#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'rbconfig' require 'erb' require 'etc' require 'logger' require 'treequel' require 'treequel/constants' module Treequel # A collection of various delegation code-generators that can be used to define # delegation through other methods, to instance variables, etc. module Delegation ############### module_function ############### ### Define the given +delegated_methods+ as delegators to the like-named method ### of the return value of the +delegate_method+. ### ### class MyClass ### extend Treequel::Delegation ### ### # Delegate the #bound?, #err, and #result2error methods to the connection ### # object returned by the #connection method. This allows the connection ### # to still be loaded on demand/overridden/etc. ### def_method_delegators :connection, :bound?, :err, :result2error ### ### def connection ### @connection ||= self.connect ### end ### end ### def def_method_delegators( delegate_method, *delegated_methods ) delegated_methods.each do |name| body = make_method_delegator( delegate_method, name ) define_method( name, &body ) end end ### Define the given +delegated_methods+ as delegators to the like-named method ### of the specified +ivar+. This is pretty much identical with how 'Forwardable' ### from the stdlib does delegation, but it's reimplemented here for consistency. ### ### class MyClass ### extend Treequel::Delegation ### ### # Delegate the #each method to the @collection ivar ### def_ivar_delegators :@collection, :each ### ### end ### def def_ivar_delegators( ivar, *delegated_methods ) delegated_methods.each do |name| body = make_ivar_delegator( ivar, name ) define_method( name, &body ) end end ####### private ####### ### Make the body of a delegator method that will delegate to the +name+ method ### of the object returned by the +delegate+ method. def make_method_delegator( delegate, name ) error_frame = caller(4)[0] file, line = error_frame.split( ':', 2 ) # Ruby can't parse obj.method=(*args), so we have to special-case setters... if name.to_s =~ /(\w+)=$/ name = $1 code = <<-END_CODE lambda {|*args| self.#{delegate}.#{name} = *args } END_CODE else code = <<-END_CODE lambda {|*args,&block| self.#{delegate}.#{name}(*args,&block) } END_CODE end return eval( code, nil, file, line.to_i ) end ### Make the body of a delegator method that will delegate calls to the +name+ ### method to the given +ivar+. def make_ivar_delegator( ivar, name ) error_frame = caller(4)[0] file, line = error_frame.split( ':', 2 ) # Ruby can't parse obj.method=(*args), so we have to special-case setters... if name.to_s =~ /(\w+)=$/ name = $1 code = <<-END_CODE lambda {|*args| #{ivar}.#{name} = *args } END_CODE else code = <<-END_CODE lambda {|*args,&block| #{ivar}.#{name}(*args,&block) } END_CODE end return eval( code, nil, file, line.to_i ) end end # module Delegation # A collection of key-normalization functions for various artifacts in LDAP like # attribute names, objectclass OIDs, etc. module Normalization ############### module_function ############### ### Normalize the given key, returning a downcased Symbol stripped of any invalid ### characters, and with '-' characters converted to '_'. def normalize_key( key ) return key if key.to_s =~ Treequel::Constants::Patterns::NUMERICOID return key.to_s.downcase. gsub( /[^[:alnum:]\-_]/, '' ). gsub( '-', '_' ). to_sym end ### Return a copy of +hash+ with all of its keys normalized by #normalize_key. def normalize_hash( hash ) hash = hash.dup hash.keys.each do |key| nkey = normalize_key( key ) hash[ nkey ] = hash.delete( key ) if key != nkey end return hash end end # Normalization ### Add logging to a Treequel class. Including classes get #log and #log_debug methods. module Loggable ### Inclusion callback -- extend including modules with Loggability instead for ### backward-compatibility. def self::included( mod ) mod.extend( Loggability ) mod.log_to( :treequel ) end end # module Loggable ### A collection of utilities for working with Hashes. module HashUtilities ############### module_function ############### ### Return a version of the given +hash+ with its keys transformed ### into Strings from whatever they were before. def stringify_keys( hash ) newhash = {} hash.each do |key,val| if val.is_a?