) do @profile_graph = ConjunctiveGraph.new(:store => MemoryStore.new) @parser = RdfaParser.new(:profile_graph => @profile_graph) OpenURI.stub!(:open_uri).with("http://example.com/profile").and_return(@prof) end describe "new profile" do before(:each) do # Clear vocabulary cache #RdfContext.debug = true RdfaParser.send(:class_variable_set, :@@vocabulary_cache, {}) @parser.parse(@doc, "http://example.com/doc") #RdfContext.debug = false end describe "profile graph" do it "should have context http://example.com/profile" do @profile_graph.contexts.map(&:identifier).should include("http://example.com/profile") end end describe "processed graph" do it "should have type dc:Agent" do @parser.graph.should be_contains(Triple.new("http://example.com/doc", RDF_TYPE, DC_NS.Agent)) end it "should have property dc:title" do @parser.graph.should be_contains(Triple.new("http://example.com/doc", DC_NS.title, nil)) end end end describe "cached profile" do before(:each) do # Clear vocabulary cache RdfaParser.send(:class_variable_set, :@@vocabulary_cache, {}) @parser.parse(@doc, "http://example.com/doc") end it "should not re-parse profile" do RdfaParser.send(:class_variable_set, :@@vocabulary_cache, {}) Parser.should_not_receive(:parse).with(@prof, "http://example.com/profile", :profile_graph => @parser.profile_graph).and_return(@prof_graph) RdfaParser.new.parse(@doc, "http://example.com/doc") end it "should create vocab_cache" do RdfaParser.send(:class_variable_get, :@@vocabulary_cache).should be_a(Hash) end end describe "profile content" do before(:each) do @prof_graph = Graph.new bn_p = BNode.new("prefix") bn_t = BNode.new("term") @prof_graph.add( Triple.new(bn_p, RDFA_NS.prefix_, "dc"), Triple.new(bn_p, RDFA_NS.uri_, Literal.untyped(DC_NS.uri.to_s)), Triple.new(bn_t, RDFA_NS.term_, "title"), Triple.new(bn_t, RDFA_NS.uri_, Literal.untyped(DC_NS.title.to_s)) ) Parser.should_receive(:parse).with(@prof, "http://example.com/profile", :profile_graph => @profile_graph, :graph => instance_of(Graph)).and_return(@prof_graph) # Clear vocabulary cache RdfaParser.send(:class_variable_set, :@@vocabulary_cache, {}) #RdfContext.debug = true @parser.parse(@doc, "http://example.com/doc") #RdfContext.debug = false end it "should have type dc:Agent" do @parser.graph.should be_contains(Triple.new("http://example.com/doc", RDF_TYPE, DC_NS.Agent)) end it "should have property dc:title" do @parser.graph.should be_contains(Triple.new("http://example.com/doc", DC_NS.title, nil)) end end end def self.test_cases(suite) RdfaHelper::TestCase.test_cases(suite) end # W3C Test suite from http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/RDFa/testsuite/ %w(xhtml xhtml11).each do |suite| #html4 html5 describe "w3c #{suite} testcases" do describe "that are approved" do test_cases(suite).each do |t| next unless t.status == "approved" #next unless t.name =~ /0140/ #puts t.inspect specify "test #{t.name}: #{t.title}#{", (negative test)" unless t.expectedResults}" do #puts t.input #puts t.results begin t.run_test do |rdfa_string, rdfa_parser| rdfa_parser.parse(rdfa_string, t.informationResourceInput, :debug => [], :version => t.version) end rescue SparqlException => e pending(e.message) { raise } end end end end describe "that are unreviewed" do test_cases(suite).each do |t| next unless t.status == "unreviewed" #next unless t.name =~ /0185/ #puts t.inspect specify "test #{t.name}: #{t.title}#{", (negative test)" unless t.expectedResults}" do begin t.run_test do |rdfa_string, rdfa_parser| rdfa_parser.parse(rdfa_string, t.informationResourceInput, :debug => [], :version => t.version) end rescue SparqlException => e pending(e.message) { raise } rescue Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError => e if t.name =~ /01[789]\d/ raise else pending() { raise } end end end end end end end end