# All remote actions are automatically enabled to show a gui indicator during a remote call with this plugin.
# == Note
# If you have installed another plugin that overrides rails methods such as remote_function,
# form_remote_tag, or submit_to_remote then this plugin may not work as intended. So if
# you find that some methods aren't working as expected then this could be a possible problem. This also
# holds for the other plugins overriding the same methods.
# Default values that can be overridden in environment.rb
# * default_image - The default image indicator
# * default_id - The default css id given to the indicator
# * default_class - The default css class given to the indicator
# * enable_all - Enable remote indicators on all remote functions by default
# * effect - The default effect to apply to the indicator when it is shown(before) and hidden(after)
# == Examples
# * RemoteIndicator.default_image = 'spinner.gif'
# * RemoteIndicator.default_id = 'spinner'
# * RemoteIndicator.default_class = 'spinner'
# * RemoteIndicator.enable_all = false
# * RemoteIndicator.effect = {:before => 'new Effect.Appear', :after => 'new Effect.Fade'}
class RemoteIndicator
@@default_image = 'indicator.gif'
cattr_accessor :default_image
@@default_id = 'indicator'
cattr_accessor :default_id
@@default_class = 'indicator'
cattr_accessor :default_class
@@enable_all = true
cattr_accessor :enable_all
@@effect = {:before => 'Element.show', :after => 'Element.hide'}
cattr_accessor :effect
# Progress indication is built in using the indicator method and the optional :indicator option for remote calls.
# See remote_function documentation for more information.
# The :indicator options adds the functionality of using a remote indicator (an image) during the execution
# of all remote functions.
# Functionality added to disable the form by default during a remote call using methods such as remote_function,
# form_remote_tag, remote_form_for and submit_to_remote.
# This is useful to prevent a user from submitting a form twice while a remote call is in progress
# since the submit button will be disabled and therefore not clickable.
# Additional options:
# * :indicator - The css id of an element to show and hide during a remote call.
# Defaults to RemoteIndicator.default_id.
# Set :indicator to false if no indicator is to be used.
# Set :indicator to true in order to use the default indicator (RemoteIndicator.default_id).
# If RemoteIndicator.enable_all is set to true, :indicator => true is not required.
# Set :indicator to a hash with the :toggle option to replace the current element with the dom element specified by :toggle. Ex. :indicator => {:toggle => dom_id(object)}
# * :disable_form - Specifies if the form will disable or not during the remote call.
# Defaults to true.
# Set :disable_form to false to keep the form enabled during a remote function call.
# * :before_effect - Specifies the before 'effect' for the indicator.
# Defaults to 'Element.show'.
# * :after_effect - Specifies the after 'effect' for the indicator.
# Defaults to 'Element.hide'.
module ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper
# Creates an indicator image. The options supplied are the same used with +image_tag+
# === Examples
# Using a custom indicator id
# <%= indicator :id => 'spinner' %>
# Shorthand using a string for the options (sets the :id automatically)
# <%= indicator 'spinner' %>
# Toggle the current link with an indicator
# <%= link_to_remote image_tag('add.png'), :url => do_something_path, :indicator => {:toggle => 'spinner'} %> <%= indicator 'spinner' %>
# Using many indicators on the same page
# <% collection.each do |id| %>
# <%= link_to_remote :url => do_something_path, :indicator => "link#{id}" %> <%= indicator :id => "link#{id}" %>
# <% end %>
def indicator(options = {})
indicator_image indicator_options(options)
# Sets the proper options for custom indicators.
# Current and additional options are:
# * :id - The css id of the indicator. Defaults to RemoteIndicator.default_id
# * :class - The css class of the indicator. Defaults to RemoteIndicator.default_class
# * :hide - Hide the image by default. Defaults to true.
# === Example
# Create an indicator with text
# <%= content_tag 'span', 'Updating Data... ', indicator_options %>
# Pass any options you'd normally use to the method itself
# <%= content_tag 'span', 'Updating Data... ', indicator_options(:style => 'width:100px')
def indicator_options(options = {})
# if options is a string then use it as the :id value
options = {:id => options} if options.is_a?(String)
options.reverse_merge!(:id => RemoteIndicator.default_id, :class => RemoteIndicator.default_class, :hide => true)
options[:style] = [options[:style], 'display:none'].compact.join(';') if options.delete(:hide)