( Hash ) newhash[ key.to_s ] = stringify_keys( val ) else newhash[ key.to_s ] = val end end return newhash end ### Return a duplicate of the given +hash+ with its identifier-like keys ### transformed into symbols from whatever they were before. def symbolify_keys( hash ) newhash = {} hash.each do |key,val| keysym = key.to_s.dup.untaint.to_sym if val.is_a?( Hash ) newhash[ keysym ] = symbolify_keys( val ) else newhash[ keysym ] = val end end return newhash end alias_method :internify_keys, :symbolify_keys # Recursive hash-merge function def merge_recursively( key, oldval, newval ) case oldval when Hash case newval when Hash oldval.merge( newval, &method(:merge_recursively) ) else newval end when Array case newval when Array oldval | newval else newval end else newval end end ### Normalize the attributes in +hash+ to be of the form expected by the ### LDAP library (i.e., keys as Strings, values as Arrays of Strings) def normalize_attributes( hash ) normhash = {} hash.each do |key,val| val = [ val ] unless val.is_a?( Array ) val.collect! {|obj| obj.to_s } normhash[ key.to_s ] = val end normhash.delete( 'dn' ) return normhash end end # HashUtilities ### A collection of utilities for working with Arrays. module ArrayUtilities ############### module_function ############### ### Return a version of the given +array+ with any Symbols contained in it turned into ### Strings. def stringify_array( array ) return array.collect do |item| case item when Symbol item.to_s when Array stringify_array( item ) else item end end end ### Return a version of the given +array+ with any Strings contained in it turned into ### Symbols. def symbolify_array( array ) return array.collect do |item| case item when String item.to_sym when Array symbolify_array( item ) else item end end end end # module ArrayUtilities ### A collection of attribute declaration functions module AttributeDeclarations ############### module_function ############### ### Declare predicate accessors for the attributes associated with the specified ### +symbols+. def predicate_attr( *symbols ) symbols.each do |attrname| define_method( "#{attrname}?" ) do instance_variable_defined?( "@#{attrname}" ) && instance_variable_get( "@#{attrname}" ) ? true : false end define_method( "#{attrname}=" ) do |newval| instance_variable_set( "@#{attrname}", newval ? true : false ) end alias_method "is_#{attrname}?", "#{attrname}?" end end end # module AttributeDeclarations ### A collection of ANSI color utility functions module ANSIColorUtilities # Set some ANSI escape code constants (Shamelessly stolen from Perl's # Term::ANSIColor by Russ Allbery and Zenin ANSI_ATTRIBUTES = { 'clear' => 0, 'reset' => 0, 'bold' => 1, 'dark' => 2, 'underline' => 4, 'underscore' => 4, 'blink' => 5, 'reverse' => 7, 'concealed' => 8, 'black' => 30, 'on_black' => 40, 'red' => 31, 'on_red' => 41, 'green' => 32, 'on_green' => 42, 'yellow' => 33, 'on_yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 34, 'on_blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 35, 'on_magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 36, 'on_cyan' => 46, 'white' => 37, 'on_white' => 47 } ############### module_function ############### ### Create a string that contains the ANSI codes specified and return it def ansi_code( *attributes ) attributes.flatten! attributes.collect! {|at| at.to_s } return '' unless /(?:vt10[03]|xterm(?:-color)?|linux|screen)/i =~ ENV['TERM'] attributes = ANSI_ATTRIBUTES.values_at( *attributes ).compact.join(';') if attributes.empty? return '' else return "\e[%sm" % attributes end end ### Colorize the given +string+ with the specified +attributes+ and return it, handling ### line-endings, color reset, etc. def colorize( *args ) string = '' if block_given? string = yield else string = args.shift end ending = string[/(\s)$/] || '' string = string.rstrip return ansi_code( args.flatten ) + string + ansi_code( 'reset' ) + ending end end # module ANSIColorUtilities end # module Treequel # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: