package; import; import; import; import; import org.embulk.config.ConfigException; import; import; import; import org.embulk.spi.Column; import org.embulk.spi.ColumnVisitor; import org.embulk.spi.PageReader; import org.embulk.spi.Schema; import org.embulk.spi.time.TimestampFormatter; import org.embulk.spi.type.BooleanType; import org.embulk.spi.type.DoubleType; import org.embulk.spi.type.LongType; import org.embulk.spi.type.StringType; import org.embulk.spi.type.TimestampType; import org.embulk.spi.type.Type; import org.embulk.spi.util.Timestamps; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; public class FieldWriterSet { private enum ColumnWriterMode { PRIMARY_KEY, SIMPLE_VALUE, DUPLICATE_PRIMARY_KEY; } private final int fieldCount; private final IFieldWriter[] fieldWriters; private final Optional staticTimeValue; public FieldWriterSet(Logger log, TdOutputPlugin.PluginTask task, Schema schema) { Optional userDefinedPrimaryKeySourceColumnName = task.getTimeColumn(); TdOutputPlugin.ConvertTimestampType convertTimestamp = task.getConvertTimestampType(); Optional timeValueConfig = task.getTimeValue(); if (timeValueConfig.isPresent() && userDefinedPrimaryKeySourceColumnName.isPresent()) { throw new ConfigException("Setting both time_column and time_value is invalid"); } boolean hasPkWriter = false; int duplicatePrimaryKeySourceIndex = -1; int firstTimestampColumnIndex = -1; int fc = 0; fieldWriters = new IFieldWriter[schema.size()]; TimestampFormatter[] timestampFormatters = Timestamps.newTimestampColumnFormatters(task, schema, task.getColumnOptions()); for (int i = 0; i < schema.size(); i++) { String columnName = schema.getColumnName(i); Type columnType = schema.getColumnType(i); // choose the mode final ColumnWriterMode mode; if (userDefinedPrimaryKeySourceColumnName.isPresent() && columnName.equals(userDefinedPrimaryKeySourceColumnName.get())) { // found time_column if ("time".equals(userDefinedPrimaryKeySourceColumnName.get())) { mode = ColumnWriterMode.PRIMARY_KEY; } else { mode = ColumnWriterMode.DUPLICATE_PRIMARY_KEY; } } else if ("time".equals(columnName)) { // the column name is same with the primary key name. if (userDefinedPrimaryKeySourceColumnName.isPresent()) { columnName = newColumnUniqueName(columnName, schema); mode = ColumnWriterMode.SIMPLE_VALUE; log.warn("time_column '{}' is set but 'time' column also exists. The existent 'time' column is renamed to {}", userDefinedPrimaryKeySourceColumnName.get(), columnName); } else if (timeValueConfig.isPresent()) { columnName = newColumnUniqueName(columnName, schema); mode = ColumnWriterMode.SIMPLE_VALUE; log.warn("time_value is set but 'time' column also exists. The existent 'time' column is renamed to {}", columnName); } else { mode = ColumnWriterMode.PRIMARY_KEY; } } else { mode = ColumnWriterMode.SIMPLE_VALUE; } // create the fieldWriters writer depending on the mode final FieldWriter writer; switch (mode) { case PRIMARY_KEY:"Using {}:{} column as the data partitioning key", columnName, columnType); if (columnType instanceof LongType) { if (task.getUnixTimestampUnit() != TdOutputPlugin.UnixTimestampUnit.SEC) { log.warn("time column is converted from {} to seconds", task.getUnixTimestampUnit()); } writer = new UnixTimestampLongFieldWriter(columnName, task.getUnixTimestampUnit().getFractionUnit()); hasPkWriter = true; } else if (columnType instanceof TimestampType) { writer = new TimestampLongFieldWriter(columnName); hasPkWriter = true; } else { throw new ConfigException(String.format("Type of '%s' column must be long or timestamp but got %s", columnName, columnType)); } break; case SIMPLE_VALUE: if (columnType instanceof BooleanType) { writer = new BooleanFieldWriter(columnName); } else if (columnType instanceof LongType) { writer = new LongFieldWriter(columnName); } else if (columnType instanceof DoubleType) { writer = new DoubleFieldWriter(columnName); } else if (columnType instanceof StringType) { writer = new StringFieldWriter(columnName); } else if (columnType instanceof TimestampType) { switch (convertTimestamp) { case STRING: writer = new TimestampStringFieldWriter(timestampFormatters[i], columnName); break; case SEC: writer = new TimestampLongFieldWriter(columnName); break; default: // Thread of control doesn't come here but, just in case, it throws ConfigException. throw new ConfigException(String.format("Unknown