# Creates an indicator image. The options supplied are the same used with +image_tag+
# This method differs from +indicator+ in that it simply produces the indicator image without
# the additional indicator options to for hiding the image by default etc. Without the
# additional options, this method can create the standalone indicator image for use in more
# complex indicators that use the image in combination with additional markup.
# === Example
# <%= content_tag 'div', 'Updating Data... ' + indicator_image, indicator_options %>
def indicator_image(options = {})
image_tag RemoteIndicator.default_image, options
alias :remote_function_old :remote_function
# === Examples
# * To use the default values - <%= remote_function :url => {:action => 'dosomething'} %> <%= indicator %>
# * To disable the gui indicator - <%= remote_function :url => {:action => 'dosomething'}, :indicator => false %>
# * To use a custom :id - <%= remote_function :url => {:action => 'dosomething'}, :indicator => 'custom' %> <%= indicator :id => 'custom' %>
# * To fade the indicator instead of simply hiding it - <%= remote_function(:update => 'someid', :url => {:action => 'dosomething'}, :after_effect => 'new Effect.Fade') %>
# === Examples using :disable_form
# See module documentation for usage of the :disable_form option.
# Automatically disables a form (no additional options)
# <%= remote_function(:update => 'someid', :submit => 'myform', :url => {:action => 'dosomething'}) %>
# Prevents a form from being disabled
# <%= remote_function(:update => 'someid', :submit => 'myform', :url => {:action => 'dosomething'}, :disable_form => false) %>
# No form disabled as no :submit option is provided
# <%= remote_function(:update => 'someid', :url => {:action => 'dosomething'}) %>
# Don't forget to use <%= indicator %> on the page with remote calls or the javascript will fail
# and your action won't complete (In development mode you will be shown an alert if the indicator has not been defined).
# This doesn't apply if you set the indicator to false... :indicator => false.
def remote_function(options)
options[:indicator] = RemoteIndicator.default_id if options[:indicator] == true || (options[:indicator].nil? && RemoteIndicator.enable_all)
if indicator = options.delete(:indicator)
options.reverse_merge! :before_effect => RemoteIndicator.effect[:before], :after_effect => RemoteIndicator.effect[:after]
indicator = indicator[:toggle] if (toggle = indicator.is_a?(Hash))
before_js = String.new.tap do |js|
js << "Element.hide(this);" if toggle
js << "#{options[:before_effect]}('#{indicator}')"
after_js = String.new.tap do |js|
js << "#{options[:after_effect]}('#{indicator}')"
js << ";Element.show(this)" if toggle
event_options = {
:before => (RAILS_ENV == 'development' ? "try { #{before_js} } catch(e) { alert('The remote helper indicator \\'#{indicator}\\' has not been defined.\\n\\nEither define the indicator with the \\'indicator\\' method or pass :indicator => false as an option to disable the indicator.') }" : before_js),
:complete => after_js
merge_option_values! options, event_options
add_disable_options! options
alias :form_remote_tag_old :form_remote_tag
# See module documentation for usage of the :disable_form option.
# See remote_function documentation for usage of the :indicator option.
# === Examples
# Automatically disables a form (no additional options)
# <%= form_remote_tag(:url => {:action => 'dosomething'}) %>
# Prevents the form from being disabled
# <%= form_remote_tag(:url => {:action => 'dosomething'}, :disable_form => false) %>
def form_remote_tag(options = {}, &block)
options.reverse_merge! :disable_form => true
if options.delete(:disable_form)
# we can't disable using :before because disabled fields aren't serialized, must use :after
merge_option_values! options, {
:before => 'var form = $(this), disabled_elems = []',
# save form elements that are already disabled
:after => "disabled_elems = form.select(':disabled'); Form.disable(form)",
# re-disable any previously disabled elements
:complete => "Form.enable(form); disabled_elems.invoke('disable')"
form_remote_tag_old(options, &block)
alias :submit_to_remote_old :submit_to_remote
# See module documentation for usage of the :disable_form option.
# See remote_function documentation for usage of the :indicator option.
# The option :disable_form disables a form (specified using the :submit option)
# === Example
# Automatically disables a form (no additional options)
# <%= submit_to_remote('name', 'Submit', :submit => 'myform', :url => {:action => 'dosomething'}) %>
# Prevents a form from being disabled
# <%= submit_to_remote('name', 'Submit', :submit => 'myform', :url => {:action => 'dosomething'}, :disable_form => false) %>
def submit_to_remote(name, value, options = {})
add_disable_options! options
submit_to_remote_old(name, value, options)
def add_disable_options!(options)
options.reverse_merge! :disable_form => true
if options.delete(:disable_form) && options[:submit]
# we can't disable using :before because disabled fields aren't serialized, must use :after
merge_option_values! options, {:after => "Form.disable('#{options[:submit]}')", :complete => "Form.enable('#{options[:submit]}')"}
def merge_option_values!(options, code, sep = ';')
code.each_pair {|key,value| options[key] = [value, options[key]].compact.join(sep)}