## 0.3.5 (2020-06-10) - Added `learning_rate` option for LightGBM - Added support for Numo and Rover ## 0.3.4 (2020-04-05) - Added `predict_probability` for classification ## 0.3.3 (2020-02-24) - Fixed errors and incorrect predictions with boolean columns - Fixed deprecation warnings in Ruby 2.7 ## 0.3.2 (2019-12-08) - Added support for GSLR ## 0.3.1 (2019-12-06) - Added `weight` option for LightGBM and linear regression - Added `intercept` option for linear regression - Added LightGBM evaluator safety check - Fixed `Unknown label` error for LightGBM - Fixed error message for unstable solutions with linear regression ## 0.3.0 (2019-09-05) - Added support for LightGBM - Added text features - Fixed naive Bayes PMML - Fixed error with classification and Daru Breaking - LightGBM is now the default for new models - Cross-validation happens automatically by default - Removed support for JSON and PFA formats - Added smoothing to naive Bayes ## 0.2.1 (2019-05-19) - Fixed error with `summary` - Fixed error with `predict` in `Eps::Base` - Fixed error with loaded classification models ## 0.2.0 (2019-05-19) - Added support for classification - Added `to_pmml` method - Added `Eps::Base` ## 0.1.1 (2018-07-05) - Huge performance boost ## 0.1.0 (2018-07-03) - First release