# frozen_string_literal: true require "dependabot/shared_helpers" require "dependabot/composer/update_checker" require "dependabot/composer/version" require "dependabot/composer/native_helpers" module Dependabot module Composer class UpdateChecker class VersionResolver VERSION_REGEX = /[0-9]+(?:\.[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+)*/.freeze SOURCE_TIMED_OUT_REGEX = /The "(?[^"]+packages\.json)".*timed out/.freeze def initialize(credentials:, dependency:, dependency_files:, requirements_to_unlock:, latest_allowable_version:) @credentials = credentials @dependency = dependency @dependency_files = dependency_files @requirements_to_unlock = requirements_to_unlock @latest_allowable_version = latest_allowable_version end def latest_resolvable_version @latest_resolvable_version ||= fetch_latest_resolvable_version end private attr_reader :credentials, :dependency, :dependency_files, :requirements_to_unlock, :latest_allowable_version def fetch_latest_resolvable_version version = fetch_latest_resolvable_version_string return if version.nil? return unless Composer::Version.correct?(version) Composer::Version.new(version) end def fetch_latest_resolvable_version_string base_directory = dependency_files.first.directory SharedHelpers.in_a_temporary_directory(base_directory) do File.write("composer.json", prepared_composer_json_content) File.write("composer.lock", lockfile.content) if lockfile run_update_checker end rescue SharedHelpers::HelperSubprocessFailed => e retry_count ||= 0 retry_count += 1 retry if transitory_failure?(e) && retry_count < 2 handle_composer_errors(e) end def transitory_failure?(error) return true if error.message.include?("404 Not Found") return true if error.message.include?("timed out") return true if error.message.include?("Temporary failure") error.message.include?("Content-Length mismatch") end def run_update_checker SharedHelpers.with_git_configured(credentials: credentials) do SharedHelpers.run_helper_subprocess( command: "php -d memory_limit=-1 #{php_helper_path}", escape_command_str: false, function: "get_latest_resolvable_version", args: [ Dir.pwd, dependency.name.downcase, git_credentials, registry_credentials ] ) end end def prepared_composer_json_content content = composer_file.content content.gsub( /"#{Regexp.escape(dependency.name)}"\s*:\s*".*"/, %("#{dependency.name}": "#{updated_version_requirement_string}") ) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def updated_version_requirement_string lower_bound = if requirements_to_unlock == :none dependency.requirements.first&.fetch(:requirement) || ">= 0" elsif dependency.version ">= #{dependency.version}" else version_for_requirement = dependency.requirements.map { |r| r[:requirement] }.compact. reject { |req_string| req_string.start_with?("<") }. select { |req_string| req_string.match?(VERSION_REGEX) }. map { |req_string| req_string.match(VERSION_REGEX) }. select { |version| Gem::Version.correct?(version) }. max_by { |version| Gem::Version.new(version) } ">= #{version_for_requirement || 0}" end # Add the latest_allowable_version as an upper bound. This means # ignore conditions are considered when checking for the latest # resolvable version. # # NOTE: This isn't perfect. If v2.x is ignored and v3 is out but # unresolvable then the `latest_allowable_version` will be v3, and # we won't be ignoring v2.x releases like we should be. return lower_bound unless latest_allowable_version # If the original requirement is just a stability flag just use that return lower_bound if lower_bound.strip.start_with?("@") lower_bound + ", <= #{latest_allowable_version}" end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def handle_composer_errors(error) sanitized_message = remove_url_credentials(error.message) if error.message.start_with?("Failed to execute git clone") dependency_url = error.message.match(/--mirror '(?.*?)'/). named_captures.fetch("url") raise Dependabot::GitDependenciesNotReachable, dependency_url elsif error.message.start_with?("Failed to clone") dependency_url = error.message.match(/Failed to clone (?.*?) via/). named_captures.fetch("url") raise Dependabot::GitDependenciesNotReachable, dependency_url elsif error.message.start_with?("Could not parse version") || error.message.include?("does not allow connections to http://") raise Dependabot::DependencyFileNotResolvable, sanitized_message elsif error.message.include?("requested PHP extension") extensions = error.message.scan(/\sext\-.*?\s/).map(&:strip).uniq msg = "Dependabot's installed extensions didn't match those "\ "required by your application.\n\n"\ "Please add the following extensions to the platform "\ "config in your composer.json to allow Dependabot to run: "\ "#{extensions.join(', ')}.\n\n"\ "The full error raised was:\n\n#{error.message}" raise Dependabot::DependencyFileNotResolvable, msg elsif error.message.include?("package requires php") || error.message.include?("cannot require itself") || error.message.include?('packages.json" file could not be down') raise Dependabot::DependencyFileNotResolvable, error.message elsif error.message.include?("No driver found to handle VCS") && !error.message.include?("@") && !error.message.include?("://") msg = "Dependabot detected a VCS requirement with a local path, "\ "rather than a URL. Dependabot does not support this "\ "setup.\n\nThe underlying error was:\n\n#{error.message}" raise Dependabot::DependencyFileNotResolvable, msg elsif error.message.include?("requirements could not be resolved") # We should raise a Dependabot::DependencyFileNotResolvable error # here, but can't confidently distinguish between cases where we # can't install and cases where we can't update. For now, we # therefore just ignore the dependency. nil elsif error.message.include?("URL required authentication") || error.message.include?("403 Forbidden") source = error.message.match(%r{https?://(?[^/]+)/}). named_captures.fetch("source") raise Dependabot::PrivateSourceAuthenticationFailure, source elsif error.message.match?(SOURCE_TIMED_OUT_REGEX) url = error.message.match(SOURCE_TIMED_OUT_REGEX). named_captures.fetch("url") raise if url.include?("packagist.org") source = url.gsub(%r{/packages.json$}, "") raise Dependabot::PrivateSourceTimedOut, source elsif error.message.start_with?("Allowed memory size") raise Dependabot::OutOfMemory elsif error.message.start_with?("Package not found in updated") && !dependency.top_level? # If we can't find the dependency in the composer.lock after an # update, but it was originally a sub-dependency, it's because the # dependency is no longer required and is just cruft in the # composer.json. In this case we just ignore the dependency. nil elsif error.message.include?("stefandoorn/sitemap-plugin-") || error.message.include?("simplethings/entity-audit-bundle-1.0.0") # We get a recurring error when attempting to update these repos # which doesn't recur locally and we can't figure out how to fix! # # Package is not installed: stefandoorn/sitemap-plugin- nil else raise error end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def php_helper_path NativeHelpers.composer_helper_path end def composer_file @composer_file ||= dependency_files.find { |f| f.name == "composer.json" } end def lockfile @lockfile ||= dependency_files.find { |f| f.name == "composer.lock" } end def git_credentials credentials. select { |cred| cred["type"] == "git_source" }. select { |cred| cred["password"] } end def registry_credentials credentials. select { |cred| cred["type"] == "composer_repository" }. select { |cred| cred["password"] } end def remove_url_credentials(message) message.gsub(%r{(?<=://)[^\s]*:[^\s]*(?=@)}, "****") end end end end end