option {} as convert_timestamp_type", convertTimestamp)); } if (firstTimestampColumnIndex < 0) { firstTimestampColumnIndex = i; } } else { throw new ConfigException("Unsupported type: " + columnType); } break; case DUPLICATE_PRIMARY_KEY: duplicatePrimaryKeySourceIndex = i; writer = null; // handle later break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } fieldWriters[i] = writer; fc += 1; } if (timeValueConfig.isPresent()) { // "time" column is written by RecordWriter fc += 1; } else if (!hasPkWriter) { // PRIMARY_KEY was not found. if (duplicatePrimaryKeySourceIndex < 0) { if (userDefinedPrimaryKeySourceColumnName.isPresent()) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("time_column '%s' does not exist", userDefinedPrimaryKeySourceColumnName.get())); } else if (firstTimestampColumnIndex >= 0) { // if time is not found, use the first timestamp column duplicatePrimaryKeySourceIndex = firstTimestampColumnIndex; } else { throw new ConfigException(String.format("TD output plugin requires at least one timestamp column, or a long column named 'time'")); } } String columnName = schema.getColumnName(duplicatePrimaryKeySourceIndex); Type columnType = schema.getColumnType(duplicatePrimaryKeySourceIndex); IFieldWriter writer; if (columnType instanceof LongType) {"Duplicating {}:{} column (unix timestamp {}) to 'time' column as seconds for the data partitioning", columnName, columnType, task.getUnixTimestampUnit()); IFieldWriter fw = new LongFieldWriter(columnName); writer = new UnixTimestampFieldDuplicator(fw, "time", task.getUnixTimestampUnit().getFractionUnit()); } else if (columnType instanceof TimestampType) {"Duplicating {}:{} column to 'time' column as seconds for the data partitioning", columnName, columnType); IFieldWriter fw; switch (convertTimestamp) { case STRING: fw = new TimestampStringFieldWriter(timestampFormatters[duplicatePrimaryKeySourceIndex], columnName); break; case SEC: fw = new TimestampLongFieldWriter(columnName); break; default: // Thread of control doesn't come here but, just in case, it throws ConfigException. throw new ConfigException(String.format("Unknown option {} as convert_timestamp_type", convertTimestamp)); } writer = new TimestampFieldLongDuplicator(fw, "time"); } else { throw new ConfigException(String.format("Type of '%s' column must be long or timestamp but got %s", columnName, columnType)); } // replace existint writer fieldWriters[duplicatePrimaryKeySourceIndex] = writer; fc += 1; } if (timeValueConfig.isPresent()) { staticTimeValue = Optional.of(TimeValueGenerator.newGenerator(timeValueConfig.get())); } else { staticTimeValue = Optional.absent(); } fieldCount = fc; } private static String newColumnUniqueName(String originalName, Schema schema) { String name = originalName; do { name += "_"; } while (containsColumnName(schema, name)); return name; } private static boolean containsColumnName(Schema schema, String name) { for (Column c : schema.getColumns()) { if (c.getName().equals(name)) { return true; } } return false; } @VisibleForTesting public IFieldWriter getFieldWriter(int index) { return fieldWriters[index]; } public void addRecord(final MsgpackGZFileBuilder builder, final PageReader reader) throws IOException { beginRecord(builder); reader.getSchema().visitColumns(new ColumnVisitor() { @Override public void booleanColumn(Column column) { addColumn(builder, reader, column); } @Override public void longColumn(Column column) { addColumn(builder, reader, column); } @Override public void doubleColumn(Column column) { addColumn(builder, reader, column); } @Override public void stringColumn(Column column) { addColumn(builder, reader, column); } @Override public void timestampColumn(Column column) { addColumn(builder, reader, column); } }); endRecord(builder); } private void beginRecord(MsgpackGZFileBuilder builder) throws IOException { builder.writeMapBegin(fieldCount); if (staticTimeValue.isPresent()) { builder.writeString("time"); builder.writeLong(staticTimeValue.get().next()); } } private void endRecord(MsgpackGZFileBuilder builder) throws IOException { builder.writeMapEnd(); } private void addColumn(MsgpackGZFileBuilder builder, PageReader reader, Column column) { try { fieldWriters[column.getIndex()].writeKeyValue(builder, reader, column); } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } }