.error %h1 Whatever you do, DON'T PANIC! %dl %dt This is what happened: %dd %strong&= @error.message %pre.backtrace= @error.backtrace.join("\n") %dd %strong Query parameters: %pre.query_params= params.inspect %dt What can I do? %dd - if @project Is your %a{ :href => project_url(@project, :edit) } config ok? Need %a{ :href => "http://integrityapp.com/configure" } help? Remember to restart Integrity. If you think everything is fine, then drop by our irc channel: %a{ :href => "irc://irc.freenode.org:6667/integrity" } #integrity on freenode, and we'll try to help. %dt What the hell is = succeed "?" do %strong Integrity %dd Integrity is your friendly %a{ :href => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration" } Continuous Integration server. If you want to know more about us, check our website at = succeed "." do %a{ :href => "http://integrityapp.com" } integrityapp.com