$base-font-family: unquote("sans-serif") !default; $base-font-size: 13px !default; $base-line-height: 1.231 !default; // // Font normalization inspired by YUI Library's fonts.css: developer.yahoo.com/yui/ // Whatever parts of this port of YUI to Sass that are copyrightable, are Copyright (c) 2008, Christopher Eppstein. All Rights Reserved. // @mixin html5-boilerplate-fonts($family: $base-font-family, $size: $base-font-size, $line-height: $base-line-height) { body { font-size: $size; font-family: $family; line-height: $line-height; // hack retained to preserve specificity *font-size: small; } select, input, textarea, button { font: 99% $family; } // Normalize monospace sizing: // en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Common.css/Archive_11#Teletype_style_fix_for_Chrome pre, code, kbd, samp { font-family: monospace, sans-serif; } } @mixin font-smoothing { @warn "The 'font-smoothing' mixin has been deprecated as it made monospace too thin."; } // Sets the font size specified in pixels using percents so that the base // font size changes and 1em has the correct value. When nesting font size // declarations, within the DOM tree, the base_font_size must be the parent's // effective font-size in pixels. // Usage Examples: // .big // +font-size(16px) // .bigger // +font-size(18px) // .big .bigger // +font-size(18px, 16px) // // For more information see the table found at http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/cssfonts/#fontsize @mixin font-size($size, $base-font-size: $base-font-size) { font-size: ceil(percentage($size / $base-font-size)); }