# == Machine Tags
# Machine tags, also known as triple tags, are in the format: 
#   [namespace]:[predicate]=[value]
# As explained here[http://www.flickr.com/groups/api/discuss/72157594497877875],
# a namespace and predicate must start with a letter a-z while its remaining characters can be any lowercase alphanumeric character
# and underscore. A value can contain any characters that normal tags use.
# == Wildcard Machine Tags
# Wildcard machine tag syntax is used with Tag.machine_tags() and {tagged_with() or find_tagged_with()}[link:classes/HasMachineTags/SingletonMethods.html] of tagged objects.
# This syntax allows one to fetch items that fall under a group of tags, as specified by namespace, predicate, value or
# a combination of these ways. While this plugin supports {Flickr's wildcard format}[http://code.flickr.com/blog/2008/07/18/wildcard-machine-tag-urls/],
# it also supports its own slightly shorter format.
# === Examples
# For a tag 'user:name=john', the following wildcards would match it:
# * Wild namespace (any tag with namespace user)
#     Tag.machine_tags 'user:'   # Our way
#     Tag.machine_tags 'user:*=' # Flickr way
# * Wild predicate (any tag with predicate name)
#     Tag.machine_tags 'name='   # Our way
#     Tag.machine_tags '*:name=' # Flickr way
# * Wild predicate (any tag with value john)
#     Tag.machine_tags '=john'    # Our way
#     Tag.machine_tags '*:*=john' # Flickr way
# * Wild namespace and predicate (any tag with namespace user and predicate name)
#     Tag.machine_tags 'user:name'  # Our way
#     Tag.machine_tags 'user:name=' # Flickr way
# * Wild predicate and value (any tag with predicate name and value john)
#     Tag.machine_tags 'name=john'   # Our way
#     Tag.machine_tags '*:name=john' # Flickr way
# * Wild namespace and value (any tag with namespace user and value john)
#     Tag.machine_tags 'user.john'   # Our way
#     Tag.machine_tags 'user:*=john' # Flickr way
# == Food For Thought
# So what's so great about being able to give a tag a namespace and a predicate?
# * It allows for more fine-grained tag queries by giving multiple contexts:
#   Say instead of having tagged with 'user:name=john' we had tagged with the traditional separate
#   tags: user, name and john. How would we know that we had meant an item to be tagged
#   as a user ie with namespace user? We wouldn't know. Any query for 'user' would return
#   all user-tagged items <b>without context</b>. With machine tags, we can have 'user' refer
#   to a particular combination of namespace, predicate and value.
# * It keeps tag-spaces cleaner because there are more contexts:
#   With traditional separate tags, tags just have a global context. So
#   if different users decide to give different meaning to the same tag, the tag starts to become
#   polluted and loses its usefulness. With the limitless contexts provided by machine tags,
#   a machine tag is less likely to pollute other tags.
# * It allows tagging to serve as a medium for defining relationships between objects:
#   Since a machine tag tracks three attributes (namespace, predicate and value), it's possible to develop relationships
#   between the attributes. This means namespaces can have many predicates and predicates can have many values.
#   Since this closely resembles object modeling, we can start to use tagging to form relationships between tagged items and other objects.

class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :taggings
  validates_presence_of :name
  validates_uniqueness_of :name
  before_save :update_name_related_columns
  NAMESPACE_REGEX = "[a-z](?:[a-z0-9_]+)"
  PREDICATE_REGEX = "[a-z](?:[a-z0-9_-]+)"
  VALUE_REGEX = '.+'

  #disallow machine tags special characters and tag list delimiter OR allow machine tag format
  validates_format_of :name, :with=>/\A(([^\*\=\:\.,]+)|(#{NAMESPACE_REGEX}\:#{PREDICATE_REGEX}\=#{VALUE_REGEX}))\Z/
  named_scope :namespace_counts, :select=>'*, namespace as counter, count(namespace) as count', :group=>"namespace HAVING count(namespace)>=1"
  named_scope :predicate_counts, :select=>'*, predicate as counter, count(predicate) as count', :group=>"predicate HAVING count(predicate)>=1"
  named_scope :value_counts, :select=>'*, value as counter, count(value) as count', :group=>"value HAVING count(value)>=1"
  named_scope :distinct_namespaces, :select=>"distinct namespace"
  named_scope :distinct_predicates, :select=>"distinct predicate"
  named_scope :distinct_values, :select=>"distinct value"

  def self.namespaces; distinct_namespaces.map(&:namespace).compact; end
  def self.predicates; distinct_predicates.map(&:predicate).compact; end
  def self.values; distinct_values.map(&:value).compact; end
  # To be used with the *counts methods.
  # For example:
  #   stat(:namespace_counts) 
  # This prints out pairs of a namespaces and their counts in the tags table.
  def self.stat(type)
    shortcuts = {:n=>:namespace_counts, :p=>:predicate_counts, :v=>:value_counts }
    send(shortcuts[type] || type).map {|e| [e.counter, e.count] }

  # Takes a wildcard machine tag and returns matching tags.
  def self.machine_tags(name)
    conditions = if (match = match_wildcard_machine_tag(name))
      match.map {|k,v|
        sanitize_sql(["#{k} = ?", v])
      }.join(" AND ")
      sanitize_sql(["name = ?", name])
    find(:all, :conditions=>conditions)
  # Valid wildcards with their equivalent shortcuts
  # namespace:*=* -> namespace:
  # *:predicate=* -> predicate=
  # *:*=value     -> :value
  def self.match_wildcard_machine_tag(name) #:nodoc:
    if name =~ /^(#{NAMESPACE_REGEX}|\*)\:(#{PREDICATE_REGEX}|\*)\=(#{VALUE_REGEX}|\*)?$/
      result = [[:namespace, $1], [:predicate, $2], [:value, $3]].select {|k,v| ![nil,'*'].include?(v) }
      result.size == 3 ? nil : result
    #duo shortcuts
      $1 ? [:namespace, :predicate].zip($1.split(":")) : ($2 ? [:predicate, :value].zip($2.split("=")) :
        [:namespace, :value].zip($3.split('.')) )
    #single shortcuts
    elsif name =~ /^((#{NAMESPACE_REGEX})(?:\:)|(#{PREDICATE_REGEX})(?:\=)|(?:\=)(#{VALUE_REGEX}))$/
      $2 ? [[:namespace, $2]] : ($3 ? [[:predicate, $3]] : [[:value, $4]])
  def extract_from_name(tag_name) #:nodoc:
    (tag_name =~ /^(#{NAMESPACE_REGEX})\:(#{PREDICATE_REGEX})\=(#{VALUE_REGEX})$/) ? [$1, $2, $3] : nil

  def update_name_related_columns
    if self.changed.include?('name') && (arr = extract_from_name(self.name))
      self[:namespace], self[:predicate], self[:value] = arr