class TokyoMetro::App::Renderer::RealTimeInfos::MetaDatum::TrainLocationInfos < TokyoMetro::App::Renderer::RealTimeInfos::MetaDatum::MetaClass def frequency &:frequency ).sort.uniq end # 列車位置情報のメタデータを出力するメソッド def render( include_train_location_infos: false , include_delay: true ) raise "Error" unless [ include_delay , include_train_location_infos ].all?( &:boolean? ) raise "Error" if !( include_delay ) and !( include_train_location_infos ) h_locals = { this: self , include_delay: include_delay , include_train_location_infos: include_train_location_infos } h.render inline: <<-HAML , type: :haml , locals: h_locals %li{ class: :train_location_infos } = this.render_title( include_train_location_infos , include_delay ) = this.render_meta_data HAML end def render_title( include_train_location_infos , include_delay ) h_locals_i = { this: self , include_train_location_infos: include_train_location_infos , include_delay: include_delay } h.render inline: <<-HAML , type: :haml , locals: h_locals_i %ul{ class: :titles } - if include_train_location_infos = this.render_title_of_train_location_infos - if include_delay = this.render_title_of_current_delay HAML end def render_title_of_current_delay render_title_of_each_content( :delay , "現在の遅れ" , "Delay" ) end def render_title_of_train_location_infos render_title_of_each_content( :train_location , ::TrainLocationDecorator.common_title_ja , ::TrainLocationDecorator.common_title_en ) end def render_meta_data h.render inline: <<-HAML , type: :haml , locals: h_locals %ul{ class: :time_infos_of_category } = this.render_dc_date_ja = this.render_next_update_time_ja = this.render_frequency_ja %ul{ class: [ :en , :text_en ] }< = this.render_dc_date_en = this.render_next_update_time_en = this.render_frequency_en HAML end def render_frequency_ja render_frequency( "#{ frequency_to_s }秒ごとに更新" ) end def render_frequency_en render_frequency( "Updates at intervals of #{ frequency_to_s } seconds." ) end private def frequency_to_s time_for_display( frequency , lang: nil ) end def render_frequency( str ) h.render inline: <<-HAML , type: :haml , locals: { str: str } %li{ class: :frequency }< = str HAML end end