require 'spec_helper' require 'dentaku' require 'dentaku/calculator' describe Dentaku::Calculator do describe 'functions' do describe 'external functions' do let(:with_external_funcs) do c = c.add_function(:now, :string, -> { }) fns = [ [:pow, :numeric, ->(mantissa, exponent) { mantissa**exponent }], [:biggest, :numeric, ->(*args) { args.max }], [:smallest, :numeric, ->(*args) { args.min }], [:optional, :numeric, ->(x, y, z = 0) { x + y + z }], ] c.add_functions(fns) end it 'includes NOW' do now = with_external_funcs.evaluate('NOW()') expect(now).not_to be_nil expect(now).not_to be_empty end it 'includes POW' do expect(with_external_funcs.evaluate('POW(2,3)')).to eq(8) expect(with_external_funcs.evaluate('POW(3,2)')).to eq(9) expect(with_external_funcs.evaluate('POW(mantissa,exponent)', mantissa: 2, exponent: 4)).to eq(16) end it 'includes BIGGEST' do expect(with_external_funcs.evaluate('BIGGEST(8,6,7,5,3,0,9)')).to eq(9) end it 'includes SMALLEST' do expect(with_external_funcs.evaluate('SMALLEST(8,6,7,5,3,0,9)')).to eq(0) end it 'includes OPTIONAL' do expect(with_external_funcs.evaluate('OPTIONAL(1,2)')).to eq(3) expect(with_external_funcs.evaluate('OPTIONAL(1,2,3)')).to eq(6) expect { with_external_funcs.dependencies('OPTIONAL()') }.to raise_error(Dentaku::ParseError) expect { with_external_funcs.dependencies('OPTIONAL(1,2,3,4)') }.to raise_error(Dentaku::ParseError) end it 'supports array parameters' do calculator = calculator.add_function( :includes, :logical, ->(haystack, needle) { haystack.include?(needle) } ) expect(calculator.evaluate("INCLUDES(list, 2)", list: [1, 2, 3])).to eq(true) end end it 'allows registering "bang" functions' do calculator = calculator.add_function(:hey!, :string, -> { "hey!" }) expect(calculator.evaluate("hey!()")).to eq("hey!") end it 'defines for a given function a properly named class that represents it to support AST marshaling' do calculator = expect { calculator.add_function(:ho, :string, -> {}) }.to change { Dentaku::AST::Function.const_defined?("Ho") }.from(false).to(true) expect { Marshal.dump(calculator.ast('MAX(1, 2)')) }.not_to raise_error end it 'does not store functions across all calculators' do calculator1 = calculator1.add_function(:my_function, :numeric, ->(x) { 2 * x + 1 }) calculator2 = calculator2.add_function(:my_function, :numeric, ->(x) { 4 * x + 3 }) expect(calculator1.evaluate!("1 + my_function(2)")). to eq(1 + 2 * 2 + 1) expect(calculator2.evaluate!("1 + my_function(2)")). to eq(1 + 4 * 2 + 3) expect {!("1 + my_function(2)") }.to raise_error(Dentaku::ParseError) end describe 'Dentaku::Calculator.add_function' do it 'adds to default/global function registry' do Dentaku::Calculator.add_function(:global_function, :numeric, ->(x) { 10 + x**2 }) expect("global_function(3) + 5")).to eq(10 + 3**2 + 5) end end end end